Maximilian Bosch 039f73f134
flake: fix lib.trivial.version when used from a flake
A lot of fetchers from Nix's own `libfetchers` also provide the
information that `lib.trivial` aims to expose with
`version`/`versionSuffix`/`revision`. In fact you don't even need a
`nixpkgs` channel to get a proper version suffix because of that!

Unfortunately this isn't used currently. When using the
nixpkgs flake, but not `nixpkgs.lib.nixosSystem` to build a NixOS
configuration, the version will always be `YY.MMpre-git`. One example is
e.g. `colmena` which evaluates configurations via
`import (npkgs.path + "/nixos/lib/eval-config.nix")`.

This patch ensures that the version suffix (i.e. the normalized last
modified date + git revision) is correctly exposed in `lib.trivial`.
Additionally, the change is injected into the following locations:

* `lib`: with that, something like

      $ nix eval nixpkgs#lib.trivial.version

  is working fine (i.e. rather than `23.05pre-git`).

* `legacyPackages` to make sure that e.g. `legacyPackages.<system>.nixos`
  has correct version info. This also applies to everything else using
  `pkgs.lib.trivial` for that purpose.

* `overlays.default` which can be applied to a `nixpkgs` and changes the
  previous `pkgs.lib` from said `nixpkgs` to also contain the correct

  This is useful for people using `nixpkgs` as flake input, but
  importing it manually with

      import inputs.nixpkgs { }

Co-authored-by: Linus Heckemann <>
2023-12-09 11:45:44 +01:00

86 lines
2.9 KiB

# Experimental flake interface to Nixpkgs.
# See for details.
description = "A collection of packages for the Nix package manager";
outputs = { self }:
jobs = import ./pkgs/top-level/release.nix {
nixpkgs = self;
lib = (import ./lib).extend libVersionInfoOverlay;
libVersionInfoOverlay = finalLib: prevLib: {
trivial = prevLib.trivial // {
versionSuffix =
".${finalLib.substring 0 8 (self.lastModifiedDate or self.lastModified or "19700101")}.${self.shortRev or "dirty"}";
version = finalLib.trivial.release + finalLib.trivial.versionSuffix;
revisionWithDefault = default: self.rev or default;
forAllSystems = lib.genAttrs;
overlays.setLibVersionInfo = final: prev: {
lib = prev.lib.extend libVersionInfoOverlay;
lib = lib.extend (final: prev: {
nixos = import ./nixos/lib { lib = final; };
nixosSystem = args:
import ./nixos/lib/eval-config.nix (
args // { inherit (self) lib; } // lib.optionalAttrs (! args?system) {
# Allow system to be set modularly in nixpkgs.system.
# We set it to null, to remove the "legacy" entrypoint's
# non-hermetic default.
system = null;
checks.x86_64-linux.tarball = jobs.tarball;
htmlDocs = {
nixpkgsManual = jobs.manual;
nixosManual = (import ./nixos/release-small.nix {
nixpkgs = self;
# The "legacy" in `legacyPackages` doesn't imply that the packages exposed
# through this attribute are "legacy" packages. Instead, `legacyPackages`
# is used here as a substitute attribute name for `packages`. The problem
# with `packages` is that it makes operations like `nix flake show
# nixpkgs` unusably slow due to the sheer number of packages the Nix CLI
# needs to evaluate. But when the Nix CLI sees a `legacyPackages`
# attribute it displays `omitted` instead of evaluating all packages,
# which keeps `nix flake show` on Nixpkgs reasonably fast, though less
# information rich.
legacyPackages = forAllSystems (system: import ./. {
inherit system;
overlays = [ self.overlays.setLibVersionInfo ];
nixosModules = {
notDetected = ./nixos/modules/installer/scan/not-detected.nix;
Make the `nixpkgs.*` configuration read-only. Guarantees that `pkgs`
is the way you initialize it.
imports = [ nixpkgs.nixosModules.readOnlyPkgs ];
nixpkgs.pkgs = nixpkgs.legacyPackages.x86_64-linux;
readOnlyPkgs = ./nixos/modules/misc/nixpkgs/read-only.nix;