colin 4d970f5bf5 remove nixpkgs-unstable from inputs
we don't need it. the one package it was being used for is identical
in nixpkgs stable
2022-05-31 22:41:41 -07:00

104 lines
4.3 KiB

# docs:
inputs = {
nixpkgs.url = "nixpkgs/nixos-22.05";
# pkgs-telegram.url = "nixpkgs/33775ec9a2173a08e46edf9f46c9febadbf743e8";# 2022/04/18; telegram 3.7.3. fails: nix log /nix/store/y5kv47hnv55qknb6cnmpcyraicay79fx-telegram-desktop-3.7.3.drv: g++: fatal error: cannot execute '/nix/store/njk5sbd21305bhr7gwibxbbvgbx5lxvn-gcc-9.3.0/libexec/gcc/aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu/9.3.0/cc1plus': execv: No such file or directory
pkgs-mobile.url = "nixpkgs/dfd82985c273aac6eced03625f454b334daae2e8"; # WORKS: 2022/05/20; mobile-nixos follows this same commit.
mobile-nixos = {
url = "github:nixos/mobile-nixos";
flake = false;
# TODO colin: is this necessary (or wanted)?
# inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "pkgs-mobile";
home-manager = {
url = "github:nix-community/home-manager/release-21.11";
inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";
nurpkgs.url = "github:nix-community/NUR";
outputs = { self, nixpkgs, pkgs-mobile, mobile-nixos, home-manager, nurpkgs }: {
machines.uninsane = self.decl-bootable-machine { name = "uninsane"; system = "aarch64-linux"; };
machines.desko = self.decl-bootable-machine { name = "desko"; system = "x86_64-linux"; };
machines.lappy = self.decl-bootable-machine { name = "lappy"; system = "x86_64-linux"; };
machines.moby =
let machine = self.decl-machine {
name = "moby";
system = "aarch64-linux";
extraModules = [
(import "${mobile-nixos}/lib/configuration.nix" {
device = "pine64-pinephone";
basePkgs = pkgs-mobile;
in {
nixosConfiguration = machine;
img =;
nixosConfigurations = builtins.mapAttrs (name: value: value.nixosConfiguration) self.machines;
imgs = builtins.mapAttrs (name: value: value.img) self.machines;
decl-machine = { name, system, extraModules ? [], basePkgs ? nixpkgs }: (basePkgs.lib.nixosSystem {
inherit system;
specialArgs = { inherit home-manager; inherit nurpkgs; secrets = import ./secrets/default.nix; };
modules = [
(import ./helpers/set-hostname.nix name)
(self.overlaysModule system)
] ++ extraModules;
# this produces a EFI-bootable .img file (GPT with / and /boot).
# after building this, steps are:
# run `btrfs-convert --uuid copy <device>`
# boot, checkout this flake into /etc/nixos AND UPDATE THE UUIDS IT REFERENCES.
# then `nixos-rebuild ...`
decl-img = { name, system, extraModules ? [] }: (
(self.decl-machine { inherit name; inherit system; extraModules = extraModules ++ [./image.nix]; })
decl-bootable-machine = { name, system }: {
nixosConfiguration = self.decl-machine { inherit name; inherit system; };
img = self.decl-img { inherit name; inherit system; };
overlaysModule = system: { config, pkgs, ...}: {
nixpkgs.config.allowUnfree = true;
nixpkgs.overlays = [
(next: prev: {
#### customized packages
# nixos-unstable pleroma is too far out-of-date for our db
pleroma = prev.callPackage ./pkgs/pleroma { };
# jackett doesn't allow customization of the bind address: this will probably always be here.
jackett = next.callPackage ./pkgs/jackett { pkgs = prev; };
# fix abrupt HDD poweroffs as during reboot. patching systemd requires rebuilding nearly every package.
# systemd = import ./pkgs/systemd { pkgs = prev; };
# patch rpi uboot with something that fixes USB HDD boot
ubootRaspberryPi4_64bit = next.callPackage ./pkgs/ubootRaspberryPi4_64bit { pkgs = prev; };
# pkgs-mobile' telegram doesn't build, so explicitly use the stable one.
# TODO: apply this specifically to the moby build?
# tdesktop = pkgs-telegram.legacyPackages.${system}.tdesktop;
tdesktop = nixpkgs.legacyPackages.${system}.tdesktop;