
783 lines
31 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env nix-shell
#!nix-shell -i python3 -p "python3.withPackages (ps: [ ps.pyln-client ])"
clightning-sane: helper to perform common Lightning node admin operations:
- view channel balances
- rebalance channels
- view channel balances: `clightning-sane status`
- rebalance channels to improve routability (without paying any fees): `clightning-sane autobalance`
- `clightning-sane status --full`
- `P$`: represents how many msats i've captured in fees from this channel.
- `COST`: rough measure of how much it's "costing" me to let my channel partner hold funds on his side of the channel.
this is based on the notion that i only capture fees from outbound transactions, and so the channel partner holding all liquidity means i can't capture fees on that liquidity.
# pyln-client docs: <>
# terminology:
# - "scid": "Short Channel ID", e.g. 123456x7890x0
# from this id, we can locate the actual channel, its peers, and its parameters
import argparse
import logging
import math
import sys
import time
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
from dataclasses import dataclass
from enum import Enum
from pyln.client import LightningRpc, Millisatoshi, RpcError
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
RPC_FILE = "/var/lib/clightning/bitcoin/lightning-rpc"
# CLTV (HLTC delta) of the final hop
# set this too low and you might get inadvertent channel closures (?)
CLTV = 18
# for every sequentally failed transaction, delay this much before trying again.
# note that the initial route building process can involve 10-20 "transient" failures, as it discovers dead channels.
class LoopError(Enum):
""" error when trying to loop sats, or when unable to calculate a route for the loop """
TRANSIENT = "TRANSIENT" # try again, we'll maybe find a different route
class RouteError(Enum):
""" error when calculated a route """
class Metrics:
looped_msat: int = 0
sendpay_fail: int = 0
sendpay_succeed: int = 0
own_bad_channel: int = 0
no_route: int = 0
in_ch_unsatisfiable: int = 0
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f"looped:{self.looped_msat}, tx:{self.sendpay_succeed}, tx_fail:{self.sendpay_fail}, own_bad_ch:{self.own_bad_channel}, no_route:{self.no_route}, in_ch_restricted:{self.in_ch_unsatisfiable}"
class TxBounds:
max_msat: int
min_msat: int = 0
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f"TxBounds({self.min_msat} <= msat <= {self.max_msat})"
def is_satisfiable(self) -> bool:
return self.min_msat <= self.max_msat
def raise_max_to_be_satisfiable(self) -> "Self":
if self.max_msat < self.min_msat:
logger.debug(f"raising max_msat to be consistent: {self.max_msat} -> {self.min_msat}")
return TxBounds(self.min_msat, self.min_msat)
return TxBounds(min_msat=self.min_msat, max_msat=self.max_msat)
def intersect(self, other: "TxBounds") -> "Self":
return TxBounds(
min_msat=max(self.min_msat, other.min_msat),
max_msat=min(self.max_msat, other.max_msat),
def restrict_to_htlc(self, ch: "LocalChannel", why: str = "") -> "Self":
apply min/max HTLC size restrictions of the given channel.
if ch:
why = why or ch.directed_scid_to_me
if why: why = f"{why}: "
new_min, new_max = self.min_msat, self.max_msat
if ch.htlc_minimum_to_me > self.min_msat:
new_min = ch.htlc_minimum_to_me
logger.debug(f"{why}raising min_msat due to HTLC requirements: {self.min_msat} -> {new_min}")
if ch.htlc_maximum_to_me < self.max_msat:
new_max = ch.htlc_maximum_to_me
logger.debug(f"{why}lowering max_msat due to HTLC requirements: {self.max_msat} -> {new_max}")
return TxBounds(min_msat=new_min, max_msat=new_max)
def restrict_to_zero_fees(self, ch: "LocalChannel"=None, base: int=0, ppm: int=0, why:str = "") -> "Self":
restrict tx size such that PPM fees are zero.
if the channel has a base fee, then `max_msat` is forced to 0.
if ch:
why = why or ch.directed_scid_to_me
self = self.restrict_to_zero_fees(base=ch.to_me["base_fee_millisatoshi"], ppm=ch.to_me["fee_per_millionth"], why=why)
if why: why = f"{why}: "
new_max = self.max_msat
ppm_max = math.ceil(1000000 / ppm) - 1 if ppm != 0 else new_max
if ppm_max < new_max:
logger.debug(f"{why}decreasing max_msat due to fee ppm: {new_max} -> {ppm_max}")
new_max = ppm_max
if base != 0:
logger.debug(f"{why}free route impossible: channel has base fees")
new_max = 0
return TxBounds(min_msat=self.min_msat, max_msat=new_max)
class LocalChannel:
def __init__(self, channels: list, rpc: "RpcHelper"):
assert 0 < len(channels) <= 2, f"unexpected: channel count: {channels}"
out = None
in_ = None
for c in channels:
if c["source"] == rpc.self_id:
assert out is None, f"unexpected: multiple channels from self: {channels}"
out = c
if c["destination"] == rpc.self_id:
assert in_ is None, f"unexpected: multiple channels to self: {channels}"
in_ = c
# assert out is not None, f"no channel from self: {channels}"
# assert in_ is not None, f"no channel to self: {channels}"
if out and in_:
assert out["destination"] == in_["source"], f"channel peers are asymmetric?! {channels}"
assert out["short_channel_id"] == in_["short_channel_id"], f"channel ids differ?! {channels}"
self.from_me = out
self.to_me = in_
self.remote_node = rpc.node(self.remote_peer)
self.peer_ch = rpc.peerchannel(self.scid, self.remote_peer)
self.forwards_from_me = rpc.rpc.listforwards(out_channel=self.scid, status="settled")["forwards"]
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return self.to_str(with_scid=True, with_bal_ratio=True, with_cost=False, with_ppm_theirs=False)
def to_str(
with_peer_id:bool = False,
with_scid:bool = False,
with_bal_msat:bool = False,
with_bal_ratio:bool = False,
with_cost:bool = False,
with_ppm_theirs:bool = False,
with_ppm_mine:bool = False,
with_profits:bool = True,
with_payments:bool = False,
) -> str:
base_flag = "*" if not or self.base_fee_to_me != 0 else ""
alias = f"({self.remote_alias}){base_flag}"
peerid = f" {self.remote_peer}" if with_peer_id else ""
scid = f" scid:{self.scid:>13}" if with_scid else ""
bal = f" S:{int(self.sendable):11}/R:{int(self.receivable):11}" if with_bal_msat else ""
ratio = f" MINE:{(100*self.send_ratio):>8.4f}%" if with_bal_ratio else ""
payments = f" OUT:{int(self.out_fulfilled_msat):>11}/IN:{int(self.in_fulfilled_msat):>11}" if with_payments else ""
profits = f" P$:{int(self.fees_lifetime_mine):>8}" if with_profits else ""
cost = f" COST:{self.opportunity_cost_lent:>8}" if with_cost else ""
ppm_theirs = self.ppm_to_me if self.to_me else "N/A"
ppm_theirs = f" PPM_THEIRS:{ppm_theirs:>6}" if with_ppm_theirs else ""
ppm_mine = self.ppm_from_me if self.from_me else "N/A"
ppm_mine = f" PPM_MINE:{ppm_mine:>6}" if with_ppm_mine else ""
return f"channel{alias:30}{peerid}{scid}{bal}{ratio}{payments}{profits}{cost}{ppm_theirs}{ppm_mine}"
def online(self) -> bool:
return self.from_me and self.to_me
def remote_peer(self) -> str:
if self.from_me:
return self.from_me["destination"]
return self.to_me["source"]
def remote_alias(self) -> str:
return self.remote_node["alias"]
def scid(self) -> str:
if self.from_me:
return self.from_me["short_channel_id"]
return self.to_me["short_channel_id"]
def htlc_minimum_to_me(self) -> Millisatoshi:
return self.to_me["htlc_minimum_msat"]
def htlc_minimum_from_me(self) -> Millisatoshi:
return self.from_me["htlc_minimum_msat"]
def htlc_minimum(self) -> Millisatoshi:
return max(self.htlc_minimum_to_me, self.htlc_minimum_from_me)
def htlc_maximum_to_me(self) -> Millisatoshi:
return self.to_me["htlc_maximum_msat"]
def htlc_maximum_from_me(self) -> Millisatoshi:
return self.from_me["htlc_maximum_msat"]
def htlc_maximum(self) -> Millisatoshi:
return min(self.htlc_maximum_to_me, self.htlc_maximum_from_me)
def direction_to_me(self) -> int:
return self.to_me["direction"]
def direction_from_me(self) -> int:
return self.from_me["direction"]
def directed_scid_to_me(self) -> str:
return f"{self.scid}/{self.direction_to_me}"
def directed_scid_from_me(self) -> str:
return f"{self.scid}/{self.direction_from_me}"
def delay_them(self) -> str:
return self.to_me["delay"]
def delay_me(self) -> str:
return self.from_me["delay"]
def ppm_to_me(self) -> int:
return self.to_me["fee_per_millionth"]
def ppm_from_me(self) -> int:
return self.from_me["fee_per_millionth"]
# return self.peer_ch["fee_proportional_millionths"]
def base_fee_to_me(self) -> int:
return self.to_me["base_fee_millisatoshi"]
def receivable(self) -> int:
return self.peer_ch["receivable_msat"]
def sendable(self) -> int:
return self.peer_ch["spendable_msat"]
def in_fulfilled_msat(self) -> Millisatoshi:
return self.peer_ch["in_fulfilled_msat"]
def out_fulfilled_msat(self) -> Millisatoshi:
return self.peer_ch["out_fulfilled_msat"]
def fees_lifetime_mine(self) -> Millisatoshi:
return sum(fwd["fee_msat"] for fwd in self.forwards_from_me)
def send_ratio(self) -> float:
cap = self.receivable + self.sendable
return self.sendable / cap
def opportunity_cost_lent(self) -> int:
""" how much msat did we gain by pushing their channel to its current balance? """
return int(self.receivable * self.ppm_from_me / 1000000)
class RpcHelper:
def __init__(self, rpc: LightningRpc):
self.rpc = rpc
self.self_id = rpc.getinfo()["id"]
def localchannel(self, scid: str) -> LocalChannel:
listchan = self.rpc.listchannels(scid)
# this assertion would probably indicate a typo in the scid
assert listchan and listchan.get("channels", []) != [], f"bad listchannels for {scid}: {listchan}"
return LocalChannel(listchan["channels"], self)
def node(self, id: str) -> dict:
nodes = self.rpc.listnodes(id)["nodes"]
assert len(nodes) == 1, f"unexpected: multiple nodes for {id}: {nodes}"
return nodes[0]
def peerchannel(self, scid: str, peer_id: str) -> dict:
peerchannels = self.rpc.listpeerchannels(peer_id)["channels"]
channels = [c for c in peerchannels if c["short_channel_id"] == scid]
assert len(channels) == 1, f"expected exactly 1 channel, got: {channels}"
return channels[0]
def try_getroute(self, *args, **kwargs) -> dict | None:
""" wrapper for getroute which returns None instead of error if no route exists """
route = self.rpc.getroute(*args, **kwargs)
except RpcError as e:
logger.debug(f"rpc failed: {e}")
return None
route = route["route"]
if route == []: return None
return route
class LoopRouter:
def __init__(self, rpc: RpcHelper, metrics: Metrics = None):
self.rpc = rpc
self.metrics = metrics or Metrics()
self.bad_channels = [] # list of directed scid
self.nonzero_base_channels = [] # list of directed scid
def drop_caches(self) -> None:"LoopRouter.drop_caches()")
self.bad_channels = []
def _get_directed_scid(self, scid: str, direction: int) -> dict:
channels = self.rpc.rpc.listchannels(scid)["channels"]
channels = [c for c in channels if c["direction"] == direction]
assert len(channels) == 1, f"expected exactly 1 channel: {channels}"
return channels[0]
def loop_once(self, out_scid: str, in_scid: str, bounds: TxBounds) -> LoopError|int:
out_ch = self.rpc.localchannel(out_scid)
in_ch = self.rpc.localchannel(in_scid)
if out_ch.directed_scid_from_me in self.bad_channels or in_ch.directed_scid_to_me in self.bad_channels:"loop {out_scid} -> {in_scid} failed in our own channel")
self.metrics.own_bad_channel += 1
return LoopError.TRANSIENT
# bounds = bounds.restrict_to_htlc(out_ch) # htlc bounds seem to be enforced only in the outward direction
bounds = bounds.restrict_to_htlc(in_ch)
bounds = bounds.restrict_to_zero_fees(in_ch)
if not bounds.is_satisfiable():
self.metrics.in_ch_unsatisfiable += 1
return LoopError.NO_ROUTE
logger.debug(f"route with bounds {bounds}")
route = self.route(out_ch, in_ch, bounds)
logger.debug(f"route: {route}")
if route == RouteError.NO_ROUTE:
self.metrics.no_route += 1
return LoopError.NO_ROUTE
elif route == RouteError.HAS_BASE_FEE:
# try again with a different route
return LoopError.TRANSIENT
amount_msat = route[0]["amount_msat"]
invoice_id = f"loop-{time.time():.6f}".replace(".", "_")
invoice_desc = f"bal {out_scid}:{in_scid}"
invoice = self.rpc.rpc.invoice("any", invoice_id, invoice_desc)
logger.debug(f"invoice: {invoice}")
payment = self.rpc.rpc.sendpay(route, invoice["payment_hash"], invoice_id, amount_msat, invoice["bolt11"], invoice["payment_secret"])
logger.debug(f"sent: {payment}")
wait = self.rpc.rpc.waitsendpay(invoice["payment_hash"])
logger.debug(f"result: {wait}")
except RpcError as e:
self.metrics.sendpay_fail += 1
err_data = e.error["data"]
err_scid, err_dir = err_data["erring_channel"], err_data["erring_direction"]
err_directed_scid = f"{err_scid}/{err_dir}"
logger.debug(f"ch failed, adding to excludes: {err_directed_scid}; {e.error}")
return LoopError.TRANSIENT
self.metrics.sendpay_succeed += 1
self.metrics.looped_msat += int(amount_msat)
return int(amount_msat)
def route(self, out_ch: LocalChannel, in_ch: LocalChannel, bounds: TxBounds) -> list[dict] | RouteError:
exclude = [
# ensure the payment doesn't cross either channel in reverse.
# note that this doesn't preclude it from taking additional trips through self, with other peers.
# out_ch.directed_scid_to_me,
# in_ch.directed_scid_from_me,
# alternatively, never route through self. this avoids a class of logic error, like what to do with fees i charge "myself".
] + self.bad_channels + self.nonzero_base_channels
out_peer = out_ch.remote_peer
in_peer = in_ch.remote_peer
route_or_bounds = bounds
while isinstance(route_or_bounds, TxBounds):
old_bounds = route_or_bounds
route_or_bounds = self._find_partial_route(out_peer, in_peer, old_bounds, exclude=exclude)
if route_or_bounds == old_bounds:
return RouteError.NO_ROUTE
if isinstance(route_or_bounds, RouteError):
return route_or_bounds
route = self._add_route_endpoints(route_or_bounds, out_ch, in_ch)
return route
def _find_partial_route(self, out_peer: str, in_peer: str, bounds: TxBounds, exclude: list[str]=[]) -> list[dict] | RouteError | TxBounds:
route = self.rpc.try_getroute(in_peer, amount_msat=bounds.max_msat, riskfactor=0, fromid=out_peer, exclude=exclude, cltv=CLTV)
if route is None:
logger.debug(f"no route for {bounds.max_msat}msat {out_peer} -> {in_peer}")
return RouteError.NO_ROUTE
send_msat = route[0]["amount_msat"]
if send_msat != Millisatoshi(bounds.max_msat):
logger.debug(f"found route with non-zero fee: {send_msat} -> {bounds.max_msat}. {route}")
error = None
for hop in route:
hop_scid = hop["channel"]
hop_dir = hop["direction"]
directed_scid = f"{hop_scid}/{hop_dir}"
ch = self._get_directed_scid(hop_scid, hop_dir)
if ch["base_fee_millisatoshi"] != 0:
error = RouteError.HAS_BASE_FEE
bounds = bounds.restrict_to_zero_fees(ppm=ch["fee_per_millionth"], why=directed_scid)
return bounds.raise_max_to_be_satisfiable() if error is None else error
return route
def _add_route_endpoints(self, route, out_ch: LocalChannel, in_ch: LocalChannel):
inbound_hop = dict(
route = self._add_route_delay(route, in_ch.delay_them) + [ inbound_hop ]
outbound_hop = dict(
delay=route[0]["delay"] + out_ch.delay_them,
route = [ outbound_hop ] + route
return route
def _add_route_delay(self, route: list[dict], delay: int) -> list[dict]:
return [ dict(hop, delay=hop["delay"] + delay) for hop in route ]
class LoopJob:
out: str # scid
in_: str # scid
amount: int
class LoopJobIdle:
sec: int = 10
class LoopJobDone(Enum):
class AbstractLoopRunner:
def __init__(self, looper: LoopRouter, bounds: TxBounds, parallelism: int):
self.looper = looper
self.bounds = bounds
self.parallelism = parallelism
self.bounds_map = {} # map (out:str, in_:str) -> TxBounds. it's a cache so we don't have to try 10 routes every time.
def pop_job(self) -> LoopJob | LoopJobIdle | LoopJobDone:
raise NotImplemented # abstract method
def finished_job(self, job: LoopJob, progress: int|LoopError) -> None:
raise NotImplemented # abstract method
def run_to_completion(self, exit_on_any_completed:bool = False) -> None:
self.exiting = False
self.exit_on_any_completed = exit_on_any_completed
if self.parallelism == 1:
# run inline to aid debugging
with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=self.parallelism) as executor:
_ = list( _i: self._try_invoke(self._worker_thread), range(self.parallelism)))
def drop_caches(self) -> None:"AbstractLoopRunner.drop_caches()")
self.bounds_map = {}
def _try_invoke(self, f, *args) -> None:
try to invoke `f` with the provided `args`, and log if it fails.
this overcomes the issue that background tasks which fail via Exception otherwise do so silently.
except Exception as e:
logger.error(f"task failed: {e}")
def _worker_thread(self) -> None:
while not self.exiting:
job = self.pop_job()
logger.debug(f"popped job: {job}")
if isinstance(job, LoopJobDone):
return self._worker_finished(job)
if isinstance(job, LoopJobIdle):
logger.debug(f"idling for {job.sec}")
result = self._execute_job(job)
logger.debug(f"finishing job {job} with {result}")
self.finished_job(job, result)
def _execute_job(self, job: LoopJob) -> LoopError|int:
bounds = self.bounds_map.get((job.out, job.in_), self.bounds)
bounds = bounds.intersect(TxBounds(max_msat=job.amount))
if not bounds.is_satisfiable():
logger.debug(f"TxBounds for job are unsatisfiable; skipping: {bounds} {job}")
return LoopError.NO_ROUTE
amt_looped = self.looper.loop_once(job.out, job.in_, bounds)
if amt_looped in (0, LoopError.NO_ROUTE, LoopError.TRANSIENT):
return amt_looped"looped {amt_looped} from {job.out} -> {job.in_}")
bounds = bounds.intersect(TxBounds(max_msat=amt_looped))
self.bounds_map[(job.out, job.in_)] = bounds
return amt_looped
def _worker_finished(self, job: LoopJobDone) -> None:
if job == LoopJobDone.COMPLETED and self.exit_on_any_completed:
logger.debug(f"worker completed -> exiting pool")
self.exiting = True
class LoopPairState:
# TODO: use this in MultiLoopBalancer, or stop shoving state in here and put it on LoopBalancer instead.
def __init__(self, out: str, in_: str, amount: int):
self.out = out
self.in_ = in_
self.amount_target = amount
self.amount_looped = 0
self.amount_outstanding = 0
self.tx_fail_count = 0
self.route_fail_count = 0
self.last_job_start_time = None
self.failed_tx_throttler = 0 # increase by one every time we fail, decreases more gradually, when we succeed
class LoopBalancer(AbstractLoopRunner):
def __init__(self, out: str, in_: str, amount: int, looper: LoopRouter, bounds: TxBounds, parallelism: int=1):
super().__init__(looper, bounds, parallelism)
self.state = LoopPairState(out, in_, amount)
def pop_job(self) -> LoopJob | LoopJobIdle | LoopJobDone:
if self.state.tx_fail_count + 10*self.state.route_fail_count >= MAX_SEQUENTIAL_JOB_FAILURES:"giving up ({self.state.out} -> {self.state.in_}): {self.state.tx_fail_count} tx failures, {self.state.route_fail_count} route failures")
return LoopJobDone.ABORTED
if self.state.tx_fail_count + self.state.route_fail_count > 0:
# N.B.: last_job_start_time is guaranteed to have been set by now
idle_until = self.state.last_job_start_time + TX_FAIL_BACKOFF*self.state.failed_tx_throttler
idle_for = idle_until - time.time()
if self.state.amount_outstanding != 0 or idle_for > 0:
# when we hit transient failures, restrict to just one job in flight at a time.
# this is aimed for the initial route building, where multiple jobs in flight is just useless,
# but it's not a bad idea for network blips, etc, either."throttling ({self.state.out} -> {self.state.in_}) for {idle_for:.0f}: {self.state.tx_fail_count} tx failures, {self.state.route_fail_count} route failures")
return LoopJobIdle(idle_for) if idle_for > 0 else LoopJobIdle()
amount_avail = self.state.amount_target - self.state.amount_looped - self.state.amount_outstanding
if amount_avail < self.bounds.min_msat:
if self.state.amount_outstanding == 0: return LoopJobDone.COMPLETED
return LoopJobIdle() # sending out another job would risk over-transferring
amount_this_job = min(amount_avail, self.bounds.max_msat)
self.state.amount_outstanding += amount_this_job
self.state.last_job_start_time = time.time()
return LoopJob(out=self.state.out, in_=self.state.in_, amount=amount_this_job)
def finished_job(self, job: LoopJob, progress: int) -> None:
self.state.amount_outstanding -= job.amount
if progress == LoopError.NO_ROUTE:
self.state.route_fail_count += 1
self.state.failed_tx_throttler += 10
elif progress == LoopError.TRANSIENT:
self.state.tx_fail_count += 1
self.state.failed_tx_throttler += 1
self.state.amount_looped += progress
self.state.tx_fail_count = 0
self.state.route_fail_count = 0
self.state.failed_tx_throttler = max(0, self.state.failed_tx_throttler - 0.2)"loop progressed ({job.out} -> {job.in_}) {progress}: {self.state.amount_looped} of {self.state.amount_target}")
class MultiLoopBalancer(AbstractLoopRunner):
multiplexes jobs between multiple LoopBalancers.
note that the child LoopBalancers don't actually execute the jobs -- just produce them.
def __init__(self, looper: LoopRouter, bounds: TxBounds, parallelism: int=1):
super().__init__(looper, bounds, parallelism)
self.loops = []
# job_index: increments on every job so we can grab jobs evenly from each LoopBalancer.
# in that event that producers are idling, it can actually increment more than once,
# so don't take this too literally
self.job_index = 0
def add_loop(self, out: LocalChannel, in_: LocalChannel, amount: int) -> None:
start looping sats from out -> in_
assert not any(l.state.out == out.scid and l.state.in_ == in_.scid for l in self.loops), f"tried to add duplicate loops from {out} -> {in_}""looping from ({out}) to ({in_})")
self.loops.append(LoopBalancer(out.scid, in_.scid, amount, self.looper, self.bounds, self.parallelism))
def pop_job(self) -> LoopJob | LoopJobIdle | LoopJobDone:
# N.B.: this can be called in parallel, so try to be consistent enough to not crash
idle_job = None
abort_job = None
for i, _ in enumerate(self.loops):
loop = self.loops[(self.job_index + i) % len(self.loops)]
self.job_index += 1
job = loop.pop_job()
if isinstance(job, LoopJob):
return job
if isinstance(job, LoopJobIdle):
idle_job = LoopJobIdle(min(job.sec, idle_job.sec)) if idle_job is not None else job
if job == LoopJobDone.ABORTED:
abort_job = job
# either there's a task to idle, or we have to terminate.
# if terminating, terminate ABORTED if any job aborted, else COMPLETED
if idle_job is not None: return idle_job
if abort_job is not None: return abort_job
return LoopJobDone.COMPLETED
def finished_job(self, job: LoopJob, progress: int) -> None:
# this assumes (enforced externally) that we have only one loop for a given out/in_ pair
for l in self.loops:
if l.state.out == job.out and l.state.in_ == job.in_:
l.finished_job(job, progress)"total: {self.looper.metrics}")
def balance_loop(rpc: RpcHelper, out: str, in_: str, amount_msat: int, min_msat: int, max_msat: int, parallelism: int):
looper = LoopRouter(rpc)
bounds = TxBounds(min_msat=min_msat, max_msat=max_msat)
balancer = LoopBalancer(out, in_, amount_msat, looper, bounds, parallelism)
def autobalance_once(rpc: RpcHelper, metrics: Metrics, bounds: TxBounds, parallelism: int) -> bool:
autobalances all channels.
returns True if channels are balanced (or as balanced as can be); False if in need of further balancing
looper = LoopRouter(rpc, metrics)
balancer = MultiLoopBalancer(looper, bounds, parallelism)
channels = []
for peerch in rpc.rpc.listpeerchannels()["channels"]:
except:"NO CHANNELS for {peerch['peer_id']}")
channels = [ch for ch in channels if and ch.base_fee_to_me == 0]
give_to = [ ch for ch in channels if ch.send_ratio > 0.95 ]
take_from = [ ch for ch in channels if ch.send_ratio < 0.20 ]
if give_to == [] and take_from == []:
return True
for to in give_to:
for from_ in take_from:
balancer.add_loop(to, from_, 10000000)
return False
def autobalance(rpc: RpcHelper, min_msat: int, max_msat: int, parallelism: int):
bounds = TxBounds(min_msat=min_msat, max_msat=max_msat)
metrics = Metrics()
while not autobalance_once(rpc, metrics, bounds, parallelism):
def show_status(rpc: RpcHelper, full: bool=False):
show a table of channel balances between peers.
for peerch in rpc.rpc.listpeerchannels()["channels"]:
ch = rpc.localchannel(peerch["short_channel_id"])
print(f"{peerch['peer_id']} scid:{peerch['short_channel_id']} state:{peerch['state']} NO CHANNELS")
print(ch.to_str(with_scid=True, with_bal_ratio=True, with_payments=True, with_cost=full, with_ppm_theirs=True, with_ppm_mine=True, with_peer_id=full))
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__)
parser.add_argument("--verbose", action="store_true", help="more logging")
parser.add_argument("--min-msat", default="999", help="min transaction size")
parser.add_argument("--max-msat", default="1000000", help="max transaction size")
parser.add_argument("--jobs", default="1", help="how many HTLCs to keep in-flight at once")
subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(help="action")
status_parser = subparsers.add_parser("status")
status_parser.add_argument("--full", action="store_true", help="more info per channel")
loop_parser = subparsers.add_parser("loop")
loop_parser.add_argument("out", help="peer id to send tx through")
loop_parser.add_argument("in_", help="peer id to receive tx through")
loop_parser.add_argument("amount", help="total amount of msat to loop")
autobal_parser = subparsers.add_parser("autobalance")
args = parser.parse_args()
if args.verbose:
rpc = RpcHelper(LightningRpc(RPC_FILE))
if args.action == "status":
show_status(rpc, full=args.full)
if args.action == "loop":
balance_loop(rpc, out=args.out, in_=args.in_, amount_msat=int(args.amount), min_msat=int(args.min_msat), max_msat=int(args.max_msat), parallelism=int(
if args.action == "autobalance":
autobalance(rpc, min_msat=int(args.min_msat), max_msat=int(args.max_msat), parallelism=int(
if __name__ == '__main__':