# Nixpkgs/NixOS option handling. let lib = import ./default.nix; in with { inherit (builtins) head tail; }; with import ./trivial.nix; with import ./lists.nix; with import ./misc.nix; with import ./attrsets.nix; with import ./properties.nix; with import ./modules.nix; rec { inherit (lib) typeOf; isOption = attrs: (typeOf attrs) == "option"; mkOption = attrs: attrs // { _type = "option"; # name (this is the name of the attributem it is automatically generated by the traversal) # default (value used when no definition exists) # example (documentation) # description (documentation) # type (option type, provide a default merge function and ensure type correctness) # merge (function used to merge definitions into one definition: [ /type/ ] -> /type/) # apply (convert the option value to ease the manipulation of the option result) # options (set of sub-options declarations & definitions) }; # Make the option declaration more user-friendly by adding default # settings and some verifications based on the declaration content (like # type correctness). addOptionMakeUp = {name, recurseInto}: decl: let init = { inherit name; merge = mergeDefaultOption; apply = lib.id; }; mergeFromType = opt: if decl ? type && decl.type ? merge then opt // { merge = decl.type.merge; } else opt; addDeclaration = opt: opt // decl; ensureMergeInputType = opt: if decl ? type then opt // { merge = list: if all decl.type.check list then opt.merge list else throw "One of the definitions has a bad type."; } else opt; ensureDefaultType = opt: if decl ? type && decl ? default then opt // { default = if decl.type.check decl.default then decl.default else throw "The default value has a bad type."; } else opt; handleOptionSets = opt: if decl ? type && decl.type.hasOptions then let optionConfig = opts: config: map (f: applyIfFunction f config) (decl.options ++ [opts]); in opt // { merge = list: decl.type.iter (path: opts: lib.fix (fixableMergeFun (recurseInto path) (optionConfig opts)) ) opt.name (opt.merge list); options = recurseInto (decl.type.docPath opt.name) decl.options; } else opt; in foldl (opt: f: f opt) init [ # default settings mergeFromType # user settings addDeclaration # override settings ensureMergeInputType ensureDefaultType handleOptionSets ]; # Merge a list of options containning different field. This is useful to # separate the merge & apply fields from the interface. mergeOptionDecls = opts: if opts == [] then {} else if tail opts == [] then let opt = head opts; in if opt ? options then opt // { options = toList opt.options; } else opt else fold (opt1: opt2: lib.addErrorContext "opt1 = ${lib.showVal opt1}\nopt2 = ${lib.showVal opt2}" ( # You cannot merge if two options have the same field. assert opt1 ? default -> ! opt2 ? default; assert opt1 ? example -> ! opt2 ? example; assert opt1 ? description -> ! opt2 ? description; assert opt1 ? merge -> ! opt2 ? merge; assert opt1 ? apply -> ! opt2 ? apply; assert opt1 ? type -> ! opt2 ? type; if opt1 ? options || opt2 ? options then opt1 // opt2 // { options = (toList (attrByPath ["options"] [] opt1)) ++ (toList (attrByPath ["options"] [] opt2)); } else opt1 // opt2 )) {} opts; # !!! This function will be removed because this can be done with the # multiple option declarations. addDefaultOptionValues = defs: opts: opts // builtins.listToAttrs (map (defName: { name = defName; value = let defValue = builtins.getAttr defName defs; optValue = builtins.getAttr defName opts; in if typeOf defValue == "option" then # `defValue' is an option. if hasAttr defName opts then builtins.getAttr defName opts else defValue.default else # `defValue' is an attribute set containing options. # So recurse. if hasAttr defName opts && isAttrs optValue then addDefaultOptionValues defValue optValue else addDefaultOptionValues defValue {}; } ) (attrNames defs)); mergeDefaultOption = list: if list != [] && tail list == [] then head list else if all builtins.isFunction list then x: mergeDefaultOption (map (f: f x) list) else if all isList list then concatLists list else if all isAttrs list then fold lib.mergeAttrs {} list else if all (x: true == x || false == x) list then fold lib.or false list else if all (x: x == toString x) list then lib.concatStrings list else throw "Cannot merge values."; mergeTypedOption = typeName: predicate: merge: list: if all predicate list then merge list else throw "Expect a ${typeName}."; mergeEnableOption = mergeTypedOption "boolean" (x: true == x || false == x) (fold lib.or false); mergeListOption = mergeTypedOption "list" isList concatLists; mergeStringOption = mergeTypedOption "string" (x: if builtins ? isString then builtins.isString x else x + "") lib.concatStrings; mergeOneOption = list: if list == [] then abort "This case should never happen." else if tail list != [] then throw "Multiple definitions. Only one is allowed for this option." else head list; # Handle the traversal of option sets. All sets inside 'opts' are zipped # and options declaration and definition are separated. If no option are # declared at a specific depth, then the function recurse into the values. # Other cases are handled by the optionHandler which contains two # functions that are used to defined your goal. # - export is a function which takes two arguments which are the option # and the list of values. # - notHandle is a function which takes the list of values are not handle # by this function. handleOptionSets = optionHandler@{export, notHandle, ...}: path: opts: if all isAttrs opts then lib.zip (attr: opts: let recurseInto = name: attrs: handleOptionSets optionHandler name attrs; # Compute the path to reach the attribute. name = if path == "" then attr else path + "." + attr; # Divide the definitions of the attribute "attr" between # declaration (isOption) and definitions (!isOption). test = partition (x: isOption (rmProperties x)) opts; decls = map rmProperties test.right; defs = test.wrong; # Make the option declaration more user-friendly by adding default # settings and some verifications based on the declaration content # (like type correctness). opt = addOptionMakeUp { inherit name recurseInto; } (mergeOptionDecls decls); # Return the list of option sets. optAttrs = map delayProperties defs; # return the list of option values. # Remove undefined values that are coming from evalIf. optValues = evalProperties defs; in if decls == [] then recurseInto name optAttrs else lib.addErrorContext "while evaluating the option ${name}:" ( export opt optValues ) ) opts else lib.addErrorContext "while evaluating ${path}:" (notHandle opts); # Merge option sets and produce a set of values which is the merging of # all options declare and defined. If no values are defined for an # option, then the default value is used otherwise it use the merge # function of each option to get the result. mergeOptionSets = handleOptionSets { export = opt: values: opt.apply ( if values == [] then if opt ? default then opt.default else throw "Not defined." else opt.merge values ); notHandle = opts: throw "Used without option declaration."; }; # Keep all option declarations. filterOptionSets = handleOptionSets { export = opt: values: opt; notHandle = opts: {}; }; fixableMergeFun = merge: f: config: merge ( # remove require because this is not an option. map (m: removeAttrs m ["require"]) ( # Delay top-level properties like mkIf map delayProperties ( # generate the list of option sets. f config ) ) ); fixableMergeModules = merge: initModules: {...}@args: config: fixableMergeFun merge (config: # filter the list of option sets. selectDeclsAndDefs ( # generate the list of modules from a closure of imports/require # attribtues. moduleClosure initModules (args // { inherit config; }) ) ) config; fixableDefinitionsOf = initModules: {...}@args: fixableMergeModules (mergeOptionSets "") initModules args; fixableDeclarationsOf = initModules: {...}@args: fixableMergeModules (filterOptionSets "") initModules args; definitionsOf = initModules: {...}@args: lib.fix (fixableDefinitionsOf initModules args); declarationsOf = initModules: {...}@args: lib.fix (fixableDeclarationsOf initModules args); fixMergeModules = merge: initModules: {...}@args: lib.fix (fixableMergeModules merge initModules args); # old interface. fixOptionSetsFun = merge: {...}@args: initModules: config: fixableMergeModules (merge "") initModules args config; fixOptionSets = merge: args: initModules: fixMergeModules (merge "") initModules args; # Generate documentation template from the list of option declaration like # the set generated with filterOptionSets. optionAttrSetToDocList = ignore: newOptionAttrSetToDocList; newOptionAttrSetToDocList = attrs: let options = collect isOption attrs; in fold (opt: rest: let docOption = { inherit (opt) name; description = if opt ? description then opt.description else throw "Option ${opt.name}: No description."; } // (if opt ? example then {inherit(opt) example;} else {}) // (if opt ? default then {inherit(opt) default;} else {}); subOptions = if opt ? options then newOptionAttrSetToDocList opt.options else []; in [ docOption ] ++ subOptions ++ rest ) [] options; }