Maximilian Bosch 2cfc0bb7ee tamarin-prover: fix ghc 8.4 build (#46597)

`tamarin-prover' upstream has a patch to fix GHC 8.4 compilation (and
uses stack lts-12.1 now), but it's not released yet:


The build is divided in several derivations, therefore the patch had to
be splitted and rebased for `lib/term', `lib/theory' and `lib/utils' to
ensure that the patch applies properly during the `patchPhase'.

Addresses #45960
2018-09-13 14:11:09 +02:00

131 lines
5.3 KiB

From a08f6e400772899b9b0fc16befc50391cd70696b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Felix Yan <>
Date: Fri, 18 May 2018 16:24:41 +0800
Subject: [PATCH] GHC 8.4 support
src/Theory/Proof.hs | 43 +++++++++++--------
11 files changed, 79 insertions(+), 48 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/Theory/Constraint/Solver/Reduction.hs b/src/Theory/Constraint/Solver/Reduction.hs
index ddbc965a..6daadd0d 100644
--- a/src/Theory/Constraint/Solver/Reduction.hs
+++ b/src/Theory/Constraint/Solver/Reduction.hs
@@ -139,13 +139,14 @@ execReduction m ctxt se fs =
data ChangeIndicator = Unchanged | Changed
deriving( Eq, Ord, Show )
+instance Semigroup ChangeIndicator where
+ Changed <> _ = Changed
+ _ <> Changed = Changed
+ Unchanged <> Unchanged = Unchanged
instance Monoid ChangeIndicator where
mempty = Unchanged
- Changed `mappend` _ = Changed
- _ `mappend` Changed = Changed
- Unchanged `mappend` Unchanged = Unchanged
-- | Return 'True' iff there was a change.
wasChanged :: ChangeIndicator -> Bool
wasChanged Changed = True
diff --git a/src/Theory/Constraint/System/Guarded.hs b/src/Theory/Constraint/System/Guarded.hs
index f98fc7c2..2aac8ce2 100644
--- a/src/Theory/Constraint/System/Guarded.hs
+++ b/src/Theory/Constraint/System/Guarded.hs
@@ -435,7 +435,7 @@ gall ss atos gf = GGuarded All ss atos gf
-- | Local newtype to avoid orphan instance.
newtype ErrorDoc d = ErrorDoc { unErrorDoc :: d }
- deriving( Monoid, NFData, Document, HighlightDocument )
+ deriving( Monoid, Semigroup, NFData, Document, HighlightDocument )
-- | @formulaToGuarded fm@ returns a guarded formula @gf@ that is
-- equivalent to @fm@ under the assumption that this is possible.
diff --git a/src/Theory/Proof.hs b/src/Theory/Proof.hs
index 74fb77b1..7971b9fc 100644
--- a/src/Theory/Proof.hs
+++ b/src/Theory/Proof.hs
@@ -388,17 +388,19 @@ data ProofStatus =
| TraceFound -- ^ There is an annotated solved step
deriving ( Show, Generic, NFData, Binary )
+instance Semigroup ProofStatus where
+ TraceFound <> _ = TraceFound
+ _ <> TraceFound = TraceFound
+ IncompleteProof <> _ = IncompleteProof
+ _ <> IncompleteProof = IncompleteProof
+ _ <> CompleteProof = CompleteProof
+ CompleteProof <> _ = CompleteProof
+ UndeterminedProof <> UndeterminedProof = UndeterminedProof
instance Monoid ProofStatus where
mempty = CompleteProof
- mappend TraceFound _ = TraceFound
- mappend _ TraceFound = TraceFound
- mappend IncompleteProof _ = IncompleteProof
- mappend _ IncompleteProof = IncompleteProof
- mappend _ CompleteProof = CompleteProof
- mappend CompleteProof _ = CompleteProof
- mappend UndeterminedProof UndeterminedProof = UndeterminedProof
-- | The status of a 'ProofStep'.
proofStepStatus :: ProofStep (Maybe a) -> ProofStatus
proofStepStatus (ProofStep _ Nothing ) = UndeterminedProof
@@ -560,10 +562,12 @@ newtype Prover = Prover
-> Maybe IncrementalProof -- resulting proof
+instance Semigroup Prover where
+ p1 <> p2 = Prover $ \ctxt d se ->
+ runProver p1 ctxt d se >=> runProver p2 ctxt d se
instance Monoid Prover where
mempty = Prover $ \_ _ _ -> Just
- p1 `mappend` p2 = Prover $ \ctxt d se ->
- runProver p1 ctxt d se >=> runProver p2 ctxt d se
-- | Provers whose sequencing is handled via the 'Monoid' instance.
@@ -579,10 +583,12 @@ newtype DiffProver = DiffProver
-> Maybe IncrementalDiffProof -- resulting proof
+instance Semigroup DiffProver where
+ p1 <> p2 = DiffProver $ \ctxt d se ->
+ runDiffProver p1 ctxt d se >=> runDiffProver p2 ctxt d se
instance Monoid DiffProver where
mempty = DiffProver $ \_ _ _ -> Just
- p1 `mappend` p2 = DiffProver $ \ctxt d se ->
- runDiffProver p1 ctxt d se >=> runDiffProver p2 ctxt d se
-- | Map the proof generated by the prover.
mapProverProof :: (IncrementalProof -> IncrementalProof) -> Prover -> Prover
@@ -784,15 +790,16 @@ runAutoDiffProver (AutoProver heuristic bound cut) =
-- | The result of one pass of iterative deepening.
data IterDeepRes = NoSolution | MaybeNoSolution | Solution ProofPath
+instance Semigroup IterDeepRes where
+ x@(Solution _) <> _ = x
+ _ <> y@(Solution _) = y
+ MaybeNoSolution <> _ = MaybeNoSolution
+ _ <> MaybeNoSolution = MaybeNoSolution
+ NoSolution <> NoSolution = NoSolution
instance Monoid IterDeepRes where
mempty = NoSolution
- x@(Solution _) `mappend` _ = x
- _ `mappend` y@(Solution _) = y
- MaybeNoSolution `mappend` _ = MaybeNoSolution
- _ `mappend` MaybeNoSolution = MaybeNoSolution
- NoSolution `mappend` NoSolution = NoSolution
-- | @cutOnSolvedDFS prf@ removes all other cases if an attack is found. The
-- attack search is performed using a parallel DFS traversal with iterative
-- deepening.