Colin ce35330923 vpn.nix: factor into a proper module
this will allow for better integration with 'sane.programs'
2024-01-21 00:49:34 +00:00

57 lines
1.9 KiB

# to add a new OVPN VPN:
# - generate a privkey `wg genkey`
# - add this key to `sops secrets/universal.yaml`
# - upload pubkey to (`cat wg.priv | wg pubkey`)
# - generate config @
# - copy the Address, PublicKey, Endpoint from OVPN's config
{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
def-ovpn = name: { endpoint, publicKey, addrV4, id }: {
sane.vpn."ovpnd-${name}" = {
inherit endpoint publicKey addrV4 id;
privateKeyFile = config.sops.secrets."wg/ovpnd_${name}_privkey".path;
dns = [
sops.secrets."wg/ovpnd_${name}_privkey" = {
# needs to be readable by systemd-network or else it says "Ignoring network device" and doesn't expose it to networkctl.
owner = "systemd-network";
in lib.mkMerge [
(def-ovpn "us" {
endpoint = "";
publicKey = "VW6bEWMOlOneta1bf6YFE25N/oMGh1E1UFBCfyggd0k=";
id = 1;
addrV4 = "";
# addrV6 = "fd00:0000:1337:cafe:1111:1111:ab00:4c8f";
# TODO: us-atl disabled until i can give it a different link-local address and wireguard key than us-mi
# (def-ovpn "us-atl" {
# endpoint = "";
# publicKey = "Dpg/4v5s9u0YbrXukfrMpkA+XQqKIFpf8ZFgyw0IkE0=";
# address = [
# ""
# "fd00:0000:1337:cafe:1111:1111:cfcb:27e3/128"
# ];
# })
(def-ovpn "us-mi" {
endpoint = "";
publicKey = "VtJz2irbu8mdkIQvzlsYhU+k9d55or9mx4A2a14t0V0=";
id = 2;
addrV4 = "";
# addrV6 = "fd00:0000:1337:cafe:1111:1111:cfcb:27e3";
(def-ovpn "ukr" {
endpoint = "";
publicKey = "CjZcXDxaaKpW8b5As1EcNbI6+42A6BjWahwXDCwfVFg=";
id = 3;
addrV4 = "";
# addrV6 = "fd00:0000:1337:cafe:1111:1111:ec5c:add3";