
38 lines
1.1 KiB

/* to show active config: `rofi -dump-config`
* to show keybindings: `rofi -show keys`
* to show theme config: `rofi -dump-theme`
* - for live theme switching: `rofi-theme-selector`
configuration {
modes: "combi";
show-icons: true;
combi-modes: "filebrowser,drun,run";
kb-accept-entry: "Return,KP_Enter,XF86PowerOff";
kb-row-up: "Up,XF86AudioRaiseVolume";
kb-row-down: "Down,XF86AudioLowerVolume";
filebrowser {
/* filebrowser starting directory */
directory: "/home";
/* display-name: text to prepend in combi mode */
display-name: "/";
command: "xdg-open";
drun {
display-name: " ";
run {
display-name: "run ";
/* combi-display-format: "{mode} {text}"; */
/* combi-display-format: "{text}"; */
combi-display-format: "{mode}{text}";
/* launch applications via xdg-desktop-portal */
run-command: "gdbus call --session --timeout 10 --dest org.freedesktop.portal.Desktop --object-path /org/freedesktop/portal/desktop --method org.freedesktop.portal.DynamicLauncher.Launch {app_id}.desktop {}";
drun-use-desktop-cache: true;
@theme "gruvbox-light"