manual: document ways of obtaining source hashes

... and security nuances
This commit is contained in:
danbst 2019-01-10 23:15:23 +02:00
parent 68a6b47b8c
commit 663b8cc929
2 changed files with 105 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -9,8 +9,10 @@ debug:
.PHONY: format
find . -iname '*.xml' -type f -print0 | xargs -0 -I{} -n1 \
xmlformat --config-file "$$XMLFORMAT_CONFIG" -i {}
find . -iname '*.xml' -type f | while read f; do \
echo $$f ;\
xmlformat --config-file "$$XMLFORMAT_CONFIG" -i $$f ;\
.PHONY: fix-misc-xml

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@ -876,6 +876,107 @@ src = fetchFromGitHub {
<section xml:id="sec-source-hashes">
<title>Obtaining source hash</title>
Preferred source hash type is sha256. There are several ways to get it.
Prefetch URL (with <literal>nix-prefetch-<replaceable>XXX</replaceable>
<replaceable>URL</replaceable></literal>, where
<replaceable>XXX</replaceable> is one of <literal>url</literal>,
<literal>git</literal>, <literal>hg</literal>, <literal>cvs</literal>,
<literal>bzr</literal>, <literal>svn</literal>). Hash is printed to
Prefetch by package source (with <literal>nix-prefetch-url
'&lt;nixpkgs&gt;' -A <replaceable>PACKAGE</replaceable>.src</literal>,
where <replaceable>PACKAGE</replaceable> is package attribute name). Hash
is printed to stdout.
This works well when you've upgraded existing package version and want to
find out new hash, but is useless if package doesn't have top-level
attribute or package has multiple sources (<literal>.srcs</literal>,
architecture-dependent sources, etc).
Upstream provided hash: use it when upstream provides
<literal>sha256</literal> or <literal>sha512</literal> (when upstream
provides <literal>md5</literal>, don't use it, compute
<literal>sha256</literal> instead).
A little nuance is that <literal>nix-prefetch-*</literal> tools produce
hash encoded with <literal>base32</literal>, but upstream usually provides
hexadecimal (<literal>base16</literal>) encoding. Fetchers understand both
formats. Nixpkgs doesn't stadartize on any one format.
You can convert between formats with nix-hash, for example:
$ nix-hash --type sha256 --to-base32 <replaceable>HASH</replaceable>
Extracting hash from local source tarball can be done with
<literal>sha256sum</literal>. Use <literal>nix-prefetch-url
file:///path/to/tarball </literal> if you want base32 hash.
Fake hash: set fake hash in package expression, perform build and extract
correct hash from error Nix prints.
You can use <literal>lib.fakeSha256</literal>,
<literal>lib.fakeSha512</literal> or any other fake hash for this purpose.
This is last resort method when reconstructing source URL is non-trivial
and <literal>nix-prefetch-url -A</literal> isn't applicable (for example,
<link xlink:href="">
one of <literal>kodi</literal> dependencies</link>). The easiest way then
would be replace hash with a fake one and rebuild. Nix build will fail and
error message will contain wanted hash.
<section xml:id="sec-source-hashes-security">
<title>Obtaining hashes securely</title>
From security point of view first four methods are most secure.
nix-prefetch-url does verify TLS certificates for
<literal>https://</literal> URLs. <emphasis>TLS certificates aren't
verified in fake hash method even when there is <literal>https://</literal>
URL</emphasis>. Obviously, getting hashes for <literal>http://</literal>
URLs isn't secure, so recheck using some other network that hash is same.
Upstream provided hashes are not secure if obtained over
Nixpkgs build farm can act as an additional verification step. When
compromised hash was obtained, package may be rejected on Hydra due to hash
<section xml:id="sec-patches">