# Davis {#module-services-davis} [Davis](https://github.com/tchapi/davis/) is a caldav and carrddav server. It has a simple, fully translatable admin interface for sabre/dav based on Symfony 5 and Bootstrap 5, initially inspired by Baïkal. ## Basic Usage {#module-services-davis-basic-usage} At first, an application secret is needed, this can be generated with: ```ShellSession $ cat /dev/urandom | tr -dc a-zA-Z0-9 | fold -w 48 | head -n 1 ``` After that, `davis` can be deployed like this: ``` { services.davis = { enable = true; hostname = "davis.example.com"; mail = { dsn = "smtp://username@example.com:25"; inviteFromAddress = "davis@example.com"; }; adminLogin = "admin"; adminPasswordFile = "/run/secrets/davis-admin-password"; appSecretFile = "/run/secrets/davis-app-secret"; nginx = {}; }; } ``` This deploys Davis using a sqlite database running out of `/var/lib/davis`.