emilylange fb10ea41b2
chromium: fix --ozone-platform-hint flag on wayland
M124 shipped with broken `--ozone-platform-hint` flag handling, which we
rely on NIXOS_OZONE_WL (wayland) environment variable.

This resulted in chromium M124 opening as blank/transparent window under

X11 continued to work fine, which is why our X11-only chromium VM test
did not catch this.

See for details.

Fortunately, the fix for that which landed in M125, applies cleanly on
M124, so we do just that and essentially backport that fix to M124.
2024-04-18 19:30:43 +02:00

522 lines
21 KiB

{ stdenv, lib, fetchurl, fetchpatch
, recompressTarball
, buildPackages
, pkgsBuildBuild
, pkgsBuildTarget
# Channel data:
, channel, upstream-info
# Helper functions:
, chromiumVersionAtLeast, versionRange
# Native build inputs:
, ninja, pkg-config
, python3, perl
, which
, llvmPackages_attrName
, libuuid
, overrideCC
# postPatch:
, pkgsBuildHost
# configurePhase:
, gnChromium
# Build inputs:
, libpng
, bzip2, flac, speex, libopus
, libevent, expat, libjpeg, snappy
, libcap
, minizip, libwebp
, libusb1, re2
, ffmpeg, libxslt, libxml2
, nasm
, nspr, nss
, util-linux, alsa-lib
, bison, gperf, libkrb5
, glib, gtk3, dbus-glib
, libXScrnSaver, libXcursor, libXtst, libxshmfence, libGLU, libGL
, mesa
, pciutils, protobuf, speechd, libXdamage, at-spi2-core
, pipewire
, libva
, libdrm, wayland, libxkbcommon # Ozone
, curl
, libffi
, libepoxy
, libevdev
# postPatch:
, glibc # gconv + locale
# postFixup:
, vulkan-loader
# Package customization:
, cupsSupport ? true, cups ? null
, proprietaryCodecs ? true
, pulseSupport ? false, libpulseaudio ? null
, ungoogled ? false, ungoogled-chromium
# Optional dependencies:
, libgcrypt ? null # cupsSupport
, systemdSupport ? lib.meta.availableOn stdenv.hostPlatform systemd
, systemd
python3WithPackages = python3.pythonOnBuildForHost.withPackages(ps: with ps; [
ply jinja2 setuptools
clangFormatPython3 = fetchurl {
url = "";
hash = "sha256-1BRxXP+0QgejAWdFHJzGrLMhk/MsRDoVdK/GVoyFg0U=";
# The additional attributes for creating derivations based on the chromium
# source tree.
extraAttrs = buildFun base;
githubPatch = { commit, hash, revert ? false }: fetchpatch {
url = "${commit}.patch";
inherit hash revert;
mkGnFlags =
# Serialize Nix types into GN types according to this document:
mkGnString = value: "\"${lib.escape ["\"" "$" "\\"] value}\"";
sanitize = value:
if value == true then "true"
else if value == false then "false"
else if lib.isList value then "[${lib.concatMapStringsSep ", " sanitize value}]"
else if lib.isInt value then toString value
else if lib.isString value then mkGnString value
else throw "Unsupported type for GN value `${value}'.";
toFlag = key: value: "${key}=${sanitize value}";
in attrs: lib.concatStringsSep " " (lib.attrValues (lib.mapAttrs toFlag attrs));
gnSystemLibraries = [
# "ffmpeg"
# "snappy"
] ++ lib.optionals (!chromiumVersionAtLeast "124") [
# Use the vendored libwebp for M124+ until we figure out how to solve:
# Running phase: configurePhase
# ERROR Unresolved dependencies.
# //third_party/libavif:libavif_enc(//build/toolchain/linux/unbundle:default)
# needs //third_party/libwebp:libwebp_sharpyuv(//build/toolchain/linux/unbundle:default)
] ++ [
# "opus"
opusWithCustomModes = libopus.override {
withCustomModes = true;
# build paths and release info
packageName = extraAttrs.packageName or;
buildType = "Release";
buildPath = "out/${buildType}";
libExecPath = "$out/libexec/${packageName}";
ungoogler = ungoogled-chromium {
inherit (upstream-info.deps.ungoogled-patches) rev hash;
# There currently isn't a (much) more concise way to get a stdenv
# that uses lld as its linker without bootstrapping pkgsLLVM; see
buildPlatformLlvmStdenv =
llvmPackages = pkgsBuildBuild.${llvmPackages_attrName};
overrideCC llvmPackages.stdenv
( {
inherit (llvmPackages) bintools;
chromiumRosettaStone = {
cpu = platform:
let name =;
in ({ "x86_64" = "x64";
"i686" = "x86";
"arm" = "arm";
"aarch64" = "arm64";
or (throw "no chromium Rosetta Stone entry for cpu: ${name}"));
os = platform:
if platform.isLinux
then "linux"
else throw "no chromium Rosetta Stone entry for os: ${platform.config}";
base = rec {
pname = "${lib.optionalString ungoogled "ungoogled-"}${packageName}-unwrapped";
inherit (upstream-info) version;
inherit packageName buildType buildPath;
src = recompressTarball { inherit version; inherit (upstream-info) hash; };
nativeBuildInputs = [
ninja pkg-config
python3WithPackages perl
bison gperf
depsBuildBuild = [
(libpng.override { apngSupport = false; }) # needed for "host/generate_colors_info"
# When cross-compiling, chromium builds a huge proportion of its
# components for both the `buildPlatform` (which it calls
# `host`) as well as for the `hostPlatform` -- easily more than
# half of the dependencies are needed here. To avoid having to
# maintain a separate list of buildPlatform-dependencies, we
# simply throw in the kitchen sink.
++ buildInputs
buildInputs = [
(libpng.override { apngSupport = false; }) #
bzip2 flac speex opusWithCustomModes
libevent expat libjpeg snappy
minizip libwebp
libusb1 re2
ffmpeg libxslt libxml2
nspr nss
util-linux alsa-lib
glib gtk3 dbus-glib
libXScrnSaver libXcursor libXtst libxshmfence libGLU libGL
mesa # required for libgbm
pciutils protobuf speechd libXdamage at-spi2-core
libdrm wayland mesa.drivers libxkbcommon
] ++ lib.optional systemdSupport systemd
++ lib.optionals cupsSupport [ libgcrypt cups ]
++ lib.optional pulseSupport libpulseaudio;
patches = [
# Optional patch to use SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH in (should be upstreamed):
# For bundling Widevine (DRM), might be replaceable via bundle_widevine_cdm=true in gnFlags:
# Required to fix the build with a more recent wayland-protocols version
# (we currently package 1.26 in Nixpkgs while Chromium bundles 1.21):
# Source:
# Chromium reads initial_preferences from its own executable directory
# This patch modifies it to read /etc/chromium/initial_preferences
] ++ lib.optionals (chromiumVersionAtLeast "120") [
# We need to revert this patch to build M120+ with LLVM 17:
] ++ lib.optionals (!chromiumVersionAtLeast "119.0.6024.0") [
# Fix build with at-spi2-core ≥ 2.49
# This version is still needed for electron.
(githubPatch {
commit = "fc09363b2278893790d131c72a4ed96ec9837624";
hash = "sha256-l60Npgs/+0ozzuKWjwiHUUV6z59ObUjAPTfXN7eXpzw=";
] ++ lib.optionals (!chromiumVersionAtLeast "121.0.6104.0") [
# Fix build with at-spi2-core ≥ 2.49
(githubPatch {
commit = "b9bef8e9555645fc91fab705bec697214a39dbc1";
hash = "sha256-CJ1v/qc8+nwaHQR9xsx08EEcuVRbyBfCZCm/G7hRY+4=";
] ++ lib.optionals (chromiumVersionAtLeast "121") [
# M121 is the first version to require the new rust toolchain.
# Partial revert of
# allowing us to use our rustc and our clang.
] ++ lib.optionals (chromiumVersionAtLeast "124" && !chromiumVersionAtLeast "125") [
# M124 shipped with broken --ozone-platform-hint flag handling, which we rely on
# for our NIXOS_OZONE_WL (wayland) environment variable.
# See <>.
# This is the commit for the fix that landed in M125, which applies clean on M124.
(githubPatch {
commit = "c7f4c58f896a651eba80ad805ebdb49d19ebdbd4";
hash = "sha256-6nYWT2zN+j73xAIXLdGYT2eC71vGnGfiLCB0OwT0CAI=";
postPatch = ''
# Workaround/fix for
substituteInPlace \
--replace '"//infra/orchestrator:orchestrator_all",' ""
# Disable build flags that require LLVM 15:
substituteInPlace build/config/compiler/ \
--replace '"-Xclang",' "" \
--replace '"-no-opaque-pointers",' ""
# remove unused third-party
for lib in ${toString gnSystemLibraries}; do
if [ -d "third_party/$lib" ]; then
find "third_party/$lib" -type f \
\! -path "third_party/$lib/chromium/*" \
\! -path "third_party/$lib/google/*" \
\! -path "third_party/harfbuzz-ng/utils/hb_scoped.h" \
\! -regex '.*\.\(gn\|gni\|isolate\)' \
if [[ -e native_client/SConstruct ]]; then
# Required for patchShebangs (unsupported interpreter directive, basename: invalid option -- '*', etc.):
substituteInPlace native_client/SConstruct --replace "#! -*- python -*-" ""
if [ -e third_party/harfbuzz-ng/src/src/update-unicode-tables.make ]; then
substituteInPlace third_party/harfbuzz-ng/src/src/update-unicode-tables.make \
--replace "/usr/bin/env -S make -f" "/usr/bin/make -f"
if [ -e third_party/webgpu-cts/src/tools/run_deno ]; then
chmod -x third_party/webgpu-cts/src/tools/run_deno
if [ -e third_party/dawn/third_party/webgpu-cts/tools/run_deno ]; then
chmod -x third_party/dawn/third_party/webgpu-cts/tools/run_deno
# We want to be able to specify where the sandbox is via CHROME_DEVEL_SANDBOX
substituteInPlace sandbox/linux/suid/client/ \
--replace \
'return sandbox_binary;' \
'return base::FilePath(GetDevelSandboxPath());'
substituteInPlace services/audio/ \
--replace \
'/usr/share/alsa/' \
'${alsa-lib}/share/alsa/' \
--replace \
'/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/gconv/' \
'${glibc}/lib/gconv/' \
--replace \
'/usr/share/locale/' \
'' + lib.optionalString systemdSupport ''
sed -i -e '/lib_loader.*Load/s!"\(libudev\.so\)!"${lib.getLib systemd}/lib/\1!' \
'' + ''
# Allow to put extensions into the system-path.
sed -i -e 's,/usr,/run/current-system/sw,' chrome/common/
# We need the fix for
base64 --decode ${clangFormatPython3} > buildtools/linux64/clang-format
# Add final newlines to scripts that do not end with one.
# This is a temporary workaround until (or similar) has been merged,
# as patchShebangs hard-crashes when it encounters files that contain only a shebang and do not end with a final
# newline.
find . -type f -perm -0100 -exec sed -i -e '$a\' {} +
patchShebangs .
# Link to our own Node.js and Java (required during the build):
mkdir -p third_party/node/linux/node-linux-x64/bin
ln -s "${pkgsBuildHost.nodejs}/bin/node" third_party/node/linux/node-linux-x64/bin/node
ln -s "${pkgsBuildHost.jdk17_headless}/bin/java" third_party/jdk/current/bin/
# Allow building against system libraries in official builds
sed -i 's/OFFICIAL_BUILD/GOOGLE_CHROME_BUILD/' tools/generate_shim_headers/
'' + lib.optionalString (stdenv.hostPlatform == stdenv.buildPlatform && stdenv.hostPlatform.isAarch64) ''
substituteInPlace build/toolchain/linux/ \
--replace 'toolprefix = "aarch64-linux-gnu-"' 'toolprefix = ""'
'' + lib.optionalString ungoogled ''
${ungoogler}/utils/ . ${ungoogler}/pruning.list || echo "some errors"
${ungoogler}/utils/ . ${ungoogler}/patches
${ungoogler}/utils/ apply -r ${ungoogler}/domain_regex.list -f ${ungoogler}/domain_substitution.list -c ./ungoogled-domsubcache.tar.gz .
gnFlags = mkGnFlags ({
# Main build and toolchain settings:
# Create an official and optimized release build (only official builds
# should be distributed to users, as non-official builds are intended for
# development and may not be configured appropriately for production,
# e.g. unsafe developer builds have developer-friendly features that may
# weaken or disable security measures like sandboxing or ASLR):
is_official_build = true;
disable_fieldtrial_testing_config = true;
# note: chromium calls buildPlatform "host" and calls hostPlatform "target"
host_cpu = chromiumRosettaStone.cpu stdenv.buildPlatform;
host_os = chromiumRosettaStone.os stdenv.buildPlatform;
target_cpu = chromiumRosettaStone.cpu stdenv.hostPlatform;
v8_target_cpu = chromiumRosettaStone.cpu stdenv.hostPlatform;
target_os = chromiumRosettaStone.os stdenv.hostPlatform;
# Build Chromium using the system toolchain (for Linux distributions):
# What you would expect to be caled "target_toolchain" is
# actually called either "default_toolchain" or "custom_toolchain",
# depending on which part of the codebase you are in; see:
custom_toolchain = "//build/toolchain/linux/unbundle:default";
host_toolchain = "//build/toolchain/linux/unbundle:default";
# We only build those specific toolchains when we cross-compile, as native non-cross-compilations would otherwise
# end up building much more things than they need to (roughtly double the build steps and time/compute):
} // lib.optionalAttrs (stdenv.buildPlatform != stdenv.hostPlatform) {
host_toolchain = "//build/toolchain/linux/unbundle:host";
v8_snapshot_toolchain = "//build/toolchain/linux/unbundle:host";
} // {
host_pkg_config = "${pkgsBuildBuild.pkg-config}/bin/pkg-config";
pkg_config = "${pkgsBuildHost.pkg-config}/bin/${}pkg-config";
# Don't build against a sysroot image downloaded from Cloud Storage:
use_sysroot = false;
# Because we use a different toolchain / compiler version:
treat_warnings_as_errors = false;
# We aren't compiling with Chrome's Clang (would enable Chrome-specific
# plugins for enforcing coding guidelines, etc.):
clang_use_chrome_plugins = false;
# Disable symbols (they would negatively affect the performance of the
# build since the symbols are large and dealing with them is slow):
symbol_level = 0;
blink_symbol_level = 0;
# Google API key, see:
# Note: The API key is for NixOS/nixpkgs use ONLY.
# For your own distribution, please get your own set of keys.
google_api_key = "AIzaSyDGi15Zwl11UNe6Y-5XW_upsfyw31qwZPI";
# Optional features:
use_gio = true;
use_cups = cupsSupport;
# Feature overrides:
# Native Client support was deprecated in 2020 and support will end in June 2021:
enable_nacl = false;
# Enabling the Widevine component here doesn't affect whether we can
# redistribute the chromium package; the Widevine component is either
# added later in the wrapped -wv build or downloaded from Google:
enable_widevine = true;
# Provides the enable-webrtc-pipewire-capturer flag to support Wayland screen capture:
rtc_use_pipewire = true;
# Disable PGO because the profile data requires a newer compiler version (LLVM 14 isn't sufficient):
chrome_pgo_phase = 0;
clang_base_path = "${pkgsBuildTarget.${llvmPackages_attrName}}";
use_qt = false;
# To fix the build as we don't provide libffi_pic.a
# (ld.lld: error: unable to find library -l:libffi_pic.a):
use_system_libffi = true;
# Use nixpkgs Rust compiler instead of the one shipped by Chromium.
rust_sysroot_absolute = "${buildPackages.rustc}";
# Rust is enabled for M121+, see next section:
enable_rust = false;
} // lib.optionalAttrs (chromiumVersionAtLeast "121") {
# M121 the first version to actually require a functioning rust toolchain
enable_rust = true;
# While we technically don't need the cache-invalidation rustc_version provides, rustc_version
# is still used in some scripts (e.g. build/rust/std/
rustc_version = buildPackages.rustc.version;
} // lib.optionalAttrs (!(stdenv.buildPlatform.canExecute stdenv.hostPlatform)) {
arm_control_flow_integrity = "none";
} // lib.optionalAttrs proprietaryCodecs {
# enable support for the H.264 codec
proprietary_codecs = true;
enable_hangout_services_extension = true;
ffmpeg_branding = "Chrome";
} // lib.optionalAttrs pulseSupport {
use_pulseaudio = true;
link_pulseaudio = true;
} // lib.optionalAttrs ungoogled (lib.importTOML ./ungoogled-flags.toml)
// (extraAttrs.gnFlags or {}));
# We cannot use chromiumVersionAtLeast in mkDerivation's env attrset due
# to infinite recursion when chromium.override is used (e.g. electron).
# To work aroud this, we use export in the preConfigure phase.
preConfigure = lib.optionalString (chromiumVersionAtLeast "121") ''
configurePhase = ''
runHook preConfigure
# This is to ensure expansion of $out.
${python3.pythonOnBuildForHost}/bin/python3 build/linux/unbundle/ --system-libraries ${toString gnSystemLibraries}
${gnChromium}/bin/gn gen --args=${lib.escapeShellArg gnFlags} out/Release | tee gn-gen-outputs.txt
# Fail if `gn gen` contains a WARNING.
grep -o WARNING gn-gen-outputs.txt && echo "Found gn WARNING, exiting nix build" && exit 1
runHook postConfigure
# Don't spam warnings about unknown warning options. This is useful because
# our Clang is always older than Chromium's and the build logs have a size
# of approx. 25 MB without this option (and this saves e.g. 66 %).
env.NIX_CFLAGS_COMPILE = "-Wno-unknown-warning-option";
buildPhase = let
buildCommand = target: ''
TERM=dumb ninja -C "${buildPath}" -j$NIX_BUILD_CORES "${target}"
source chrome/installer/linux/common/installer.include
process_template chrome/app/resources/ "${buildPath}/chrome.1"
targets = extraAttrs.buildTargets or [];
commands = map buildCommand targets;
in ''
runHook preBuild
${lib.concatStringsSep "\n" commands}
runHook postBuild
postFixup = ''
# Make sure that libGLESv2 and libvulkan are found by dlopen in both chromium binary and ANGLE
# libpci (from pciutils) is needed by dlopen in angle/src/gpu_info_util/SystemInfo_libpci.cpp
for chromiumBinary in "$libExecPath/$packageName" "$libExecPath/"; do
patchelf --set-rpath "${lib.makeLibraryPath [ libGL vulkan-loader pciutils ]}:$(patchelf --print-rpath "$chromiumBinary")" "$chromiumBinary"
# replace bundled vulkan-loader
rm "$libExecPath/"
ln -s -t "$libExecPath" "${lib.getLib vulkan-loader}/lib/"
passthru = {
updateScript = ./;
chromiumDeps = {
gn = gnChromium;
inherit recompressTarball;
# overwrite `version` with the exact same `version` from the same source,
# except it internally points to `upstream-info.nix` for
# `builtins.unsafeGetAttrPos`, which is used by ofborg to decide
# which maintainers need to be pinged.
// builtins.removeAttrs upstream-info (builtins.filter (e: e != "version") (builtins.attrNames upstream-info));
# Remove some extraAttrs we supplied to the base attributes already.
in stdenv.mkDerivation (base // removeAttrs extraAttrs [
"name" "gnFlags" "buildTargets"
] // { passthru = base.passthru // (extraAttrs.passthru or {}); })