Silvan Mosberger 5981aff212 tests.nixpkgs-check-by-name: Use RelativePath for relative paths
Makes the code easier to understand and less error-prone
2024-03-01 23:07:34 +01:00

556 lines
21 KiB

//! This is a utility module for interacting with the syntax of Nix files
use crate::utils::LineIndex;
use anyhow::Context;
use itertools::Either::{self, Left, Right};
use relative_path::RelativePathBuf;
use rnix::ast;
use rnix::ast::Expr;
use rnix::ast::HasEntry;
use rowan::ast::AstNode;
use rowan::TextSize;
use rowan::TokenAtOffset;
use std::collections::hash_map::Entry;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::fs::read_to_string;
use std::path::Path;
use std::path::PathBuf;
/// A structure to store parse results of Nix files in memory,
/// making sure that the same file never has to be parsed twice
pub struct NixFileStore {
entries: HashMap<PathBuf, NixFile>,
impl NixFileStore {
/// Get the store entry for a Nix file if it exists, otherwise parse the file, insert it into
/// the store, and return the value
/// Note that this function only gives an anyhow::Result::Err for I/O errors.
/// A parse error is anyhow::Result::Ok(Result::Err(error))
pub fn get(&mut self, path: &Path) -> anyhow::Result<&NixFile> {
match self.entries.entry(path.to_owned()) {
Entry::Occupied(entry) => Ok(entry.into_mut()),
Entry::Vacant(entry) => Ok(entry.insert(NixFile::new(path)?)),
/// A structure for storing a successfully parsed Nix file
pub struct NixFile {
/// The parent directory of the Nix file, for more convenient error handling
pub parent_dir: PathBuf,
/// The path to the file itself, for errors
pub path: PathBuf,
pub syntax_root: rnix::Root,
pub line_index: LineIndex,
impl NixFile {
/// Creates a new NixFile, failing for I/O or parse errors
fn new(path: impl AsRef<Path>) -> anyhow::Result<NixFile> {
let Some(parent_dir) = path.as_ref().parent() else {
anyhow::bail!("Could not get parent of path {}", path.as_ref().display())
let contents = read_to_string(&path)
.with_context(|| format!("Could not read file {}", path.as_ref().display()))?;
let line_index = LineIndex::new(&contents);
// NOTE: There's now another Nixpkgs CI check to make sure all changed Nix files parse
// correctly, though that uses mainline Nix instead of rnix, so it doesn't give the same
// errors. In the future we should unify these two checks, ideally moving the other CI
// check into this tool as well and checking for both mainline Nix and rnix.
// rnix's ::ok returns Result<_, _> , so no error is thrown away like it would be with
// std::result's ::ok
.map(|syntax_root| NixFile {
parent_dir: parent_dir.to_path_buf(),
path: path.as_ref().to_owned(),
.with_context(|| format!("Could not parse file {} with rnix", path.as_ref().display()))
/// Information about callPackage arguments
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
pub struct CallPackageArgumentInfo {
/// The relative path of the first argument, or `None` if it's not a path.
pub relative_path: Option<RelativePathBuf>,
/// Whether the second argument is an empty attribute set
pub empty_arg: bool,
impl NixFile {
/// Returns information about callPackage arguments for an attribute at a specific line/column
/// index.
/// If the definition at the given location is not of the form `<attr> = callPackage <arg1> <arg2>;`,
/// `Ok((None, String))` is returned, with `String` being the definition itself.
/// This function only returns `Err` for problems that can't be caused by the Nix contents,
/// but rather problems in this programs code itself.
/// This is meant to be used with the location returned from `builtins.unsafeGetAttrPos`, e.g.:
/// - Create file `default.nix` with contents
/// ```nix
/// self: {
/// foo = self.callPackage ./default.nix { };
/// }
/// ```
/// - Evaluate
/// ```nix
/// builtins.unsafeGetAttrPos "foo" (import ./default.nix { })
/// ```
/// results in `{ file = ./default.nix; line = 2; column = 3; }`
/// - Get the NixFile for `.file` from a `NixFileStore`
/// - Call this function with `.line`, `.column` and `relative_to` as the (absolute) current directory
/// You'll get back
/// ```rust
/// Ok((
/// Some(CallPackageArgumentInfo { path = Some("default.nix"), empty_arg: true }),
/// "foo = self.callPackage ./default.nix { };",
/// ))
/// ```
/// Note that this also returns the same for `pythonPackages.callPackage`. It doesn't make an
/// attempt at distinguishing this.
pub fn call_package_argument_info_at(
line: usize,
column: usize,
relative_to: &Path,
) -> anyhow::Result<(Option<CallPackageArgumentInfo>, String)> {
Ok(match self.attrpath_value_at(line, column)? {
Left(definition) => (None, definition),
Right(attrpath_value) => {
let definition = attrpath_value.to_string();
let attrpath_value =
self.attrpath_value_call_package_argument_info(attrpath_value, relative_to)?;
(attrpath_value, definition)
// Internal function mainly to make it independently testable
fn attrpath_value_at(
line: usize,
column: usize,
) -> anyhow::Result<Either<String, ast::AttrpathValue>> {
let index = self.line_index.fromlinecolumn(line, column);
let token_at_offset = self
.token_at_offset(TextSize::from(index as u32));
// The token_at_offset function takes indices to mean a location _between_ characters,
// which in this case is some spacing followed by the attribute name:
// foo = 10;
// /\
// This is the token offset, we get both the (newline + indentation) on the left side,
// and the attribute name on the right side.
let TokenAtOffset::Between(_space, token) = token_at_offset else {
anyhow::bail!("Line {line} column {column} in {} is not the start of a token, but rather {token_at_offset:?}", self.path.display())
// token looks like "foo"
let Some(node) = token.parent() else {
"Token on line {line} column {column} in {} does not have a parent node: {token:?}",
if ast::Attr::can_cast(node.kind()) {
// Something like `foo`, `"foo"` or `${"foo"}`
} else if ast::Inherit::can_cast(node.kind()) {
// Something like `inherit <attr>` or `inherit (<source>) <attr>`
// This is the only other way how `builtins.unsafeGetAttrPos` can return
// attribute positions, but we only look for ones like `<attr-path> = <value>`, so
// ignore this
return Ok(Left(node.to_string()));
} else {
// However, anything else is not expected and smells like a bug
"Node in {} is neither an attribute node nor an inherit node: {node:?}",
// node looks like "foo"
let Some(attrpath_node) = node.parent() else {
"Node in {} does not have a parent node: {node:?}",
if !ast::Attrpath::can_cast(attrpath_node.kind()) {
// We know that `node` is an attribute, its parent should be an attribute path
"In {}, attribute parent node is not an attribute path node: {attrpath_node:?}",
// attrpath_node looks like ""
let Some(attrpath_value_node) = attrpath_node.parent() else {
"Attribute path node in {} does not have a parent node: {attrpath_node:?}",
if !ast::AttrpathValue::can_cast(attrpath_value_node.kind()) {
"Node in {} is not an attribute path value node: {attrpath_value_node:?}",
// attrpath_value_node looks like " = 10;"
// unwrap is fine because we confirmed that we can cast with the above check.
// We could avoid this `unwrap` for a `clone`, since `cast` consumes the argument,
// but we still need it for the error message when the cast fails.
// Internal function mainly to make attrpath_value_at independently testable
fn attrpath_value_call_package_argument_info(
attrpath_value: ast::AttrpathValue,
relative_to: &Path,
) -> anyhow::Result<Option<CallPackageArgumentInfo>> {
let Some(attrpath) = attrpath_value.attrpath() else {
anyhow::bail!("attrpath value node doesn't have an attrpath: {attrpath_value:?}")
// At this point we know it's something like ` = ...`
if attrpath.attrs().count() > 1 {
// If the attribute path has multiple entries, the left-most entry is an attribute and
// can't be a `callPackage`.
// FIXME: `builtins.unsafeGetAttrPos` will return the same position for all attribute
// paths and we can't really know which one it is. We could have a case like
// ` = callPackage ... { }` and trying to determine if `bar` is a `callPackage`,
// where this is not correct.
// However, this case typically doesn't occur anyways,
// because top-level packages wouldn't be nested under an attribute set.
return Ok(None);
let Some(value) = attrpath_value.value() else {
anyhow::bail!("attrpath value node doesn't have a value: {attrpath_value:?}")
// At this point we know it's something like `foo = ...`
let Expr::Apply(apply1) = value else {
// Not even a function call, instead something like `foo = null`
return Ok(None);
let Some(function1) = apply1.lambda() else {
anyhow::bail!("apply node doesn't have a lambda: {apply1:?}")
let Some(arg1) = apply1.argument() else {
anyhow::bail!("apply node doesn't have an argument: {apply1:?}")
// At this point we know it's something like `foo = <fun> <arg>`.
// For a callPackage, `<fun>` would be `callPackage ./file` and `<arg>` would be `{ }`
let empty_arg = if let Expr::AttrSet(attrset) = arg1 {
// We can only statically determine whether the argument is empty if it's an attribute
// set _expression_, even though other kind of expressions could evaluate to an attribute
// set _value_. But this is what we want anyways
} else {
// Because callPackage takes two curried arguments, the first function needs to be a
// function call itself
let Expr::Apply(apply2) = function1 else {
// Not a callPackage, instead something like `foo = import ./foo`
return Ok(None);
let Some(function2) = apply2.lambda() else {
anyhow::bail!("apply node doesn't have a lambda: {apply2:?}")
let Some(arg2) = apply2.argument() else {
anyhow::bail!("apply node doesn't have an argument: {apply2:?}")
// At this point we know it's something like `foo = <fun2> <arg2> <arg1>`.
// For a callPackage, `<fun2>` would be `callPackage`, `<arg2>` would be `./file`
// Check that <arg2> is a path expression
let path = if let Expr::Path(actual_path) = arg2 {
// Try to statically resolve the path and turn it into a nixpkgs-relative path
if let ResolvedPath::Within(p) = self.static_resolve_path(actual_path, relative_to) {
} else {
// We can't statically know an existing path inside Nixpkgs used as <arg2>
} else {
// <arg2> is not a path, but rather e.g. an inline expression
// Check that <fun2> is an identifier, or an attribute path with an identifier at the end
let ident = match function2 {
Expr::Ident(ident) => {
// This means it's something like `foo = callPackage <arg2> <arg1>`
Expr::Select(select) => {
// This means it's something like `foo = self.callPackage <arg2> <arg1>`.
// We also end up here for e.g. `pythonPackages.callPackage`, but the
// callPackage-mocking method will take care of not triggering for this case.
if select.default_expr().is_some() {
// Very odd case, but this would be `foo = self.callPackage or true ./test.nix {}
// (yes this is valid Nix code)
return Ok(None);
let Some(attrpath) = select.attrpath() else {
anyhow::bail!("select node doesn't have an attrpath: {select:?}")
let Some(last) = attrpath.attrs().last() else {
// This case shouldn't be possible, it would be `foo = self. ./test.nix {}`,
// which shouldn't parse
anyhow::bail!("select node has an empty attrpath: {select:?}")
if let ast::Attr::Ident(ident) = last {
} else {
// Here it's something like `foo = self."callPackage" /test.nix {}`
// which we're not gonna bother with
return Ok(None);
// Any other expression we're not gonna treat as callPackage
_ => return Ok(None),
let Some(token) = ident.ident_token() else {
anyhow::bail!("ident node doesn't have a token: {ident:?}")
if token.text() == "callPackage" {
Ok(Some(CallPackageArgumentInfo {
relative_path: path,
} else {
/// The result of trying to statically resolve a Nix path expression
pub enum ResolvedPath {
/// Something like `./foo/${bar}/baz`, can't be known statically
/// Something like `<nixpkgs>`, can't be known statically
/// Path couldn't be resolved due to an IO error,
/// e.g. if the path doesn't exist or you don't have the right permissions
/// The path is outside the given absolute path
/// The path is within the given absolute path.
/// The `RelativePathBuf` is the relative path under the given absolute path.
impl NixFile {
/// Statically resolves a Nix path expression and checks that it's within an absolute path
/// E.g. for the path expression `./bar.nix` in `./foo.nix` and an absolute path of the
/// current directory, the function returns `ResolvedPath::Within(./bar.nix)`
pub fn static_resolve_path(&self, node: ast::Path, relative_to: &Path) -> ResolvedPath {
if != 1 {
// If there's more than 1 interpolated part, it's of the form `./foo/${bar}/baz`.
return ResolvedPath::Interpolated;
let text = node.to_string();
if text.starts_with('<') {
// A search path like `<nixpkgs>`. There doesn't appear to be better way to detect
// these in rnix
return ResolvedPath::SearchPath;
// Join the file's parent directory and the path expression, then resolve it
// FIXME: Expressions like `../../../../foo/bar/baz/qux` or absolute paths
// may resolve close to the original file, but may have left the relative_to.
// That should be checked more strictly
match self.parent_dir.join(Path::new(&text)).canonicalize() {
Err(resolution_error) => ResolvedPath::Unresolvable(resolution_error),
Ok(resolved) => {
// Check if it's within relative_to
match resolved.strip_prefix(relative_to) {
Err(_prefix_error) => ResolvedPath::Outside,
Ok(suffix) => ResolvedPath::Within(
RelativePathBuf::from_path(suffix).expect("a relative path"),
mod tests {
use super::*;
use crate::tests;
use indoc::indoc;
fn detects_attributes() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
let temp_dir = tests::tempdir()?;
let file = temp_dir.path().join("file.nix");
let contents = indoc! {r#"
toInherit: {
foo = 1;
"bar" = 2;
${"baz"} = 3;
"${"qux"}" = 4;
# A
# B
# C
# D
# E
inherit toInherit;
inherit (toInherit) toInherit;
std::fs::write(&file, contents)?;
let nix_file = NixFile::new(&file)?;
// These are builtins.unsafeGetAttrPos locations for the attributes
let cases = [
(2, 3, Right("foo = 1;")),
(3, 3, Right(r#""bar" = 2;"#)),
(4, 3, Right(r#"${"baz"} = 3;"#)),
(5, 3, Right(r#""${"qux"}" = 4;"#)),
(8, 3, Right("quux\n # B\n =\n # C\n 5\n # D\n ;")),
(17, 7, Right("quuux/**/=/**/5/**/;")),
(19, 10, Left("inherit toInherit;")),
(20, 22, Left("inherit (toInherit) toInherit;")),
for (line, column, expected_result) in cases {
let actual_result = nix_file
.attrpath_value_at(line, column)
.context(format!("line {line}, column {column}"))?
.map_right(|node| node.to_string());
let owned_expected_result = expected_result
.map(|x| x.to_string())
.map_left(|x| x.to_string());
actual_result, owned_expected_result,
"line {line}, column {column}"
fn detects_call_package() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
let temp_dir = tests::tempdir()?;
let file = temp_dir.path().join("file.nix");
let contents = indoc! {r#"
self: with self; {
a.sub = null;
b = null;
c = import ./file.nix;
d = import ./file.nix { };
e = pythonPackages.callPackage ./file.nix { };
f = callPackage ./file.nix { };
g = callPackage ({ }: { }) { };
h = callPackage ./file.nix { x = 0; };
i = callPackage ({ }: { }) (let in { });
std::fs::write(&file, contents)?;
let nix_file = NixFile::new(&file)?;
let cases = [
(2, None),
(3, None),
(4, None),
(5, None),
Some(CallPackageArgumentInfo {
relative_path: Some(RelativePathBuf::from("file.nix")),
empty_arg: true,
Some(CallPackageArgumentInfo {
relative_path: Some(RelativePathBuf::from("file.nix")),
empty_arg: true,
Some(CallPackageArgumentInfo {
relative_path: None,
empty_arg: true,
Some(CallPackageArgumentInfo {
relative_path: Some(RelativePathBuf::from("file.nix")),
empty_arg: false,
Some(CallPackageArgumentInfo {
relative_path: None,
empty_arg: false,
for (line, expected_result) in cases {
let (actual_result, _definition) = nix_file
.call_package_argument_info_at(line, 3, temp_dir.path())
.context(format!("line {line}"))?;
assert_eq!(actual_result, expected_result, "line {line}");