
488 lines
18 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env nix-shell
#!nix-shell -i python3 -p "python3.withPackages (ps: [ ps.mutagen ])"
# mutagen docs:
# - <>
tool which runs over a complete music library or a subset of it and:
- detect tags which are missing or likely incorrect
- write new tags to existing media
- new tags are specified manually (--artist, --album, ...)
- OR determined via file path
this tool does NOT move or rename files. it only edits tags.
USAGE: cd MUSIC_LIBRARY_TOP && sane-tag-music [options] fix-tags|fix-paths [more-options] DIRECTORY [DIRECTORY ...]
scans DIRECTORY and guesses artist/album/title for each track, based on path relative to pwd.
if the guessed tags look more correct than the existing tags (i.e. if the existing file is missing a tag),
then this updates the tags on-disk to reflect their path.
DIRECTORY: specify `.` to scan the entire library.
--dry-run: only show what would be done, don't actually do it.
--force: apply path-based tag to each file, even those which already have tags (only for fix-tags)
--album ALBUM manually specify the tag, rather than guessing from path.
--album-artist ARTIST often combined with DIRECTORY to tag an entire artist or album.
--artist ARTIST
--tile TITLE
from dataclasses import dataclass
import argparse
import logging
import os
import os.path
import mutagen.easyid3
import mutagen.flac
import mutagen.mp3
import mutagen.oggopus
import mutagen.oggvorbis
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def clean_for_loose_compare(a: str) -> str:
a = a.strip().lower()
if a.startswith("the "):
a = a[len("the "):]
# goal is to help merge path-extracted tags with embedded tags.
# it's common for a tag to have some rich characters which can't be represented in a file.
# so just remove rich characters, but in a way which doesn't become useless when faced with primarily non-latin names
omitable = '. &()[];:'
unomitable = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789'
a = "".join(c for c in a if c not in omitable)
cleaned = "".join(c for c in a if c in unomitable)
if len(cleaned) >= 0.5 * len(a):
return cleaned
# we cleaned a *suspicious* amount, probably erroneously.
# likely a non-english album/artist/track
return a
def loose_compare_str(a: str, b: str) -> bool:
return clean_for_loose_compare(a) == clean_for_loose_compare(b)
def loose_compare_lists(a: list[str], b: list[str]) -> bool:
a = sorted(clean_for_loose_compare(i) for i in a)
b = sorted(clean_for_loose_compare(i) for i in b)
return a == b
def clean_for_fs(a: str, single_field: bool=False) -> str:
preserve = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789._-'
a = a.replace(" ", ".")
if single_field:
a = a.replace("-", ".")
a = "".join(l for l in a if l.lower() in preserve)
while ".." in a:
a = a.replace("..", ".")
return a
class Tags:
# format matches mutagen's
# these tags could be technically valid, but semantically invalid
# e.g. a tracknumber that's not a number
artist: list[str]
album: list[str]
title: list[str]
albumartist: list[str]
tracknumber: list[str]
def __init__(
artist: list[str] = None,
album: list[str] = None,
title: list[str] = None,
albumartist: list[str] = None,
tracknumber: list[str] = None,
self.artist = artist or []
self.album = album or []
self.title = title or []
self.albumartist = albumartist or []
self.tracknumber = tracknumber or []
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f"artist:{self.artist}/{self.albumartist}, album:{self.album}, title:{self.title}, trackno:{self.tracknumber}"
def union(self, fallback: 'Tags') -> 'Tags':
def merge_field(primary: list[str], secondary: list[str]) -> list[str]:
# primary_lower = [i.lower() for i in primary]
# return primary + [i for i in secondary if i.lower() not in primary_lower]
return primary or secondary
artist=merge_field(self.artist, fallback.artist)
album=merge_field(self.album, fallback.album)
title=merge_field(self.title, fallback.title)
albumartist=merge_field(self.albumartist, fallback.albumartist)
tracknumber=merge_field(self.tracknumber, fallback.tracknumber)
if artist == albumartist:
# if extraneous, then keep the album artist whatever it originally was
albumartist = self.albumartist
return Tags(
def trim_fields(self) -> None:
if len(self.title) == 1:
self.title = [ self.title[0].strip() ]
if len(self.artist) == 1:
self.artist = [ self.artist[0].strip() ]
if len(self.albumartist) == 1:
self.albumartist = [ self.albumartist[0].strip() ]
if len(self.album) == 1:
self.album = [ self.album[0].strip() ]
def expand_shorthands(self) -> None:
va = ["V.A.", "Various"]
for i, a in enumerate(self.artist):
if a in va:
self.artist[i] = "Various Artists"
for i, a in enumerate(self.albumartist):
if a in va:
self.albumartist[i] = "Various Artists"
def promote_albumartist(self) -> None:
1. replace shorthands like "V.A." with "Various Artists".
2. if there's only an album artist, and no track artist, turn the album artist into the track artist.
3. if the artist and album artist are nearly identical, try to merge them.
if loose_compare_lists(self.artist, self.albumartist):
# arist & album artist are nearly identical:
# probably guessed one of them from filename, which was lacking certain symbols of the actual artist.
# recover whichever of these fields had the fewer characters removed (i.e. is longest)
if len("".join(self.artist)) > len("".join(self.albumartist)):
self.artist = self.albumartist = self.artist
self.artist = self.albumartist = self.albumartist
if self.artist == []:
self.artist = self.albumartist
self.albumartist = []
def rewrite_singles(self) -> None:
""" idiom is for singles to belong to self-titled album. else each artist's singles get merged into one massive album """
if len(self.album) != 1:
for artist in self.albumartist[::-1] + self.artist[::-1]:
if loose_compare_str(self.album[0], "Singles") or loose_compare_str(self.album[0], artist):
self.album = [ artist ]
def to_path(self, ext: str) -> str | None:
artist = self.albumartist or self.artist
if not (artist and self.album and self.tracknumber and self.title and ext):
return None
artist = clean_for_fs(artist[0], single_field=False)
album = clean_for_fs(self.album[0], single_field=True)
trackno = clean_for_fs(self.tracknumber[0], single_field=True)
title_ext = clean_for_fs(self.title[0] + f".{ext}", single_field=True)
return f"{artist}/{album}/{trackno}-{title_ext}"
def from_path(p: str) -> 'Tags':
path cases:
- artist/album/track
- label/artist - album/track (in this case "label" is ignored)
track naming:
- could have many fields. the title will always be last. trackno could be embedded or not.
- title (handled)
- artist - track (handled)
- album - track (handled)
- trackno - track (handled)
- trackno - artist - track (handled)
- album - artist - title (for Various Artists/compilation albums) (handled)
- artist - album - trackno title (not handled)
track numbering:
- 01, 02, ...
- 1-01, 1-02, ... 2-01, 2-02, ... (for A-side/B-side)
additionally, clean the path before this logic:
- ./artist/album/track -> artist/album/track
tags = Tags()
def parse_trackno(trackno: str) -> None:
tags.tracknumber = [trackno.lstrip('0')]
def parse_title(title: str) -> None:
new_title = title
# maybe the filename has some identifier (e.g. soundcloud): remove it
while new_title and new_title[-1] in '0123456789':
new_title = new_title[:-1]
if new_title and new_title[-1] == '-':
new_title = new_title[:-1]
if len(title) - len(new_title) < 5:
# we stripped too little, probably not an identifier. undo it.
new_title = title
tags.title = [ new_title ]
def parse_track(track: str) -> None:
track = os.path.splitext(track)[0]
track_parts = [p.strip() for p in track.split(' - ')]
if len(track_parts) == 1:
elif len(track_parts) == 2:
if tags.albumartist and loose_compare_str(track_parts[0], tags.albumartist[0]):
elif tags.album and loose_compare_str(track_parts[0], tags.album[0]):
# less common, but sometimes `album - track`
elif all(l in '0123456789-' for l in track_parts[0]):
elif len(track_parts) == 3:
if all(l in '0123456789-' for l in track_parts[0]):
tags.artist = [track_parts[1]] # explicitly not album artist, but track artist
elif tags.album == [ track_parts[0] ]:
tags.artist = [track_parts[1]]
def parse_album(album: str) -> None:
album_parts = [p.strip() for p in album.split(' - ')]
if len(album_parts) == 1:
# artist/album/track
tags.album = [album]
elif len(album_parts) == 2:
# artist/artist-album/track
tags.albumartist = [album_parts[0]]
tags.album = [album_parts[1]]
comps = [c for c in p.split('/') if c != '.']
if len(comps) == 3:
tags.albumartist = [comps[0]]
elif len(comps) == 2:
tags.albumartist = [comps[0]]
return tags
class AudioFile:
def __init__(self, path_: str):
self.path_ = path_
self.muta = None
_base, ext = os.path.splitext(path_)
# TODO: handle:
# - .m4a
# - .wav
# - .wma
if ext == '.flac':
self.muta = mutagen.flac.Open(path_)
elif ext == '.aac':
# TODO: this seems to only read tags, and not create them?
self.muta = mutagen.easyid3.EasyID3(path_)
elif ext == '.mp3':
self.muta = mutagen.mp3.EasyMP3(path_)
elif ext == '.ogg':
self.muta = mutagen.oggvorbis.OggVorbis(path_)
elif ext == '.opus':
self.muta = mutagen.oggopus.OggOpus(path_)
logger.debug(f"no metadata handler for {path_}")
except Exception as e:
logger.warning(f"failed to open {path_}: {e}")
def new(path_: str) -> 'AudioFile':
f = AudioFile(path_)
if f.muta is not None:
return f
def tags_on_disk(self) -> Tags:
return Tags(
artist=self.muta.get('artist', []) if self.muta else [],
album=self.muta.get('album', []) if self.muta else [],
title=self.muta.get('title', []) if self.muta else [],
albumartist=self.muta.get('albumartist', []) if self.muta else [],
tracknumber=self.muta.get('tracknumber', []) if self.muta else [],
def write_tags(self, tags: Tags) -> bool:
if self.muta is None:
logger.debug(f"not writing tags: no metadata handler: {self.path_}")
return False
def set_tag(name: str, val: list):
if val:
self.muta[name] = val
elif name in self.muta:
del self.muta[name]
set_tag('artist', tags.artist)
set_tag('album', tags.album)
set_tag('title', tags.title)
set_tag('albumartist', tags.albumartist)
set_tag('tracknumber', tags.tracknumber)
logger.debug(f"writing full tags: {self.muta}")
class Tagger:
def __init__(self, dry_run: bool, force: bool, manual_tags: Tags):
self.dry_run = dry_run
self.force = force
self.manual_tags = manual_tags
def tag_file(self, path_: str) -> None:
file_ =
if not file_:
logger.debug(f"skipping unsupported file: {path_}")
old_tags = file_.tags_on_disk()
path_tags = Tags.from_path(path_)
additional_tags = self.manual_tags.union(path_tags)
if self.force:
new_tags = additional_tags.union(old_tags)
new_tags = old_tags.union(additional_tags)
new_tags = new_tags.union(self.manual_tags)
if new_tags == old_tags:
return self.skip_unchanged(path_, old_tags)
self.show_tagdif(path_, old_tags, new_tags)
if self.confirm():
if self.guard_dry_run("writing tags"):
def fix_path(self, path_: str) -> None:
file_ =
if not file_:
logger.debug(f"skipping unsupported file: {path_}")
tags = self.manual_tags.union(file_.tags_on_disk())
new_path = tags.to_path(os.path.splitext(path_)[1])
if new_path is None:
logger.debug(f"skipping untagged file: {path_}")
logger.debug(f" {tags}")
if new_path == path_:
return self.skip_unchanged(path_, tags)
if self.confirm():
if self.guard_dry_run(f"moving file: {path_} -> {new_path}"):
# os.renames creates the necessary parents, and then prunes leaf directories
os.renames(path_, new_path)
def show_tagdif(self, path_: str, old_tags: Tags, new_tags: Tags):"updating tags for {path_}")" {old_tags}")" -> {new_tags}")
def skip_unchanged(self, path_: str, tags: Tags):
logger.debug(f"skipping unchanged {path_}")
logger.debug(f" {tags}")
def confirm(self) -> bool:
# TODO: actually prompt
return True
def guard_dry_run(self, msg: str) -> bool:
if self.dry_run:
print(f"dry run: not {msg}")
return False
return True
def walk_files(*roots: str) -> None:
for root in roots:
if os.path.isdir(root):
for dir_, subdirs, files_ in os.walk(root):
for f in files_:
yield os.path.join(dir_, f)
yield root
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="augment music tags based on library path")
parser.add_argument('--dry-run', action='store_true')
parser.add_argument('--verbose', action='store_true')
parser.add_argument('--album', help="manually specify the tag")
parser.add_argument('--album-artist', help="manually specify the tag")
parser.add_argument('--artist', help="manually specify the tag")
parser.add_argument('--title', help="manually specify the tag")
subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(help="operation")
fix_tags_parser = subparsers.add_parser("fix-tags")
fix_tags_parser.add_argument('--force', action='store_true', help="give higher credence to path-based and manual tags than any existing tags")
fix_tags_parser.add_argument("path", nargs="+", help="relative path to a file to tag")
fix_paths_parser = subparsers.add_parser("fix-paths")
fix_paths_parser.add_argument("path", nargs="+", help="relative path to a file to tag")
args = parser.parse_args()
if args.verbose:
files = list(walk_files(*args.path))
manual_tags = Tags(
album=[args.album] if args.album else [],
albumartist=[args.album_artist] if args.album_artist else [],
artist=[args.artist] if args.artist else [],
title=[args.title] if args.title else [],
tagger = Tagger(
force=getattr(args, "force", False),
if args.subcommand == "fix_tags":
for p in files:
elif args.subcommand == "fix_paths":
for p in files:
if __name__ == '__main__':