tests.nixpkgs-check-by-name: Improve non-syntactic callPackage error more

This commit is contained in:
Silvan Mosberger 2024-02-22 23:43:02 +01:00
parent a53b07e252
commit 7258d472bc
6 changed files with 79 additions and 14 deletions

View File

@ -306,6 +306,7 @@ dependencies = [
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View File

@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ itertools = "0.11.0"
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View File

@ -188,28 +188,50 @@ impl fmt::Display for NixpkgsProblem {
- Because {} exists, the attribute `pkgs.{package_name}` must be defined like
{package_name} = callPackage {} {{ /* ... */ }}
{package_name} = callPackage {} {{ /* ... */ }};
This is however not the case: The first `callPackage` argument is the wrong path.
It is defined in {}:{}:{} as
{package_name} = callPackage {} {{ /* ... */ }}",
{package_name} = callPackage {} {{ /* ... */ }};",
create_path_expr(file, expected_path),
file.display(), line, column,
create_path_expr(file, actual_path),
NixpkgsProblem::NonSyntacticCallPackage { package_name, file, line, column, definition } =>
NixpkgsProblem::NonSyntacticCallPackage { package_name, file, line, column, definition } => {
// This is needed such multi-line definitions don't look odd
// A bit round-about, but it works and we might not need anything more complicated
let definition_indented =
// The entire code should be indented 4 spaces
// But first we want to strip the code's natural indentation
// The definition _doesn't_ include the leading spaces, but we can
// recover those from the column
" ".repeat(column - 1)),
" ",
"Because {} exists, the attribute `pkgs.{package_name}` must be defined as `callPackage {} {{ ... }}`. This is however not the case: The attribute is defined in {}:{}:{} as\n\t{}",
- Because {} exists, the attribute `pkgs.{package_name}` must be defined like
{package_name} = callPackage {} {{ /* ... */ }};
This is however not the case.
It is defined in {}:{} as
NixpkgsProblem::NonDerivation { relative_package_file, package_name } =>

View File

@ -1,2 +1,8 @@
Because pkgs/by-name/fo/foo exists, the attribute `pkgs.foo` must be defined as `callPackage pkgs/by-name/fo/foo/package.nix { ... }`. This is however not the case: The attribute is defined in all-packages.nix:4:3 as
foo = self.bar;
- Because pkgs/by-name/fo/foo exists, the attribute `pkgs.foo` must be defined like
foo = callPackage pkgs/by-name/fo/foo/package.nix { /* ... */ };
This is however not the case.
It is defined in all-packages.nix:4 as
foo = self.bar;

View File

@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
- Because pkgs/by-name/no/nonDerivation exists, the attribute `pkgs.nonDerivation` must be defined like
nonDerivation = callPackage ./pkgs/by-name/no/nonDerivation/package.nix { /* ... */ }
nonDerivation = callPackage ./pkgs/by-name/no/nonDerivation/package.nix { /* ... */ };
This is however not the case: The first `callPackage` argument is the wrong path.
It is defined in all-packages.nix:2:3 as
nonDerivation = callPackage ./someDrv.nix { /* ... */ }
nonDerivation = callPackage ./someDrv.nix { /* ... */ };

View File

@ -1,2 +1,8 @@
Because pkgs/by-name/no/nonDerivation exists, the attribute `pkgs.nonDerivation` must be defined as `callPackage pkgs/by-name/no/nonDerivation/package.nix { ... }`. This is however not the case: The attribute is defined in all-packages.nix:2:3 as
nonDerivation = self.someDrv;
- Because pkgs/by-name/no/nonDerivation exists, the attribute `pkgs.nonDerivation` must be defined like
nonDerivation = callPackage pkgs/by-name/no/nonDerivation/package.nix { /* ... */ };
This is however not the case.
It is defined in all-packages.nix:2 as
nonDerivation = self.someDrv;