Colin 1064867194 migrate the nix install to an external USB drive.
this requires a patch to uboot:
- uboot thinks the drive has a capacity of 0 (i.e. 'unknown'). unclear precisely why. could be noncompliant drive firmware, or a timeout somewhere.

and a patch to the rpi bootloader:
- in order to trampoline into the rpi-4 uboot.

and custom kernel modules in the initrd:
- in order to detect the USB hub (rpi fw).

additionally, i'm MANUALLY placing `bcm2711-rpi-400.dtb` into `/boot/nixos/..-linux-5.10.111-dtbs/broadcom`.
i'll want to do this automatically over time.

i hope to simplify much of this over time: this is just the first thing which works after a couple days of hacking at it.
2022-05-17 01:58:12 +00:00

35 lines
1.4 KiB

# docs:
{ config, pkgs, lib, ... }:
services.duplicity.enable = true;
# format: b2://$key_id:$app_key@$bucket
# create key with: b2 create-key --bucket uninsane-host-duplicity uninsane-host-duplicity-safe listBuckets,listFiles,readBuckets,readFiles,writeFiles
# ^ run this until you get a key with no forward slashes :upside_down:
# web-created keys are allowed to delete files, which you probably don't want for an incremental backup program
services.duplicity.targetUrl = builtins.replaceStrings ["\n"] [""] (builtins.readFile /etc/nixos/secrets/duplicity_url);
# format: PASSPHRASE=<cleartext>
# two sisters
services.duplicity.secretFile = /etc/nixos/secrets/duplicity_env;
# NB: manually trigger with `systemctl start duplicity`
services.duplicity.frequency = "daily";
services.duplicity.exclude = [
# impermanent/inconsequential data:
# bind mounted (dupes):
# data that's not worth the cost to backup:
# set this for the FIRST backup, then remove it to enable incremental backups
# (that the first backup *isn't* full i think is a defect)
# services.duplicity.fullIfOlderThan = "always";