# File Systems {#ch-file-systems} You can define file systems using the `fileSystems` configuration option. For instance, the following definition causes NixOS to mount the Ext4 file system on device `/dev/disk/by-label/data` onto the mount point `/data`: ```nix { fileSystems."/data" = { device = "/dev/disk/by-label/data"; fsType = "ext4"; }; } ``` This will create an entry in `/etc/fstab`, which will generate a corresponding [systemd.mount](https://www.freedesktop.org/software/systemd/man/systemd.mount.html) unit via [systemd-fstab-generator](https://www.freedesktop.org/software/systemd/man/systemd-fstab-generator.html). The filesystem will be mounted automatically unless `"noauto"` is present in [options](#opt-fileSystems._name_.options). `"noauto"` filesystems can be mounted explicitly using `systemctl` e.g. `systemctl start data.mount`. Mount points are created automatically if they don't already exist. For `device`, it's best to use the topology-independent device aliases in `/dev/disk/by-label` and `/dev/disk/by-uuid`, as these don't change if the topology changes (e.g. if a disk is moved to another IDE controller). You can usually omit the file system type (`fsType`), since `mount` can usually detect the type and load the necessary kernel module automatically. However, if the file system is needed at early boot (in the initial ramdisk) and is not `ext2`, `ext3` or `ext4`, then it's best to specify `fsType` to ensure that the kernel module is available. ::: {.note} System startup will fail if any of the filesystems fails to mount, dropping you to the emergency shell. You can make a mount asynchronous and non-critical by adding `options = [ "nofail" ];`. ::: ```{=include=} sections luks-file-systems.section.md sshfs-file-systems.section.md overlayfs.section.md ```