stuebinm 6afb255d97 nixos: remove all uses of lib.mdDoc
these changes were generated with nixq 0.0.2, by running

  nixq ">> lib.mdDoc[remove] Argument[keep]" --batchmode nixos/**.nix
  nixq ">> mdDoc[remove] Argument[keep]" --batchmode nixos/**.nix
  nixq ">> Inherit >> mdDoc[remove]" --batchmode nixos/**.nix

two mentions of the mdDoc function remain in nixos/, both of which
are inside of comments.

Since lib.mdDoc is already defined as just id, this commit is a no-op as
far as Nix (and the built manual) is concerned.
2024-04-13 10:07:35 -07:00

88 lines
2.2 KiB

{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
with lib;
cfg =;
serviioStart = pkgs.writeScript "" ''
# Setup the classpath
# Setup Serviio specific properties
JAVA_OPTS=" -Djava.awt.headless=true -Dorg.restlet.engine.loggerFacadeClass=org.restlet.ext.slf4j.Slf4jLoggerFacade
-Dderby.system.home=${cfg.dataDir}/library -Dserviio.home=${cfg.dataDir} -Dffmpeg.location=${pkgs.ffmpeg}/bin/ffmpeg -Ddcraw.location=${pkgs.dcraw}/bin/dcraw"
# Execute the JVM in the foreground
exec ${pkgs.jre}/bin/java -Xmx512M -Xms20M -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:GCTimeRatio=1 -XX:MinHeapFreeRatio=10 -XX:MaxHeapFreeRatio=20 $JAVA_OPTS -classpath "$SERVIIO_CLASS_PATH" org.serviio.MediaServer "$@"
in {
###### interface
options = {
services.serviio = {
enable = mkOption {
type = types.bool;
default = false;
description = ''
Whether to enable the Serviio Media Server.
dataDir = mkOption {
type = types.path;
default = "/var/lib/serviio";
description = ''
The directory where serviio stores its state, data, etc.
###### implementation
config = mkIf cfg.enable { = {
description = "Serviio Media Server";
after = [ "" ];
wantedBy = [ "" ];
path = [ pkgs.serviio ];
serviceConfig = {
User = "serviio";
Group = "serviio";
ExecStart = "${serviioStart}";
ExecStop = "${serviioStart} -stop";
users.users.serviio =
{ group = "serviio";
home = cfg.dataDir;
description = "Serviio Media Server User";
createHome = true;
isSystemUser = true;
users.groups.serviio = { };
networking.firewall = {
allowedTCPPorts = [
8895 # serve UPnP responses
23423 # console
23424 # mediabrowser
allowedUDPPorts = [
1900 # UPnP service discovery