haskellPackages: add newtype for PkgName and PkgSet in hydra-report.hs

Add a newtype for a package name and a package set.  This is less for
correctness, and more just to make the code a little easier to read
through without having to keep in mind what each Text refers to.
This commit is contained in:
Dennis Gosnell 2023-03-25 23:00:56 +09:00
parent b2af201c0e
commit 19b5676361
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: 462E0C03D11422F4

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@ -262,7 +262,7 @@ type MaintainerMap = Map JobName (NonEmpty Text)
-- | Information about a package which lists its dependencies and whether the
-- package is marked broken.
data DepInfo = DepInfo {
deps :: Set Text,
deps :: Set PkgName,
broken :: Bool
deriving stock (Generic, Show)
@ -270,23 +270,37 @@ data DepInfo = DepInfo {
-- | Map from package names to their DepInfo. This is the data we get out of a
-- nix call.
type DependencyMap = Map Text DepInfo
type DependencyMap = Map PkgName DepInfo
-- | Map from package names to its broken state, number of reverse dependencies (fst) and
-- unbroken reverse dependencies (snd).
type ReverseDependencyMap = Map Text (Int, Int)
type ReverseDependencyMap = Map PkgName (Int, Int)
-- | Calculate the (unbroken) reverse dependencies of a package by transitively
-- going through all packages if its a dependency of them.
calculateReverseDependencies :: DependencyMap -> ReverseDependencyMap
calculateReverseDependencies depMap = Map.fromDistinctAscList $ zip keys (zip (rdepMap False) (rdepMap True))
calculateReverseDependencies depMap =
Map.fromDistinctAscList $ zip keys (zip (rdepMap False) (rdepMap True))
-- This code tries to efficiently invert the dependency map and calculate
-- its transitive closure by internally identifying every pkg with its index
-- in the package list and then using memoization.
keys :: [PkgName]
keys = Map.keys depMap
pkgToIndexMap :: Map PkgName Int
pkgToIndexMap = Map.fromDistinctAscList (zip keys [0..])
intDeps = zip [0..] $ (\DepInfo{broken,deps} -> (broken,mapMaybe (`Map.lookup` pkgToIndexMap) $ Set.toList deps)) <$> Map.elems depMap
depInfos :: [DepInfo]
depInfos = Map.elems depMap
depInfoToIdx :: DepInfo -> (Bool, [Int])
depInfoToIdx DepInfo{broken,deps} =
(broken, mapMaybe (`Map.lookup` pkgToIndexMap) $ Set.toList deps)
intDeps :: [(Int, (Bool, [Int]))]
intDeps = zip [0..] (fmap depInfoToIdx depInfos)
rdepMap onlyUnbroken = IntSet.size <$> resultList
resultList = go <$> [0..]
@ -315,7 +329,10 @@ getMaintainerMap = do
-- script ./dependencies.nix.
getDependencyMap :: IO DependencyMap
getDependencyMap =
readJSONProcess nixExprCommand ("maintainers/scripts/haskell/dependencies.nix":nixExprParams) "Failed to decode nix output for lookup of dependencies: "
("maintainers/scripts/haskell/dependencies.nix" : nixExprParams)
"Failed to decode nix output for lookup of dependencies: "
-- | Run a process that produces JSON on stdout and and decode the JSON to a
-- data type.
@ -367,15 +384,52 @@ platformIcon (Platform x) = case x of
"aarch64-darwin" -> ":green_apple:"
_ -> x
-- | A package name. This is parsed from a 'JobName'.
-- Examples:
-- - The 'JobName' @"haskellPackages.lens.x86_64-linux"@ produces the 'PkgName'
-- @"lens"@.
-- - The 'JobName' @"haskell.packages.ghc925.cabal-install.aarch64-darwin"@
-- produces the 'PkgName' @"cabal-install"@.
-- - The 'JobName' @"pkgsMusl.haskell.compiler.ghc90.x86_64-linux"@ produces
-- the 'PkgName' @"ghc90"@.
-- - The 'JobName' @"arion.aarch64-linux"@ produces the 'PkgName' @"arion"@.
-- 'PkgName' is also used as a key in 'DependencyMap' and 'ReverseDependencyMap'.
-- In this case, 'PkgName' originally comes from attribute names in @haskellPackages@
-- in Nixpkgs.
newtype PkgName = PkgName Text
deriving stock (Generic, Show)
deriving newtype (Eq, FromJSON, FromJSONKey, Ord, ToJSON)
-- | A package set name. This is parsed from a 'JobName'.
-- Examples:
-- - The 'JobName' @"haskellPackages.lens.x86_64-linux"@ produces the 'PkgSet'
-- @"haskellPackages"@.
-- - The 'JobName' @"haskell.packages.ghc925.cabal-install.aarch64-darwin"@
-- produces the 'PkgSet' @"haskell.packages.ghc925"@.
-- - The 'JobName' @"pkgsMusl.haskell.compiler.ghc90.x86_64-linux"@ produces
-- the 'PkgSet' @"pkgsMusl.haskell.compiler"@.
-- - The 'JobName' @"arion.aarch64-linux"@ produces the 'PkgSet' @""@.
-- As you can see from the last example, 'PkgSet' can be empty (@""@) for
-- top-level jobs.
newtype PkgSet = PkgSet Text
deriving stock (Generic, Show)
deriving newtype (Eq, FromJSON, FromJSONKey, Ord, ToJSON)
data BuildResult = BuildResult {state :: BuildState, id :: Int} deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
newtype Platform = Platform {platform :: Text} deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
data SummaryEntry = SummaryEntry {
summaryBuilds :: Table Text Platform BuildResult,
summaryBuilds :: Table PkgSet Platform BuildResult,
summaryMaintainers :: Set Text,
summaryReverseDeps :: Int,
summaryUnbrokenReverseDeps :: Int
type StatusSummary = Map Text SummaryEntry
type StatusSummary = Map PkgName SummaryEntry
newtype Table row col a = Table (Map (row, col) a)
@ -413,32 +467,36 @@ combineStatusSummaries = foldl (Map.unionWith unionSummary) Map.empty
unionSummary (SummaryEntry lb lm lr lu) (SummaryEntry rb rm rr ru) =
SummaryEntry (unionTable lb rb) (lm <> rm) (max lr rr) (max lu ru)
buildToStatusSummary :: MaintainerMap -> ReverseDependencyMap -> Build -> StatusSummary
buildToStatusSummary maintainerMap reverseDependencyMap build@Build{job, id, system} =
Map.singleton name summaryEntry
buildToPkgNameAndSet :: Build -> (PkgName, PkgSet)
buildToPkgNameAndSet Build{job = JobName jobName, system} = (name, set)
jobName = unJobName job
packageName :: Text
packageName = fromMaybe jobName (Text.stripSuffix ("." <> system) jobName)
splitted :: Maybe (NonEmpty Text)
splitted = nonEmpty $ Text.splitOn "." packageName
name :: Text
name = maybe packageName NonEmpty.last splitted
name :: PkgName
name = PkgName $ maybe packageName NonEmpty.last splitted
set :: Text
set = maybe "" (Text.intercalate "." . NonEmpty.init) splitted
set :: PkgSet
set = PkgSet $ maybe "" (Text.intercalate "." . NonEmpty.init) splitted
buildToStatusSummary :: MaintainerMap -> ReverseDependencyMap -> Build -> StatusSummary
buildToStatusSummary maintainerMap reverseDependencyMap build@Build{job, id, system} =
Map.singleton pkgName summaryEntry
(pkgName, pkgSet) = buildToPkgNameAndSet build
maintainers :: Set Text
maintainers = maybe mempty (Set.fromList . toList) (Map.lookup job maintainerMap)
(reverseDeps, unbrokenReverseDeps) = Map.findWithDefault (0,0) name reverseDependencyMap
(reverseDeps, unbrokenReverseDeps) =
Map.findWithDefault (0,0) pkgName reverseDependencyMap
buildTable :: Table Text Platform BuildResult
buildTable :: Table PkgSet Platform BuildResult
buildTable =
singletonTable set (Platform system) (BuildResult (getBuildState build) id)
singletonTable pkgSet (Platform system) (BuildResult (getBuildState build) id)
summaryEntry = SummaryEntry buildTable maintainers reverseDeps unbrokenReverseDeps
@ -462,19 +520,36 @@ printTable name showR showC showE (Table mapping) = joinTable <$> (name : map sh
rows = toList $ Set.fromList (fst <$> Map.keys mapping)
cols = toList $ Set.fromList (snd <$> Map.keys mapping)
printJob :: Int -> Text -> (Table Text Platform BuildResult, Text) -> [Text]
printJob evalId name (Table mapping, maintainers) =
printJob :: Int -> PkgName -> (Table PkgSet Platform BuildResult, Text) -> [Text]
printJob evalId (PkgName name) (Table mapping, maintainers) =
if length sets <= 1
then map printSingleRow sets
else ["- [ ] " <> makeJobSearchLink "" name <> " " <> maintainers] <> map printRow sets
else ["- [ ] " <> makeJobSearchLink (PkgSet "") name <> " " <> maintainers] <> map printRow sets
printRow set = " - " <> printState set <> " " <> makeJobSearchLink set (if Text.null set then "toplevel" else set)
printSingleRow set = "- [ ] " <> printState set <> " " <> makeJobSearchLink set (makePkgName set) <> " " <> maintainers
makePkgName set = (if Text.null set then "" else set <> ".") <> name
printState set = Text.intercalate " " $ map (\pf -> maybe "" (label pf) $ Map.lookup (set, pf) mapping) platforms
makeJobSearchLink set linkLabel= makeSearchLink evalId linkLabel (makePkgName set)
printRow :: PkgSet -> Text
printRow (PkgSet set) =
" - " <> printState (PkgSet set) <> " " <>
makeJobSearchLink (PkgSet set) (if Text.null set then "toplevel" else set)
printSingleRow set =
"- [ ] " <> printState set <> " " <>
makeJobSearchLink set (makePkgName set) <> " " <> maintainers
makePkgName :: PkgSet -> Text
makePkgName (PkgSet set) = (if Text.null set then "" else set <> ".") <> name
printState set =
Text.intercalate " " $ map (\pf -> maybe "" (label pf) $ Map.lookup (set, pf) mapping) platforms
makeJobSearchLink :: PkgSet -> Text -> Text
makeJobSearchLink set linkLabel = makeSearchLink evalId linkLabel (makePkgName set)
sets :: [PkgSet]
sets = toList $ Set.fromList (fst <$> Map.keys mapping)
platforms :: [Platform]
platforms = toList $ Set.fromList (snd <$> Map.keys mapping)
label pf (BuildResult s i) = "[[" <> platformIcon pf <> icon s <> "]](https://hydra.nixos.org/build/" <> showT i <> ")"
makeSearchLink :: Int -> Text -> Text -> Text
@ -503,7 +578,7 @@ evalLine Eval{id, jobsetevalinputs = JobsetEvalInputs{nixpkgs = Nixpkgs{revision
<> Text.pack (formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M UTC" fetchTime)
<> "*"
printBuildSummary :: Eval -> UTCTime -> StatusSummary -> [(Text, Int)] -> Text
printBuildSummary :: Eval -> UTCTime -> StatusSummary -> [(PkgName, Int)] -> Text
printBuildSummary eval@Eval{id} fetchTime summary topBrokenRdeps =
Text.unlines $
headline <> [""] <> tldr <> ((" * "<>) <$> (errors <> warnings)) <> [""]
@ -519,36 +594,100 @@ printBuildSummary eval@Eval{id} fetchTime summary topBrokenRdeps =
<> footer
footer = ["*Report generated with [maintainers/scripts/haskell/hydra-report.hs](https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/haskell-updates/maintainers/scripts/haskell/hydra-report.hs)*"]
headline =
[ "### [haskell-updates build report from hydra](https://hydra.nixos.org/jobset/nixpkgs/haskell-updates)"
, evalLine eval fetchTime ]
, evalLine eval fetchTime
totals :: [Text]
totals =
[ "#### Build summary"
, ""
<> printTable "Platform" (\x -> makeSearchLink id (platform x <> " " <> platformIcon x) ("." <> platform x)) (\x -> showT x <> " " <> icon x) showT numSummary
brokenLine (name, rdeps) = "[" <> name <> "](https://packdeps.haskellers.com/reverse/" <> name <> ") :arrow_heading_up: " <> Text.pack (show rdeps) <> " "
] <>
(\x -> makeSearchLink id (platform x <> " " <> platformIcon x) ("." <> platform x))
(\x -> showT x <> " " <> icon x)
brokenLine :: (PkgName, Int) -> Text
brokenLine (PkgName name, rdeps) =
"[" <> name <> "](https://packdeps.haskellers.com/reverse/" <> name <>
") :arrow_heading_up: " <> Text.pack (show rdeps) <> " "
numSummary = statusToNumSummary summary
jobsByState :: (BuildState -> Bool) -> Map Text SummaryEntry
jobsByState :: (BuildState -> Bool) -> StatusSummary
jobsByState predicate = Map.filter (predicate . worstState) summary
worstState :: SummaryEntry -> BuildState
worstState = foldl' min Success . fmap state . summaryBuilds
fails :: Map Text SummaryEntry
fails :: StatusSummary
fails = jobsByState (== Failed)
failedDeps :: StatusSummary
failedDeps = jobsByState (== DependencyFailed)
unknownErr :: StatusSummary
unknownErr = jobsByState (\x -> x > DependencyFailed && x < TimedOut)
withMaintainer = Map.mapMaybe (\e -> (summaryBuilds e,) <$> nonEmpty (Set.toList (summaryMaintainers e)))
withMaintainer :: StatusSummary -> Map PkgName (Table PkgSet Platform BuildResult, NonEmpty Text)
withMaintainer =
(\e -> (summaryBuilds e,) <$> nonEmpty (Set.toList (summaryMaintainers e)))
withoutMaintainer :: StatusSummary -> StatusSummary
withoutMaintainer = Map.mapMaybe (\e -> if Set.null (summaryMaintainers e) then Just e else Nothing)
optionalList :: Text -> [Text] -> [Text]
optionalList heading list = if null list then mempty else [heading] <> list
optionalHideableList :: Text -> [Text] -> [Text]
optionalHideableList heading list = if null list then mempty else [heading] <> details (showT (length list) <> " job(s)") list
maintainedList :: StatusSummary -> [Text]
maintainedList = showMaintainedBuild <=< Map.toList . withMaintainer
unmaintainedList = showBuild <=< sortOn (\(snd -> x) -> (negate (summaryUnbrokenReverseDeps x), negate (summaryReverseDeps x))) . Map.toList . withoutMaintainer
showBuild (name, entry) = printJob id name (summaryBuilds entry, Text.pack (if summaryReverseDeps entry > 0 then " :arrow_heading_up: " <> show (summaryUnbrokenReverseDeps entry) <>" | "<> show (summaryReverseDeps entry) else ""))
showMaintainedBuild (name, (table, maintainers)) = printJob id name (table, Text.intercalate " " (fmap ("@" <>) (toList maintainers)))
summaryEntryGetReverseDeps :: SummaryEntry -> (Int, Int)
summaryEntryGetReverseDeps sumEntry =
( negate $ summaryUnbrokenReverseDeps sumEntry
, negate $ summaryReverseDeps sumEntry
sortOnReverseDeps :: [(PkgName, SummaryEntry)] -> [(PkgName, SummaryEntry)]
sortOnReverseDeps = sortOn (\(_, sumEntry) -> summaryEntryGetReverseDeps sumEntry)
unmaintainedList :: StatusSummary -> [Text]
unmaintainedList = showBuild <=< sortOnReverseDeps . Map.toList . withoutMaintainer
showBuild :: (PkgName, SummaryEntry) -> [Text]
showBuild (name, entry) =
( summaryBuilds entry
, Text.pack
( if summaryReverseDeps entry > 0
" :arrow_heading_up: " <> show (summaryUnbrokenReverseDeps entry) <>
" | " <> show (summaryReverseDeps entry)
else ""
:: (PkgName, (Table PkgSet Platform BuildResult, NonEmpty Text)) -> [Text]
showMaintainedBuild (name, (table, maintainers)) =
( table
, Text.intercalate " " (fmap ("@" <>) (toList maintainers))
tldr = case (errors, warnings) of
([],[]) -> [":green_circle: **Ready to merge** (if there are no [evaluation errors](https://hydra.nixos.org/jobset/nixpkgs/haskell-updates))"]
([],_) -> [":yellow_circle: **Potential issues** (and possibly [evaluation errors](https://hydra.nixos.org/jobset/nixpkgs/haskell-updates))"]
@ -566,8 +705,8 @@ printBuildSummary eval@Eval{id} fetchTime summary topBrokenRdeps =
if' (outstandingJobs (Platform "aarch64-darwin") > 100) "Too many outstanding jobs on aarch64-darwin."
if' p e = if p then [e] else mempty
outstandingJobs platform | Table m <- numSummary = Map.findWithDefault 0 (platform, Unfinished) m
maintainedJob = Map.lookup "maintained" summary
mergeableJob = Map.lookup "mergeable" summary
maintainedJob = Map.lookup (PkgName "maintained") summary
mergeableJob = Map.lookup (PkgName "mergeable") summary
printEvalInfo :: IO ()
printEvalInfo = do