pennae ec71d0da98 docs/nrd: move make_xml_id to manual_structure
since we don't want to break links and changing the id generation scheme
would Very Break links this id generation function is unfortunately
somewhat part of the manual structure now, so we may as well put it there.
2024-03-28 17:21:39 +01:00

221 lines
9.2 KiB

from __future__ import annotations
import dataclasses as dc
import html
import itertools
from typing import cast, get_args, Iterable, Literal, Sequence
from markdown_it.token import Token
from .utils import Freezeable
# FragmentType is used to restrict structural include blocks.
FragmentType = Literal['preface', 'part', 'chapter', 'section', 'appendix']
# in the TOC all fragments are allowed, plus the all-encompassing book.
TocEntryType = Literal['book', 'preface', 'part', 'chapter', 'section', 'appendix', 'example', 'figure']
def is_include(token: Token) -> bool:
return token.type == "fence" and"{=include=} ")
# toplevel file must contain only the title headings and includes, anything else
# would cause strange rendering.
def _check_book_structure(tokens: Sequence[Token]) -> None:
for token in tokens[6:]:
if not is_include(token):
raise RuntimeError(f"unexpected content in line {[0] + 1}, "
"expected structural include")
# much like books, parts may not contain headings other than their title heading.
# this is a limitation of the current renderers and TOC generators that do not handle
# this case well even though it is supported in docbook (and probably supportable
# anywhere else).
def _check_part_structure(tokens: Sequence[Token]) -> None:
for token in tokens[3:]:
if token.type == 'heading_open':
raise RuntimeError(f"unexpected heading in line {[0] + 1}")
# two include blocks must either be adjacent or separated by a heading, otherwise
# we cannot generate a correct TOC (since there'd be nothing to link to between
# the two includes).
def _check_fragment_structure(tokens: Sequence[Token]) -> None:
for i, token in enumerate(tokens):
if is_include(token) \
and i + 1 < len(tokens) \
and not (is_include(tokens[i + 1]) or tokens[i + 1].type == 'heading_open'):
raise RuntimeError(f"unexpected content in line {[0] + 1}, "
"expected heading or structural include")
def check_structure(kind: TocEntryType, tokens: Sequence[Token]) -> None:
wanted = { 'h1': 'title' }
wanted |= { 'h2': 'subtitle' } if kind == 'book' else {}
for (i, (tag, role)) in enumerate(wanted.items()):
if len(tokens) < 3 * (i + 1):
raise RuntimeError(f"missing {role} ({tag}) heading")
token = tokens[3 * i]
if token.type != 'heading_open' or token.tag != tag:
raise RuntimeError(f"expected {role} ({tag}) heading in line {[0] + 1}", token)
for t in tokens[3 * len(wanted):]:
if t.type != 'heading_open' or not (role := wanted.get(t.tag, '')):
raise RuntimeError(
f"only one {role} heading ({t.markup} [text...]) allowed per "
f"{kind}, but found a second in line {[0] + 1}. "
"please remove all such headings except the first or demote the subsequent headings.",
last_heading_level = 0
for token in tokens:
if token.type != 'heading_open':
# book subtitle headings do not need an id, only book title headings do.
# every other headings needs one too. we need this to build a TOC and to
# provide stable links if the manual changes shape.
if 'id' not in token.attrs and (kind != 'book' or token.tag != 'h2'):
raise RuntimeError(f"heading in line {[0] + 1} does not have an id")
level = int(token.tag[1:]) # because tag = h1..h6
if level > last_heading_level + 1:
raise RuntimeError(f"heading in line {[0] + 1} skips one or more heading levels, "
"which is currently not allowed")
last_heading_level = level
if kind == 'book':
elif kind == 'part':
class XrefTarget:
id: str
"""link label for `[](#local-references)`"""
title_html: str
"""toc label"""
toc_html: str | None
"""text for `<title>` tags and `title="..."` attributes"""
title: str | None
"""path to file that contains the anchor"""
path: str
"""whether to drop the `#anchor` from links when expanding xrefs"""
drop_fragment: bool = False
"""whether to drop the `path.html` from links when expanding xrefs.
mostly useful for docbook compatibility"""
drop_target: bool = False
def href(self) -> str:
path = "" if self.drop_target else html.escape(self.path, True)
return path if self.drop_fragment else f"{path}#{html.escape(, True)}"
class TocEntry(Freezeable):
kind: TocEntryType
target: XrefTarget
parent: TocEntry | None = None
prev: TocEntry | None = None
next: TocEntry | None = None
children: list[TocEntry] = dc.field(default_factory=list)
starts_new_chunk: bool = False
examples: list[TocEntry] = dc.field(default_factory=list)
figures: list[TocEntry] = dc.field(default_factory=list)
def root(self) -> TocEntry:
return self.parent.root if self.parent else self
def of(cls, token: Token) -> TocEntry:
entry = token.meta.get('TocEntry')
if not isinstance(entry, TocEntry):
raise RuntimeError('requested toc entry, none found', token)
return entry
def collect_and_link(cls, xrefs: dict[str, XrefTarget], tokens: Sequence[Token]) -> TocEntry:
entries, examples, figures = cls._collect_entries(xrefs, tokens, 'book')
def flatten_with_parent(this: TocEntry, parent: TocEntry | None) -> Iterable[TocEntry]:
this.parent = parent
return itertools.chain([this], *[ flatten_with_parent(c, this) for c in this.children ])
flat = list(flatten_with_parent(entries, None))
prev = flat[0]
prev.starts_new_chunk = True
paths_seen = set([])
for c in flat[1:]:
if != and not in paths_seen:
c.starts_new_chunk = True
c.prev, = prev, c
prev = c
flat[0].examples = examples
flat[0].figures = figures
for c in flat:
return entries
def _collect_entries(cls, xrefs: dict[str, XrefTarget], tokens: Sequence[Token],
kind: TocEntryType) -> tuple[TocEntry, list[TocEntry], list[TocEntry]]:
# we assume that check_structure has been run recursively over the entire input.
# list contains (tag, entry) pairs that will collapse to a single entry for
# the full sequence.
entries: list[tuple[str, TocEntry]] = []
examples: list[TocEntry] = []
figures: list[TocEntry] = []
for token in tokens:
if token.type.startswith('included_') and (included := token.meta.get('included')):
fragment_type_str = token.type[9:].removesuffix('s')
assert fragment_type_str in get_args(TocEntryType)
fragment_type = cast(TocEntryType, fragment_type_str)
for fragment, _path in included:
subentries, subexamples, subfigures = cls._collect_entries(xrefs, fragment, fragment_type)
examples += subexamples
figures += subfigures
elif token.type == 'heading_open' and (id := cast(str, token.attrs.get('id', ''))):
while len(entries) > 1 and entries[-1][0] >= token.tag:
TocEntry(kind if token.tag == 'h1' else 'section', xrefs[id])))
token.meta['TocEntry'] = entries[-1][1]
elif token.type == 'example_open' and (id := cast(str, token.attrs.get('id', ''))):
examples.append(TocEntry('example', xrefs[id]))
elif token.type == 'figure_open' and (id := cast(str, token.attrs.get('id', ''))):
figures.append(TocEntry('figure', xrefs[id]))
while len(entries) > 1:
return (entries[0][1], examples, figures)
_xml_id_translate_table = {
ord('*'): ord('_'),
ord('<'): ord('_'),
ord(' '): ord('_'),
ord('>'): ord('_'),
ord('['): ord('_'),
ord(']'): ord('_'),
ord(':'): ord('_'),
ord('"'): ord('_'),
# this function is needed to generate option id attributes in the same format as
# the docbook toolchain did to not break existing links. we don't actually use
# xml any more, that's just the legacy we're dealing with and part of our structure
# now.
def make_xml_id(s: str) -> str:
return s.translate(_xml_id_translate_table)