pkgs/top-level/make-tarball.nix: just don't do, like, most of it

- Making sure everything evals? That's covered by release-checks!
- Building a list of tarballs? We throw it out anyway!
- Copying files around to produce the right paths in the tarball? Just tell tar to do it!

Also, multithread xz compression for additional fast.

Tarball job is under two minutes now. I hate computers.
This commit is contained in:
K900 2024-04-22 22:59:43 +03:00
parent 513c54588f
commit 4a0c2fa837
1 changed files with 15 additions and 41 deletions

View File

@ -1,7 +1,3 @@
/* Hydra job to build a tarball for Nixpkgs from a Git checkout. It
also builds the documentation and tests whether the Nix expressions
evaluate correctly. */
{ nixpkgs
, officialRelease
, pkgs ? import nixpkgs.outPath {}
@ -31,54 +27,32 @@ pkgs.releaseTools.sourceTarball {
echo "git-revision is $(cat .git-revision)"
requiredSystemFeatures = [ "big-parallel" ]; # 1 thread but ~36G RAM (!) see #227945
dontBuild = false;
doCheck = true;
checkPhase = ''
set -o pipefail
export NIX_PATH=nixpkgs=$TMPDIR/barf.nix
opts=(--option build-users-group "")
nix-store --init
echo "checking eval-release.nix"
nix-instantiate --eval --strict --show-trace ./maintainers/scripts/eval-release.nix > /dev/null
echo "checking find-tarballs.nix"
nix-instantiate --readonly-mode --eval --strict --show-trace --json \
./maintainers/scripts/find-tarballs.nix \
--arg expr 'import ./maintainers/scripts/all-tarballs.nix' > $TMPDIR/tarballs.json
nrUrls=$(jq -r '.[].url' < $TMPDIR/tarballs.json | wc -l)
echo "found $nrUrls URLs"
if [ "$nrUrls" -lt 10000 ]; then
echo "suspiciously low number of URLs"
exit 1
echo "generating packages.json"
mkdir -p $out/nix-support
echo -n '{"version":2,"packages":' > tmp
nix-env -f . -I nixpkgs=$src -qa --meta --json --show-trace --arg config 'import ${./packages-config.nix}' "''${opts[@]}" >> tmp
echo -n '}' >> tmp
< tmp sed "s|$(pwd)/||g" | jq -c | brotli -9 > $packages
rm tmp
echo -n '{"version":2,"packages":'
NIX_STATE_DIR=$TMPDIR NIX_PATH= nix-env -f $src -qa --meta --json --show-trace --arg config 'import ${./packages-config.nix}'
echo -n '}'
) | sed "s|$src/||g" | jq -c | brotli -9 > $packages
mkdir -p $out/nix-support
echo "file json-br $packages" >> $out/nix-support/hydra-build-products
distPhase = ''
mkdir -p $out/tarballs
mkdir ../$releaseName
cp -prd . ../$releaseName
(cd .. && tar cfa $out/tarballs/$releaseName.tar.xz $releaseName) || false
XZ_OPT="-T0" tar \
--transform="s/^[.]/$releaseName/" \
--create \
--xz \
--file=$out/tarballs/$releaseName.tar.xz \
meta = {
maintainers = [ ];