*% This comment: might look like a command @keep@ *% but it should be left untouched *SomeKey: do not replace this @keep@ *APAutoSetupTool: do replace this @patch@ *FoomaticRIPCommandLine: "patch also @patch@ in a multi-line command @patch@ and another line @patch@ *SomeKey: "stop patching on new non-command key @keep@ and remember the key in the next line @keep@" *cupsFilter option: recognize keys with options @patch@ *cupsFilter : handle strange spacing;@patch@ *cupsFilter : handle tabulator @patch@ *cupsFilter: patch common paths @pathpatch@ *cupsFilter: patch quoted commands "@patch@" *cupsFilter: patch commands in subshell (@patch@) *cupsFilter: patch commands in subshell `@pathpatch@` *cupsFilter: keep uncommon paths /fancy/@pathkeep@ *cupsFilter: keep entangled commands-@keep@ *cupsFilter: keep entangled commands\@keep@ *cupsFilter: keep entangled commands @keep@() *cupsFilter: keep entangled commands @pathkeep@-cmd *%cupsFilter: This comment should also be left as is @pathkeep@