pennae ec71d0da98 docs/nrd: move make_xml_id to manual_structure
since we don't want to break links and changing the id generation scheme
would Very Break links this id generation function is unfortunately
somewhat part of the manual structure now, so we may as well put it there.
2024-03-28 17:21:39 +01:00

790 lines
37 KiB
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import argparse
import hashlib
import html
import json
import re
import xml.sax.saxutils as xml
from abc import abstractmethod
from import Mapping, Sequence
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, Callable, cast, ClassVar, Generic, get_args, NamedTuple
from markdown_it.token import Token
from . import md, options
from .docbook import DocBookRenderer, Heading
from .html import HTMLRenderer, UnresolvedXrefError
from .manual_structure import check_structure, FragmentType, is_include, make_xml_id, TocEntry, TocEntryType, XrefTarget
from .md import Converter, Renderer
class BaseConverter(Converter[md.TR], Generic[md.TR]):
# per-converter configuration for ns:arg=value arguments to include blocks, following
# the include type. html converters need something like this to support chunking, or
# another external method like the chunktocs docbook uses (but block options seem like
# a much nicer of doing this).
INCLUDE_ARGS_NS: ClassVar[str]
INCLUDE_FRAGMENT_ALLOWED_ARGS: ClassVar[set[str]] = set()
INCLUDE_OPTIONS_ALLOWED_ARGS: ClassVar[set[str]] = set()
_base_paths: list[Path]
_current_type: list[TocEntryType]
def convert(self, infile: Path, outfile: Path) -> None:
self._base_paths = [ infile ]
self._current_type = ['book']
tokens = self._parse(infile.read_text())
self._postprocess(infile, outfile, tokens)
converted = self._renderer.render(tokens)
except Exception as e:
raise RuntimeError(f"failed to render manual {infile}") from e
def _postprocess(self, infile: Path, outfile: Path, tokens: Sequence[Token]) -> None:
def _handle_headings(self, tokens: list[Token], *, on_heading: Callable[[Token,str],None]) -> None:
# Headings in a globally numbered order
# h1 to h6
curr_heading_pos: list[int] = []
for token in tokens:
if token.type == "heading_open":
if token.tag not in ["h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "h5", "h6"]:
raise RuntimeError(f"Got invalid heading tag {token.tag} in line {[0] + 1 if else 'NOT FOUND'}. Only h1 to h6 headings are allowed.")
idx = int(token.tag[1:]) - 1
if idx >= len(curr_heading_pos):
# extend the list if necessary
curr_heading_pos.extend([0 for _i in range(idx+1 - len(curr_heading_pos))])
curr_heading_pos = curr_heading_pos[:idx+1]
curr_heading_pos[-1] += 1
ident = ".".join(f"{a}" for a in curr_heading_pos)
def _parse(self, src: str, *, auto_id_prefix: None | str = None) -> list[Token]:
tokens = super()._parse(src)
if auto_id_prefix:
def set_token_ident(token: Token, ident: str) -> None:
if "id" not in token.attrs:
token.attrs["id"] = f"{auto_id_prefix}-{ident}"
self._handle_headings(tokens, on_heading=set_token_ident)
check_structure(self._current_type[-1], tokens)
for token in tokens:
if not is_include(token):
directive =[12:].split()
if not directive:
args = { k: v for k, _sep, v in map(lambda s: s.partition('='), directive[1:]) }
typ = directive[0]
if typ == 'options':
token.type = 'included_options'
self._process_include_args(token, args, self.INCLUDE_OPTIONS_ALLOWED_ARGS)
self._parse_options(token, args)
fragment_type = typ.removesuffix('s')
if fragment_type not in get_args(FragmentType):
raise RuntimeError(f"unsupported structural include type '{typ}'")
self._current_type.append(cast(FragmentType, fragment_type))
token.type = 'included_' + typ
self._process_include_args(token, args, self.INCLUDE_FRAGMENT_ALLOWED_ARGS)
self._parse_included_blocks(token, args)
return tokens
def _process_include_args(self, token: Token, args: dict[str, str], allowed: set[str]) -> None:
ns = self.INCLUDE_ARGS_NS + ":"
args = { k[len(ns):]: v for k, v in args.items() if k.startswith(ns) }
if unknown := set(args.keys()) - allowed:
raise RuntimeError(f"unrecognized include argument in line {[0] + 1}", unknown)
token.meta['include-args'] = args
def _parse_included_blocks(self, token: Token, block_args: dict[str, str]) -> None:
included = token.meta['included'] = []
for (lnum, line) in enumerate(token.content.splitlines(),[0] + 2):
line = line.strip()
path = self._base_paths[-1].parent / line
if path in self._base_paths:
raise RuntimeError(f"circular include found in line {lnum}")
with open(path, 'r') as f:
prefix = None
if "auto-id-prefix" in block_args:
# include the current file number to prevent duplicate ids within include blocks
prefix = f"{block_args.get('auto-id-prefix')}-{lnum}"
tokens = self._parse(, auto_id_prefix=prefix)
included.append((tokens, path))
except Exception as e:
raise RuntimeError(f"processing included file {path} from line {lnum}") from e
def _parse_options(self, token: Token, block_args: dict[str, str]) -> None:
items = {}
for (lnum, line) in enumerate(token.content.splitlines(),[0] + 2):
if len(args := line.split(":", 1)) != 2:
raise RuntimeError(f"options directive with no argument in line {lnum}")
(k, v) = (args[0].strip(), args[1].strip())
if k in items:
raise RuntimeError(f"duplicate options directive {k} in line {lnum}")
items[k] = v
id_prefix = items.pop('id-prefix')
varlist_id = items.pop('list-id')
source = items.pop('source')
except KeyError as e:
raise RuntimeError(f"options directive {e} missing in block at line {[0] + 1}")
if items.keys():
raise RuntimeError(
f"unsupported options directives in block at line {[0] + 1}",
" ".join(items.keys()))
with open(self._base_paths[-1].parent / source, 'r') as f:
token.meta['id-prefix'] = id_prefix
token.meta['list-id'] = varlist_id
token.meta['source'] = json.load(f)
except Exception as e:
raise RuntimeError(f"processing options block in line {[0] + 1}") from e
class RendererMixin(Renderer):
_toplevel_tag: str
_revision: str
def __init__(self, toplevel_tag: str, revision: str, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self._toplevel_tag = toplevel_tag
self._revision = revision
self.rules |= {
'included_sections': lambda *args: self._included_thing("section", *args),
'included_chapters': lambda *args: self._included_thing("chapter", *args),
'included_preface': lambda *args: self._included_thing("preface", *args),
'included_parts': lambda *args: self._included_thing("part", *args),
'included_appendix': lambda *args: self._included_thing("appendix", *args),
'included_options': self.included_options,
def render(self, tokens: Sequence[Token]) -> str:
# books get special handling because they have *two* title tags. doing this with
# generic code is more complicated than it's worth. the checks above have verified
# that both titles actually exist.
if self._toplevel_tag == 'book':
return self._render_book(tokens)
return super().render(tokens)
def _render_book(self, tokens: Sequence[Token]) -> str:
raise NotImplementedError()
def _included_thing(self, tag: str, token: Token, tokens: Sequence[Token], i: int) -> str:
raise NotImplementedError()
def included_options(self, token: Token, tokens: Sequence[Token], i: int) -> str:
raise NotImplementedError()
class ManualDocBookRenderer(RendererMixin, DocBookRenderer):
def __init__(self, toplevel_tag: str, revision: str, manpage_urls: Mapping[str, str]):
super().__init__(toplevel_tag, revision, manpage_urls)
def _render_book(self, tokens: Sequence[Token]) -> str:
assert tokens[1].children
assert tokens[4].children
if (maybe_id := cast(str, tokens[0].attrs.get('id', ""))):
maybe_id = "xml:id=" + xml.quoteattr(maybe_id)
return (f'<book xmlns=""'
f' xmlns:xlink=""'
f' {maybe_id} version="5.0">'
f' <title>{self.renderInline(tokens[1].children)}</title>'
f' <subtitle>{self.renderInline(tokens[4].children)}</subtitle>'
f' {super(DocBookRenderer, self).render(tokens[6:])}'
def _heading_tag(self, token: Token, tokens: Sequence[Token], i: int) -> tuple[str, dict[str, str]]:
(tag, attrs) = super()._heading_tag(token, tokens, i)
# render() has already verified that we don't have supernumerary headings and since the
# book tag is handled specially we can leave the check this simple
if token.tag != 'h1':
return (tag, attrs)
return (self._toplevel_tag, attrs | {
'xmlns': "",
'xmlns:xlink': "",
def _included_thing(self, tag: str, token: Token, tokens: Sequence[Token], i: int) -> str:
result = []
# close existing partintro. the generic render doesn't really need this because
# it doesn't have a concept of structure in the way the manual does.
if self._headings and self._headings[-1] == Heading('part', 1):
self._headings[-1] = self._headings[-1]._replace(partintro_closed=True)
# must nest properly for structural includes. this requires saving at least
# the headings stack, but creating new renderers is cheap and much easier.
r = ManualDocBookRenderer(tag, self._revision, self._manpage_urls)
for (included, path) in token.meta['included']:
except Exception as e:
raise RuntimeError(f"rendering {path}") from e
return "".join(result)
def included_options(self, token: Token, tokens: Sequence[Token], i: int) -> str:
conv = options.DocBookConverter(self._manpage_urls, self._revision, 'fragment',
token.meta['list-id'], token.meta['id-prefix'])
return conv.finalize(fragment=True)
# TODO minimize docbook diffs with existing conversions. remove soon.
def paragraph_open(self, token: Token, tokens: Sequence[Token], i: int) -> str:
return super().paragraph_open(token, tokens, i) + "\n "
def paragraph_close(self, token: Token, tokens: Sequence[Token], i: int) -> str:
return "\n" + super().paragraph_close(token, tokens, i)
def code_block(self, token: Token, tokens: Sequence[Token], i: int) -> str:
return f"<programlisting>\n{xml.escape(token.content)}</programlisting>"
def fence(self, token: Token, tokens: Sequence[Token], i: int) -> str:
info = f" language={xml.quoteattr(}" if != "" else ""
return f"<programlisting{info}>\n{xml.escape(token.content)}</programlisting>"
class DocBookConverter(BaseConverter[ManualDocBookRenderer]):
INCLUDE_ARGS_NS = "docbook"
def __init__(self, manpage_urls: Mapping[str, str], revision: str):
self._renderer = ManualDocBookRenderer('book', revision, manpage_urls)
class HTMLParameters(NamedTuple):
generator: str
stylesheets: Sequence[str]
scripts: Sequence[str]
# number of levels in the rendered table of contents. tables are prepended to
# the content they apply to (entire document / document chunk / top-level section
# of a chapter), setting a depth of 0 omits the respective table.
toc_depth: int
chunk_toc_depth: int
section_toc_depth: int
media_dir: Path
class ManualHTMLRenderer(RendererMixin, HTMLRenderer):
_base_path: Path
_in_dir: Path
_html_params: HTMLParameters
def __init__(self, toplevel_tag: str, revision: str, html_params: HTMLParameters,
manpage_urls: Mapping[str, str], xref_targets: dict[str, XrefTarget],
in_dir: Path, base_path: Path):
super().__init__(toplevel_tag, revision, manpage_urls, xref_targets)
self._in_dir = in_dir
self._base_path = base_path.absolute()
self._html_params = html_params
def _pull_image(self, src: str) -> str:
src_path = Path(src)
content = (self._in_dir / src_path).read_bytes()
# images may be used more than once, but we want to store them only once and
# in an easily accessible (ie, not input-file-path-dependent) location without
# having to maintain a mapping structure. hashing the file and using the hash
# as both the path of the final image provides both.
content_hash = hashlib.sha3_256(content).hexdigest()
target_name = f"{content_hash}{src_path.suffix}"
target_path = self._base_path / self._html_params.media_dir / target_name
return f"./{self._html_params.media_dir}/{target_name}"
def _push(self, tag: str, hlevel_offset: int) -> Any:
result = (self._toplevel_tag, self._headings, self._attrspans, self._hlevel_offset, self._in_dir)
self._hlevel_offset += hlevel_offset
self._toplevel_tag, self._headings, self._attrspans = tag, [], []
return result
def _pop(self, state: Any) -> None:
(self._toplevel_tag, self._headings, self._attrspans, self._hlevel_offset, self._in_dir) = state
def _render_book(self, tokens: Sequence[Token]) -> str:
assert tokens[4].children
title_id = cast(str, tokens[0].attrs.get('id', ""))
title = self._xref_targets[title_id].title
# subtitles don't have IDs, so we can't use xrefs to get them
subtitle = self.renderInline(tokens[4].children)
toc = TocEntry.of(tokens[0])
return "\n".join([
' <div class="book">',
' <div class="titlepage">',
' <div>',
f' <div><h1 class="title"><a id="{html.escape(title_id, True)}"></a>{title}</h1></div>',
f' <div><h2 class="subtitle">{subtitle}</h2></div>',
' </div>',
" <hr />",
' </div>',
self._build_toc(tokens, 0),
super(HTMLRenderer, self).render(tokens[6:]),
' </div>',
def _file_header(self, toc: TocEntry) -> str:
prev_link, up_link, next_link = "", "", ""
prev_a, next_a, parent_title = "", "", "&nbsp;"
nav_html = ""
home = toc.root
if toc.prev:
prev_link = f'<link rel="prev" href="{}" title="{}" />'
prev_a = f'<a accesskey="p" href="{}">Prev</a>'
if toc.parent:
up_link = (
f'<link rel="up" href="{}" '
f'title="{}" />'
if (part := toc.parent) and part.kind != 'book':
parent_title =
next_link = f'<link rel="next" href="{}" title="{}" />'
next_a = f'<a accesskey="n" href="{}">Next</a>'
if toc.prev or toc.parent or
nav_html = "\n".join([
' <div class="navheader">',
' <table width="100%" summary="Navigation header">',
' <tr>',
f' <th colspan="3" align="center">{}</th>',
' </tr>',
' <tr>',
f' <td width="20%" align="left">{prev_a}&nbsp;</td>',
f' <th width="60%" align="center">{parent_title}</th>',
f' <td width="20%" align="right">&nbsp;{next_a}</td>',
' </tr>',
' </table>',
' <hr />',
' </div>',
return "\n".join([
'<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no"?>',
'<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"',
' "">',
'<html xmlns="">',
' <head>',
' <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />',
f' <title>{}</title>',
"".join((f'<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{html.escape(style, True)}" />'
for style in self._html_params.stylesheets)),
"".join((f'<script src="{html.escape(script, True)}" type="text/javascript"></script>'
for script in self._html_params.scripts)),
f' <meta name="generator" content="{html.escape(self._html_params.generator, True)}" />',
f' <link rel="home" href="{}" title="{}" />' if else "",
f' {up_link}{prev_link}{next_link}',
' </head>',
' <body>',
def _file_footer(self, toc: TocEntry) -> str:
# prev, next = self._get_prev_and_next()
prev_a, up_a, home_a, next_a = "", "&nbsp;", "&nbsp;", ""
prev_text, up_text, next_text = "", "", ""
nav_html = ""
home = toc.root
if toc.prev:
prev_a = f'<a accesskey="p" href="{}">Prev</a>'
prev_text =
if toc.parent:
home_a = f'<a accesskey="h" href="{}">Home</a>'
if toc.parent != home:
up_a = f'<a accesskey="u" href="{}">Up</a>'
next_a = f'<a accesskey="n" href="{}">Next</a>'
next_text =
if toc.prev or toc.parent or
nav_html = "\n".join([
' <div class="navfooter">',
' <hr />',
' <table width="100%" summary="Navigation footer">',
' <tr>',
f' <td width="40%" align="left">{prev_a}&nbsp;</td>',
f' <td width="20%" align="center">{up_a}</td>',
f' <td width="40%" align="right">&nbsp;{next_a}</td>',
' </tr>',
' <tr>',
f' <td width="40%" align="left" valign="top">{prev_text}&nbsp;</td>',
f' <td width="20%" align="center">{home_a}</td>',
f' <td width="40%" align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;{next_text}</td>',
' </tr>',
' </table>',
' </div>',
return "\n".join([
' </body>',
def _heading_tag(self, token: Token, tokens: Sequence[Token], i: int) -> str:
if token.tag == 'h1':
return self._toplevel_tag
return super()._heading_tag(token, tokens, i)
def _build_toc(self, tokens: Sequence[Token], i: int) -> str:
toc = TocEntry.of(tokens[i])
if toc.kind == 'section' and self._html_params.section_toc_depth < 1:
return ""
def walk_and_emit(toc: TocEntry, depth: int) -> list[str]:
if depth <= 0:
return []
result = []
for child in toc.children:
f' <span class="{html.escape(child.kind, True)}">'
f' <a href="{}">{}</a>'
f' </span>'
# we want to look straight through parts because docbook-xsl does too, but it
# also makes for more uesful top-level tocs.
next_level = walk_and_emit(child, depth - (0 if child.kind == 'part' else 1))
if next_level:
return result
def build_list(kind: str, id: str, lst: Sequence[TocEntry]) -> str:
if not lst:
return ""
entries = [
f'<dt>{i}. <a href="{}">{}</a></dt>'
for i, e in enumerate(lst, start=1)
return (
f'<div class="{id}">'
f'<p><strong>List of {kind}</strong></p>'
# we don't want to generate the "Title of Contents" header for sections,
# docbook doesn't and it's only distracting clutter unless it's the main table.
# we also want to generate tocs only for a top-level section (ie, one that is
# not itself contained in another section)
print_title = toc.kind != 'section'
if toc.kind == 'section':
if toc.parent and toc.parent.kind == 'section':
toc_depth = 0
toc_depth = self._html_params.section_toc_depth
elif toc.starts_new_chunk and toc.kind != 'book':
toc_depth = self._html_params.chunk_toc_depth
toc_depth = self._html_params.toc_depth
if not (items := walk_and_emit(toc, toc_depth)):
return ""
figures = build_list("Figures", "list-of-figures", toc.figures)
examples = build_list("Examples", "list-of-examples", toc.examples)
return "".join([
f'<div class="toc">',
' <p><strong>Table of Contents</strong></p>' if print_title else "",
f' <dl class="toc">'
f' {"".join(items)}'
f' </dl>'
def _make_hN(self, level: int) -> tuple[str, str]:
# for some reason chapters don't increase the hN nesting count in docbook xslts. duplicate
# this for consistency.
if self._toplevel_tag == 'chapter':
level -= 1
# TODO docbook compat. these are never useful for us, but not having them breaks manual
# compare workflows while docbook is still allowed.
style = ""
if level + self._hlevel_offset < 3 \
and (self._toplevel_tag == 'section' or (self._toplevel_tag == 'chapter' and level > 0)):
style = "clear: both"
tag, hstyle = super()._make_hN(max(1, level))
return tag, style
def _included_thing(self, tag: str, token: Token, tokens: Sequence[Token], i: int) -> str:
outer, inner = [], []
# since books have no non-include content the toplevel book wrapper will not count
# towards nesting depth. other types will have at least a title+id heading which
# *does* count towards the nesting depth. chapters give a -1 to included sections
# mirroring the special handing in _make_hN. sigh.
hoffset = (
0 if not self._headings
else self._headings[-1].level - 1 if self._toplevel_tag == 'chapter'
else self._headings[-1].level
into = token.meta['include-args'].get('into-file')
fragments = token.meta['included']
state = self._push(tag, hoffset)
if into:
toc = TocEntry.of(fragments[0][0][0])
# we do not set _hlevel_offset=0 because docbook doesn't either.
inner = outer
in_dir = self._in_dir
for included, path in fragments:
self._in_dir = (in_dir / path).parent
except Exception as e:
raise RuntimeError(f"rendering {path}") from e
if into:
(self._base_path / into).write_text("".join(inner))
return "".join(outer)
def included_options(self, token: Token, tokens: Sequence[Token], i: int) -> str:
conv = options.HTMLConverter(self._manpage_urls, self._revision,
token.meta['list-id'], token.meta['id-prefix'],
return conv.finalize()
def _to_base26(n: int) -> str:
return (_to_base26(n // 26) if n > 26 else "") + chr(ord("A") + n % 26)
class HTMLConverter(BaseConverter[ManualHTMLRenderer]):
_revision: str
_html_params: HTMLParameters
_manpage_urls: Mapping[str, str]
_xref_targets: dict[str, XrefTarget]
_redirection_targets: set[str]
_appendix_count: int = 0
def _next_appendix_id(self) -> str:
self._appendix_count += 1
return _to_base26(self._appendix_count - 1)
def __init__(self, revision: str, html_params: HTMLParameters, manpage_urls: Mapping[str, str]):
self._revision, self._html_params, self._manpage_urls = revision, html_params, manpage_urls
self._xref_targets = {}
self._redirection_targets = set()
# renderer not set on purpose since it has a dependency on the output path!
def convert(self, infile: Path, outfile: Path) -> None:
self._renderer = ManualHTMLRenderer(
'book', self._revision, self._html_params, self._manpage_urls, self._xref_targets,
infile.parent, outfile.parent)
super().convert(infile, outfile)
def _parse(self, src: str, *, auto_id_prefix: None | str = None) -> list[Token]:
tokens = super()._parse(src,auto_id_prefix=auto_id_prefix)
for token in tokens:
if not token.type.startswith('included_') \
or not (into := token.meta['include-args'].get('into-file')):
if len(token.meta['included']) == 0:
raise RuntimeError(f"redirection target {into} in line {[0] + 1} is empty!")
# we use blender-style //path to denote paths relative to the origin file
# (usually index.html). this makes everything a lot easier and clearer.
if not into.startswith("//") or '/' in into[2:]:
raise RuntimeError("html:into-file must be a relative-to-origin //filename", into)
into = token.meta['include-args']['into-file'] = into[2:]
if into in self._redirection_targets:
raise RuntimeError(f"redirection target {into} in line {[0] + 1} is already in use")
return tokens
def _number_block(self, block: str, prefix: str, tokens: Sequence[Token], start: int = 1) -> int:
title_open, title_close = f'{block}_title_open', f'{block}_title_close'
for (i, token) in enumerate(tokens):
if token.type == title_open:
title = tokens[i + 1]
assert title.type == 'inline' and title.children
# the prefix is split into two tokens because the xref title_html will want
# only the first of the two, but both must be rendered into the example itself.
title.children = (
Token('text', '', 0, content=f'{prefix} {start}'),
Token('text', '', 0, content='. ')
] + title.children
start += 1
elif token.type.startswith('included_') and token.type != 'included_options':
for sub, _path in token.meta['included']:
start = self._number_block(block, prefix, sub, start)
return start
# xref | (id, type, heading inlines, file, starts new file)
def _collect_ids(self, tokens: Sequence[Token], target_file: str, typ: str, file_changed: bool
) -> list[XrefTarget | tuple[str, str, Token, str, bool]]:
result: list[XrefTarget | tuple[str, str, Token, str, bool]] = []
# collect all IDs and their xref substitutions. headings are deferred until everything
# has been parsed so we can resolve links in headings. if that's even used anywhere.
for (i, bt) in enumerate(tokens):
if bt.type == 'heading_open' and (id := cast(str, bt.attrs.get('id', ''))):
result.append((id, typ if bt.tag == 'h1' else 'section', tokens[i + 1], target_file,
i == 0 and file_changed))
elif bt.type == 'included_options':
id_prefix = bt.meta['id-prefix']
for opt in bt.meta['source'].keys():
id = make_xml_id(f"{id_prefix}{opt}")
name = html.escape(opt)
result.append(XrefTarget(id, f'<code class="option">{name}</code>', name, None, target_file))
elif bt.type.startswith('included_'):
sub_file = bt.meta['include-args'].get('into-file', target_file)
subtyp = bt.type.removeprefix('included_').removesuffix('s')
for si, (sub, _path) in enumerate(bt.meta['included']):
result += self._collect_ids(sub, sub_file, subtyp, si == 0 and sub_file != target_file)
elif bt.type == 'example_open' and (id := cast(str, bt.attrs.get('id', ''))):
result.append((id, 'example', tokens[i + 2], target_file, False))
elif bt.type == 'figure_open' and (id := cast(str, bt.attrs.get('id', ''))):
result.append((id, 'figure', tokens[i + 2], target_file, False))
elif bt.type == 'footnote_open' and (id := cast(str, bt.attrs.get('id', ''))):
result.append(XrefTarget(id, "???", None, None, target_file))
elif bt.type == 'footnote_ref' and (id := cast(str, bt.attrs.get('id', ''))):
result.append(XrefTarget(id, "???", None, None, target_file))
elif bt.type == 'inline':
assert bt.children is not None
result += self._collect_ids(bt.children, target_file, typ, False)
elif id := cast(str, bt.attrs.get('id', '')):
# anchors and examples have no titles we could use, but we'll have to put
# *something* here to communicate that there's no title.
result.append(XrefTarget(id, "???", None, None, target_file))
return result
def _render_xref(self, id: str, typ: str, inlines: Token, path: str, drop_fragment: bool) -> XrefTarget:
assert inlines.children
title_html = self._renderer.renderInline(inlines.children)
if typ == 'appendix':
# NOTE the docbook compat is strong here
n = self._next_appendix_id()
prefix = f"Appendix\u00A0{n}.\u00A0"
# HACK for docbook compat: prefix the title inlines with appendix id if
# necessary. the alternative is to mess with titlepage rendering in headings,
# which seems just a lot worse than this
prefix_tokens = [Token(type='text', tag='', nesting=0, content=prefix)]
inlines.children = prefix_tokens + list(inlines.children)
title = prefix + title_html
toc_html = f"{n}. {title_html}"
title_html = f"Appendix&nbsp;{n}"
elif typ in ['example', 'figure']:
# skip the prepended `{Example,Figure} N. ` from numbering
toc_html, title = self._renderer.renderInline(inlines.children[2:]), title_html
# xref title wants only the prepended text, sans the trailing colon and space
title_html = self._renderer.renderInline(inlines.children[0:1])
toc_html, title = title_html, title_html
title_html = (
if typ == 'chapter'
else title_html if typ in [ 'book', 'part' ]
else f'the section called “{title_html}'
return XrefTarget(id, title_html, toc_html, re.sub('<.*?>', '', title), path, drop_fragment)
def _postprocess(self, infile: Path, outfile: Path, tokens: Sequence[Token]) -> None:
self._number_block('example', "Example", tokens)
self._number_block('figure', "Figure", tokens)
xref_queue = self._collect_ids(tokens,, 'book', True)
failed = False
deferred = []
while xref_queue:
for item in xref_queue:
target = item if isinstance(item, XrefTarget) else self._render_xref(*item)
except UnresolvedXrefError:
if failed:
if in self._xref_targets:
raise RuntimeError(f"found duplicate id #{}")
self._xref_targets[] = target
if len(deferred) == len(xref_queue):
failed = True # do another round and report the first error
xref_queue = deferred
paths_seen = set()
for t in self._xref_targets.values():
if len(paths_seen) == 1:
for (k, t) in self._xref_targets.items():
self._xref_targets[k] = XrefTarget(,
TocEntry.collect_and_link(self._xref_targets, tokens)
def _build_cli_db(p: argparse.ArgumentParser) -> None:
p.add_argument('--manpage-urls', required=True)
p.add_argument('--revision', required=True)
p.add_argument('infile', type=Path)
p.add_argument('outfile', type=Path)
def _build_cli_html(p: argparse.ArgumentParser) -> None:
p.add_argument('--manpage-urls', required=True)
p.add_argument('--revision', required=True)
p.add_argument('--generator', default='nixos-render-docs')
p.add_argument('--stylesheet', default=[], action='append')
p.add_argument('--script', default=[], action='append')
p.add_argument('--toc-depth', default=1, type=int)
p.add_argument('--chunk-toc-depth', default=1, type=int)
p.add_argument('--section-toc-depth', default=0, type=int)
p.add_argument('--media-dir', default="media", type=Path)
p.add_argument('infile', type=Path)
p.add_argument('outfile', type=Path)
def _run_cli_db(args: argparse.Namespace) -> None:
with open(args.manpage_urls, 'r') as manpage_urls:
md = DocBookConverter(json.load(manpage_urls), args.revision)
md.convert(args.infile, args.outfile)
def _run_cli_html(args: argparse.Namespace) -> None:
with open(args.manpage_urls, 'r') as manpage_urls:
md = HTMLConverter(
HTMLParameters(args.generator, args.stylesheet, args.script, args.toc_depth,
args.chunk_toc_depth, args.section_toc_depth, args.media_dir),
md.convert(args.infile, args.outfile)
def build_cli(p: argparse.ArgumentParser) -> None:
formats = p.add_subparsers(dest='format', required=True)
def run_cli(args: argparse.Namespace) -> None:
if args.format == 'docbook':
elif args.format == 'html':
raise RuntimeError('format not hooked up', args)