dartHooks.dartConfigHook: Add packageRun utility

This commit is contained in:
hacker1024 2023-10-26 19:30:23 +11:00 committed by FlafyDev
parent 92809a1cc5
commit d41348a68a
2 changed files with 34 additions and 3 deletions

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@ -45,17 +45,18 @@ Many Dart applications require executables from the `dev_dependencies` section i
This can be done in `preBuild`, in one of two ways:
1. Packaging the tool with `buildDartApplication`, adding it to Nixpkgs, and running it like any other application
2. Running the tool from the Pub cache
2. Running the tool from the package cache
Of these methods, the first is recommended when using a tool that does not need
to be of a specific version.
To use the second method, first make the derivation accessible within itself (e.g. `let self = ...; in self`), and then run it from the Pub cache in `preBuild`.
For the second method, the `packageRun` function from the `dartConfigHook` can be used.
This is an alternative to `dart run` that does not rely on Pub.
e.g., for `build_runner`:
dart --packages=.dart_tool/package_config.json ${self.pubspecLock.dependencySources.build_runner.packagePath}/bin/build_runner.dart build
packageRun build_runner -- build
Do _not_ use `dart run <package_name>`, as this will attempt to download dependencies with Pub.

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@ -10,6 +10,36 @@ dartConfigHook() {
mkdir -p .dart_tool
cp "$packageConfig" .dart_tool/package_config.json
# Runs a Dart executable from a package.
# Usage:
# packageRun <package> [executable] [bin_dir]
# By default, [bin_dir] is "bin", and [executable] is <package>.
# i.e. `packageRun build_runner` is equivalent to `packageRun build_runner build_runner bin`, which runs `bin/build_runner.dart` from the build_runner package.
packageRun() {
local args=()
local passthrough=()
while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
if [ "$1" != "--" ]; then
local name="${args[0]}"
local path="${args[1]:-$name}"
local prefix="${args[2]:-bin}"
local packagePath="$(jq --raw-output --arg name "$name" '.packages.[] | select(.name == $name) .rootUri | sub("file://"; "")' .dart_tool/package_config.json)"
dart --packages=.dart_tool/package_config.json "$packagePath/$prefix/$path.dart" "${passthrough[@]}"
echo "Generating the dependency list"
dart pub deps --json | @jq@ .packages > deps.json