
205 lines
6.6 KiB

{ lib
, fetchurl
, runCommand
# script interpreters
, bash
, jdk
, perl
, python3
, ruby
, snobol4
, tk
# TeX Live prerequisites
, texliveBinaries
/* Convert an attribute set extracted from tlpdb.nix (with the deps attribute
already processed) to a fake multi-output derivation with possible outputs
[ "tex" "texdoc" "texsource" "tlpkg" "out" "man" "info" ]
# TODO stabilise a generic interface decoupled from the finer details of the
# translation from texlive.tlpdb to tlpdb.nix
{ pname
, revision
, version ? toString revision
, extraRevision ? ""
, extraVersion ? ""
, sha512
, mirrors
, fixedHashes ? { }
, postUnpack ? ""
, postFixup ? ""
, stripPrefix ? 1
, license ? [ ]
, hasHyphens ? false
, hasInfo ? false
, hasManpages ? false
, hasRunfiles ? false
, hasTlpkg ? false
, extraNativeBuildInputs ? [ ]
, ...
# common metadata
name = "${pname}-${version}${extraVersion}";
meta = {
license = map (x: lib.licenses.${x}) license;
# TeX Live packages should not be installed directly into the user profile
outputsToInstall = [ ];
hasBinfiles = args ? binfiles && args.binfiles != [ ];
hasDocfiles = sha512 ? doc;
hasSource = sha512 ? source;
# emulate drv.all, drv.outputs lists
all = lib.optional hasBinfiles bin ++
lib.optional hasRunfiles tex ++
lib.optional hasDocfiles texdoc ++
lib.optional hasSource texsource ++
lib.optional hasTlpkg tlpkg ++
lib.optional hasManpages man ++
lib.optional hasInfo info;
outputs = lib.catAttrs "tlOutputName" all;
mainDrv = if hasBinfiles then bin
else if hasRunfiles then tex
else if hasTlpkg then tlpkg
else if hasDocfiles then texdoc
else if hasSource then texsource
else tex; # fall back to attrset tex if there is no derivation
# emulate multi-output derivation plus additional metadata
# (out is handled in mkContainer)
passthru = {
inherit all outputs pname;
revision = toString revision + extraRevision;
version = version + extraVersion;
outputSpecified = true;
inherit tex;
} // lib.optionalAttrs (args ? deps) { tlDeps = args.deps; }
// lib.optionalAttrs (args ? fontMaps) { inherit (args) fontMaps; }
// lib.optionalAttrs (args ? formats) { inherit (args) formats; }
// lib.optionalAttrs (args ? hyphenPatterns) { inherit (args) hyphenPatterns; }
// lib.optionalAttrs (args ? postactionScript) { inherit (args) postactionScript; }
// lib.optionalAttrs hasDocfiles { texdoc = texdoc; }
// lib.optionalAttrs hasSource { texsource = texsource; }
// lib.optionalAttrs hasTlpkg { tlpkg = tlpkg; }
// lib.optionalAttrs hasManpages { man = man; }
// lib.optionalAttrs hasInfo { info = info; };
# build run, doc, source, tlpkg containers
mkContainer = tlType: tlOutputName: sha512:
fixedHash = fixedHashes.${tlType} or null; # be graceful about missing hashes
# the basename used by upstream (without ".tar.xz" suffix)
# tlpkg is not a true container but a subfolder of the run container
urlName = pname + (lib.optionalString (tlType != "run" && tlType != "tlpkg") ".${tlType}");
urls = map (up: "${up}/archive/${urlName}.r${toString revision}.tar.xz") mirrors;
container = runCommand "${name}-${tlOutputName}"
src = fetchurl { inherit urls sha512; };
inherit passthru;
# save outputName, since fixed output derivations cannot change nor override outputName
inherit meta stripPrefix tlOutputName;
} // lib.optionalAttrs (fixedHash != null) {
outputHash = fixedHash;
outputHashAlgo = "sha256";
outputHashMode = "recursive";
mkdir "$out"
if [[ "$tlOutputName" == "tlpkg" ]]; then
tar -xf "$src" \
--strip-components=1 \
-C "$out" --anchored --exclude=tlpkg/tlpobj --keep-old-files \
tar -xf "$src" \
--strip-components="$stripPrefix" \
-C "$out" --anchored --exclude=tlpkg --keep-old-files
'' + postUnpack);
# remove the standard drv.out, optionally replace it with the bin container
builtins.removeAttrs container [ "out" ] // lib.optionalAttrs hasBinfiles { out = bin; };
tex =
if hasRunfiles then mkContainer "run" "tex"
else passthru
// { inherit meta; tlOutputName = "tex"; }
// lib.optionalAttrs hasBinfiles { out = bin; };
texdoc = mkContainer "doc" "texdoc" sha512.doc;
texsource = mkContainer "source" "texsource" sha512.source;
tlpkg = mkContainer "tlpkg" "tlpkg";
# build bin container
extToInput = {
# find interpreters for the script extensions found in tlpdb
jar = jdk;
lua = texliveBinaries.luatex;
py = python3;
rb = ruby;
sno = snobol4;
tcl = tk;
texlua = texliveBinaries.luatex;
tlu = texliveBinaries.luatex;
bin = runCommand "${name}"
inherit meta;
passthru = passthru // { tlOutputName = "out"; };
# shebang interpreters
buildInputs =let outName = builtins.replaceStrings [ "-" ] [ "_" ] pname; in
[ texliveBinaries.core.${outName} or null
texliveBinaries.${pname} or null
texliveBinaries.core-big.${outName} or null ]
++ (args.extraBuildInputs or [ ]) ++ [ bash perl ]
++ (lib.attrVals (args.scriptExts or [ ]) extToInput);
nativeBuildInputs = extraNativeBuildInputs;
# absolute scripts folder
scriptsFolder = lib.optionals (tex ? outPath) ( (f: tex.outPath + "/scripts/" + f) (lib.toList args.scriptsFolder or pname));
# binaries info
inherit (args) binfiles;
binlinks = builtins.attrNames (args.binlinks or { });
bintargets = builtins.attrValues (args.binlinks or { });
# build scripts
patchScripts = ./patch-scripts.sed;
makeBinContainers = ./;
. "$makeBinContainers"
${args.postFixup or ""}
# build man, info containers
man = builtins.removeAttrs (runCommand "${name}-man"
inherit meta texdoc;
passthru = passthru // { tlOutputName = "man"; };
mkdir -p "$out"/share
ln -s {"$texdoc"/doc,"$out"/share}/man
'') [ "out" ] // lib.optionalAttrs hasBinfiles { out = bin; };
info = builtins.removeAttrs (runCommand "${name}-info"
inherit meta texdoc;
passthru = passthru // { tlOutputName = "info"; };
mkdir -p "$out"/share
ln -s {"$texdoc"/doc,"$out"/share}/info
'') [ "out" ] // lib.optionalAttrs hasBinfiles { out = bin; };
builtins.removeAttrs mainDrv [ "outputSpecified" ]