Colin 9343447c03 nixpkgs: 2023-11-19 -> 2023-11-21
switch to `master` branch for the GNOME changes

• Updated input 'nixpkgs-unpatched':
    'github:nixos/nixpkgs/e4ad989506ec7d71f7302cc3067abd82730a4beb' (2023-11-19)
  → 'github:nixos/nixpkgs/72edcc748a92377d0568c9536ece114dbabb948c' (2023-11-21)
2023-11-22 00:00:52 +00:00

277 lines
9.7 KiB

# common settings to toggle (at runtime, in about:config):
# > security.ssl.require_safe_negotiation
# librewolf is a forked firefox which patches firefox to allow more things
# (like default search engines) to be configurable at runtime.
# many of the settings below won't have effect without those patches.
# see:
{ config, lib, pkgs, ...}:
with lib;
cfg = config.sane.programs.firefox.config;
mobile-prefs = lib.optionals false pkgs.librewolf-pmos-mobile.extraPrefsFiles;
# allow easy switching between firefox and librewolf with `defaultSettings`, below
librewolfSettings = {
browser = pkgs.librewolf-unwrapped.overrideAttrs (upstream: {
# TEMP(2023/11/21): fix eval bug in wrapFirefox
# see: <>
passthru = upstream.passthru // {
requireSigning = false;
allowAddonSideload = true;
extraPrefsFiles = pkgs.librewolf-unwrapped.extraPrefsFiles ++ mobile-prefs;
libName = "librewolf";
dotDir = ".librewolf";
cacheDir = ".cache/librewolf";
desktop = "librewolf.desktop";
firefoxSettings = {
browser = pkgs.firefox-esr-unwrapped;
extraPrefsFiles = mobile-prefs;
libName = "firefox";
dotDir = ".mozilla/firefox";
cacheDir = ".cache/mozilla";
desktop = "firefox.desktop";
# defaultSettings = firefoxSettings;
defaultSettings = librewolfSettings;
addon = name: extid: hash: pkgs.fetchFirefoxAddon {
inherit name hash;
url = "${name}/latest.xpi";
# extid can be found by unar'ing the above xpi, and copying field
fixedExtid = extid;
localAddon = pkg: pkgs.fetchFirefoxAddon {
inherit (pkg) name;
src = "${pkg}/share/mozilla/extensions/\\{ec8030f7-c20a-464f-9b0e-13a3a9e97384\\}/${pkg.extid}.xpi";
fixedExtid = pkg.extid;
package = pkgs.wrapFirefox cfg.browser.browser {
# inherit the default librewolf.cfg
# it can be further customized via ~/.librewolf/librewolf.overrides.cfg
inherit (cfg.browser) extraPrefsFiles libName;
extraNativeMessagingHosts = optional cfg.addons.browserpass-extension.enable pkgs.browserpass;
# extraNativeMessagingHosts = [ pkgs.gopass-native-messaging-host ];
nixExtensions = concatMap (ext: optional ext.enable ext.package) (attrValues cfg.addons);
extraPolicies = {
FirefoxHome = {
Search = true;
Pocket = false;
Snippets = false;
TopSites = false;
Highlights = false;
NoDefaultBookmarks = true;
OfferToSaveLogins = false;
OfferToSaveLoginsDefault = false;
PasswordManagerEnabled = false;
SearchEngines = {
Default = "DuckDuckGo";
UserMessaging = {
ExtensionRecommendations = false;
FeatureRecommendations = false;
SkipOnboarding = true;
UrlbarInterventions = false;
WhatsNew = false;
# these were taken from Librewolf
AppUpdateURL = "https://localhost";
DisableAppUpdate = true;
OverrideFirstRunPage = "";
OverridePostUpdatePage = "";
DisableSystemAddonUpdate = true;
DisableFirefoxStudies = true;
DisableTelemetry = true;
DisableFeedbackCommands = true;
DisablePocket = true;
DisableSetDesktopBackground = false;
# remove many default search providers
# XXX this seems to prevent the `nixExtensions` from taking effect
# Extensions.Uninstall = [
# ""
# ""
# ""
# ""
# ""
# ];
# XXX doesn't seem to have any effect...
# docs:
# Homepage = {
# HomepageURL = "";
# StartPage = "homepage";
# };
# NewTabPage = true;
# extraPrefs = ...
addonOpts = types.submodule {
options = {
package = mkOption {
type = types.package;
enable = mkOption {
type = types.bool;
configOpts = {
options = {
browser = mkOption {
default = defaultSettings;
type = types.anything;
persistData = mkOption {
description = "optional store name to which persist browsing data (like history)";
type = types.nullOr types.str;
default = null;
persistCache = mkOption {
description = "optional store name to which persist browser cache";
type = types.nullOr types.str;
default = "cryptClearOnBoot";
addons = mkOption {
type = types.attrsOf addonOpts;
default = {};
config = mkMerge [
sane.programs.firefox.configOption = mkOption {
type = types.submodule configOpts;
default = {};
sane.programs.firefox.config.addons = {
browserpass-extension = {
package = pkgs.firefox-extensions.browserpass-extension;
enable = lib.mkDefault true;
bypass-paywalls-clean = {
package = pkgs.firefox-extensions.bypass-paywalls-clean;
enable = lib.mkDefault true;
ether-metamask = {
package = pkgs.firefox-extensions.ether-metamask;
enable = lib.mkDefault false; # until i can disable the first-run notification
i2p-in-private-browsing = {
package = pkgs.firefox-extensions.i2p-in-private-browsing;
enable = lib.mkDefault;
sidebery = {
package = pkgs.firefox-extensions.sidebery;
enable = lib.mkDefault true;
sponsorblock = {
package = pkgs.firefox-extensions.sponsorblock;
enable = lib.mkDefault true;
ublacklist = {
package = pkgs.firefox-extensions.ublacklist;
enable = lib.mkDefault true;
ublock-origin = {
package = pkgs.firefox-extensions.ublock-origin;
enable = lib.mkDefault true;
sane.programs.firefox = {
inherit package;
mime.associations = let
inherit (cfg.browser) desktop;
in {
"text/html" = desktop;
"x-scheme-handler/http" = desktop;
"x-scheme-handler/https" = desktop;
"x-scheme-handler/about" = desktop;
"x-scheme-handler/unknown" = desktop;
# env.BROWSER = "${package}/bin/${cfg.browser.libName}";
env.BROWSER = cfg.browser.libName; # used by misc tools like xdg-email, as fallback
# uBlock filter list configuration.
# specifically, enable the GDPR cookie prompt blocker.
# data.toOverwrite.filterLists is additive (i.e. it supplements the default filters)
# this configuration method is documented here:
# - <>
# the specific attribute path is found via scraping ublock code here:
# - <>
# - <>
fs."${cfg.browser.dotDir}/managed-storage/".symlink.text = ''
"name": "",
"description": "ignored",
"type": "storage",
"data": {
"toOverwrite": "{\"filterLists\": [\"fanboy-cookiemonster\"]}"
# TODO: this is better suited in `extraPrefs` during `wrapFirefox` call
fs."${cfg.browser.dotDir}/${cfg.browser.libName}.overrides.cfg".symlink.text = ''
// if we can't query the revocation status of a SSL cert because the issuer is offline,
// treat it as unrevoked.
// see: <>
defaultPref("security.OCSP.require", false);
// scrollbar configuration, see: <>
// style=4 gives rectangular scrollbars
// could also enable "always show scrollbars" in about:preferences -- not sure what the actual pref name for that is
// note that too-large scrollbars (like 50px wide) tend to obscure content (and make buttons unclickable)
defaultPref("widget.non-native-theme.scrollbar.size.override", 20);
defaultPref("", 4);
fs."${cfg.browser.dotDir}/default".dir = {};
# instruct Firefox to put the profile in a predictable directory (so we can do things like persist just it).
# XXX: the directory *must* exist, even if empty; Firefox will not create the directory itself.
fs."${cfg.browser.dotDir}/profiles.ini".symlink.text = ''
(mkIf config.sane.programs.firefox.enabled {
# TODO: move the persistence into the sane.programs API (above)
# flush the cache to disk to avoid it taking up too much tmp.
sane.user.persist.byPath."${cfg.browser.cacheDir}".store =
if (cfg.persistData != null) then
sane.user.persist.byPath."${cfg.browser.dotDir}/default".store =
if (cfg.persistData != null) then