Adam Joseph c7e0f6b905 treewide: s_targetPlatform_hostPlatform_ in non-compiler packages
stdenv.targetPlatform really shouldn't be used by software that
doesn't generate or manipulate binaries.  I reviewed all uses of
targetPlatform outside of pkgs/development/compilers and pkgs/stdenv
and replaced those which weren't involved in something which fits
these criteria.
2023-11-17 08:07:34 +00:00

89 lines
2.6 KiB

# Updating
To update the list of packages from ELPA,
1. Run `./update-elpa-devel`.
2. Check for evaluation errors:
# "../../../../../" points to the default.nix from root of Nixpkgs tree
env NIXPKGS_ALLOW_BROKEN=1 nix-instantiate ../../../../../ -A emacs.pkgs.elpaDevelPackages
3. Run `git commit -m "elpa-devel-packages $(date -Idate)" -- elpa-devel-generated.nix`
## Update from overlay
Alternatively, run the following command:
It will update both melpa and elpa packages using It's almost instantenous and
formats commits for you.
{ lib, stdenv, texinfo, writeText, gcc, pkgs, buildPackages }:
self: let
markBroken = pkg: pkg.override {
elpaBuild = args: self.elpaBuild (args // {
meta = (args.meta or {}) // { broken = true; };
elpaBuild = import ../../../../build-support/emacs/elpa.nix {
inherit lib stdenv texinfo writeText gcc;
inherit (self) emacs;
# Use custom elpa url fetcher with fallback/uncompress
fetchurl = buildPackages.callPackage ./fetchelpa.nix { };
generateElpa = lib.makeOverridable ({
generated ? ./elpa-devel-generated.nix
}: let
imported = import generated {
callPackage = pkgs: args: self.callPackage pkgs (args // {
inherit fetchurl;
super = removeAttrs imported [ "dash" ];
overrides = {
eglot = super.eglot.overrideAttrs (old: {
postInstall = (old.postInstall or "") + ''
pushd $out/share/emacs/site-lisp/elpa/eglot-*
# specify output info file to override the one defined in eglot.texi
makeinfo --output=$info_file eglot.texi
install-info $info_file dir
xeft = super.xeft.overrideAttrs (old: let
libExt = pkgs.stdenv.hostPlatform.extensions.sharedLibrary;
in {
dontUnpack = false;
buildInputs = (old.buildInputs or [ ]) ++ [ pkgs.xapian ];
buildPhase = (old.buildPhase or "") + ''
$CXX -shared -o xapian-lite${libExt} $NIX_CFLAGS_COMPILE -lxapian
postInstall = (old.postInstall or "") + "\n" + ''
install -m444 -t $outd xapian-lite${libExt}
rm $outd/ $outd/emacs-module.h $outd/emacs-module-prelude.h $outd/demo.gif $outd/Makefile
elpaDevelPackages = super // overrides;
in elpaDevelPackages // { inherit elpaBuild; });
in generateElpa { }