2024-04-18 13:33:06 -04:00

247 lines
9.4 KiB

{ lib, stdenv, fetchurl, makeDesktopItem, makeWrapper
, freetype, fontconfig, libX11, libXrender, zlib
, glib, gtk3, gtk2, libXtst, jdk, jdk8, gsettings-desktop-schemas
, webkitgtk ? null # for internal web browser
, buildEnv, runCommand
, callPackage
# use ./ to help with updating for each quarterly release
# then, to test:
# for e in cpp dsl embedcpp modeling platform sdk java jee committers rcp; do for s in pkgs pkgsCross.aarch64-multiplatform; do echo; echo $s $e; nix-build -A ${s}.eclipses.eclipse-${e} -o eclipse-${s}-${e}; done; done
platform_major = "4";
platform_minor = "31";
year = "2024";
month = "03"; #release month
buildmonth = "02"; #sometimes differs from release month
timestamp = "${year}${buildmonth}290520";
gtk = gtk3;
arch = if stdenv.hostPlatform.isx86_64 then
else if stdenv.hostPlatform.isAarch64 then
else throw "don't know what platform suffix for ${stdenv.hostPlatform.system} will be";
in rec {
# work around
buildEclipseUnversioned = callPackage ./build-eclipse.nix {
inherit stdenv makeDesktopItem freetype fontconfig libX11 libXrender zlib
jdk glib gtk libXtst gsettings-desktop-schemas webkitgtk
buildEclipse = eclipseData: buildEclipseUnversioned (eclipseData // { productVersion = "${platform_major}.${platform_minor}"; });
### Eclipse CPP
eclipse-cpp = buildEclipse {
name = "eclipse-cpp-${platform_major}.${platform_minor}";
description = "Eclipse IDE for C/C++ Developers";
src =
fetchurl {
url = "${year}-${month}/R/eclipse-cpp-${year}-${month}-R-linux-gtk-${arch}.tar.gz";
hash = {
x86_64 = "sha256-lZtU/IUNx2tc6TwCFQ5WS7cO/Gui2JpeknnL+Z/mBow=";
aarch64 = "sha256-iIUOiFp0uLOzwdqBV1txRhliaE2l1kbhGv1F6h0WO+w=";
### Eclipse DSL
eclipse-dsl = buildEclipse {
name = "eclipse-dsl-${platform_major}.${platform_minor}";
description = "Eclipse IDE for Java and DSL Developers";
src =
fetchurl {
url = "${year}-${month}/R/eclipse-dsl-${year}-${month}-R-linux-gtk-${arch}.tar.gz";
hash = {
x86_64 = "sha256-gdtDI9A+sUDAFsyqEmXuIkqgd/v1WF+Euj0TSWwjeL4=";
aarch64 = "sha256-kYa+8E5KLqHdumBQiIom3eG5rM/9TFZlJyyc7HpySes=";
### Eclipse IDE for Embedded C/C++ Developers
eclipse-embedcpp = buildEclipse {
name = "eclipse-embedcpp-${platform_major}.${platform_minor}";
description = "Eclipse IDE for Embedded C/C++ Developers";
src =
fetchurl {
url = "${year}-${month}/R/eclipse-embedcpp-${year}-${month}-R-linux-gtk-${arch}.tar.gz";
hash = {
x86_64 = "sha256-5g4CAX2mu1i6aMqmbgy4R3Npk1IC/W73FrIZAQwgGCc=";
aarch64 = "sha256-KcfybNDyGglULKF3HF5v50mBs69FFryCMZ+oBtjBFiw=";
### Eclipse Modeling
eclipse-modeling = buildEclipse {
name = "eclipse-modeling-${platform_major}.${platform_minor}";
description = "Eclipse Modeling Tools";
src =
fetchurl {
url = "${year}-${month}/R/eclipse-modeling-${year}-${month}-R-linux-gtk-${arch}.tar.gz";
hash = {
x86_64 = "sha256-yRJWSEg0TVWpgQBSS+y8/YrjdU3PSvJoruEUwjZcrLc=";
aarch64 = "sha256-Czm8nYAkVqS8gaowDp1LrJ31iE32d6klT6JvHekL52c=";
### Eclipse Platform
eclipse-platform = buildEclipse {
name = "eclipse-platform-${platform_major}.${platform_minor}";
description = "Eclipse Platform ${year}-${month}";
src =
fetchurl {
url = "${platform_major}/R-${platform_major}.${platform_minor}-${timestamp}/eclipse-platform-${platform_major}.${platform_minor}-linux-gtk-${arch}.tar.gz";
hash = {
x86_64 = "sha256-PIvJeITqftd9eHhfbF+R+SQ+MXp4OmM5xi8ZDdUvXaI=";
aarch64 = "sha256-C04AICPcb9foEai3Nk4S4zxQ3oUv+i2tckwqDscpx7I=";
### Eclipse Scala SDK
eclipse-scala-sdk =
(buildEclipseUnversioned.override { jdk = jdk8; gtk = gtk2; } {
name = "eclipse-scala-sdk-4.7.0";
description = "Eclipse IDE for Scala Developers";
productVersion = "4.7";
src =
fetchurl {
url = "";
sha256 = "1n5w2a7mh9ajv6fxcas1gpgwb04pdxbr9v5dzr67gsz5bhahq4ya";
}).overrideAttrs(oa: {
# Only download for x86_64
meta.platforms = [ "x86_64-linux" ];
### Eclipse SDK
eclipse-sdk = buildEclipse {
name = "eclipse-sdk-${platform_major}.${platform_minor}";
description = "Eclipse ${year}-${month} Classic";
src =
fetchurl {
url = "${platform_major}/R-${platform_major}.${platform_minor}-${timestamp}/eclipse-SDK-${platform_major}.${platform_minor}-linux-gtk-${arch}.tar.gz";
hash = {
x86_64 = "sha256-omsAZSlCvggTjoAPQt0oGqRUZwyt5H2LswGpFt88L+I=";
aarch64 = "sha256-wcrYVlL5x+Wve2MAgnEFQ4H3a/gc2y8Fr5TmwHU9p6A=";
### Eclipse Java
eclipse-java = buildEclipse {
name = "eclipse-java-${platform_major}.${platform_minor}";
description = "Eclipse IDE for Java Developers";
src =
fetchurl {
url = "${year}-${month}/R/eclipse-java-${year}-${month}-R-linux-gtk-${arch}.tar.gz";
hash = {
x86_64 = "sha256-8WqHFLywYQXtzUGxBVstxGqVU55WHoApZnyZ6ur4XgU=";
aarch64 = "sha256-GlD0ykJbwdbzh1K3XQQ79yBhCJQUlmt2v8c2OMYNWp4=";
### Eclipse Java EE
eclipse-jee = buildEclipse {
name = "eclipse-jee-${platform_major}.${platform_minor}";
description = "Eclipse IDE for Enterprise Java and Web Developers";
src =
fetchurl {
url = "${year}-${month}/R/eclipse-jee-${year}-${month}-R-linux-gtk-${arch}.tar.gz";
hash = {
x86_64 = "sha256-K2uo2VVL6rP9kxicJRLzsJiOFKloLD0vInSon8JsUWg=";
aarch64 = "sha256-qeEQTlFeWBag6SLXoatDeviR/NG8EcTi6VyUo9P6STM=";
### Eclipse Committers
eclipse-committers = buildEclipse {
name = "eclipse-committers-${platform_major}.${platform_minor}";
description = "Eclipse IDE for Eclipse Committers and Eclipse Platform Plugin Developers";
src =
fetchurl {
url = "${year}-${month}/R/eclipse-committers-${year}-${month}-R-linux-gtk-${arch}.tar.gz";
hash = {
x86_64 = "sha256-Ko4NCU9jbkjAWY7Ky5tPlhXOnzkpY4GjPi6Z0CBmzzc=";
aarch64 = "sha256-RBT+xwdQcJh+YgsuCPTWy9MM2y45bhIF9DttPm6Qz+Q=";
### Eclipse IDE for RCP and RAP Developers
eclipse-rcp = buildEclipse {
name = "eclipse-rcp-${platform_major}.${platform_minor}";
description = "Eclipse IDE for RCP and RAP Developers";
src =
fetchurl {
url = "${year}-${month}/R/eclipse-rcp-${year}-${month}-R-linux-gtk-${arch}.tar.gz";
hash = {
x86_64 = "sha256-dWwDv8cfUxnU/24ASYLvSTbS3xV5ugG98jYMhAXTfS8=";
aarch64 = "sha256-+bAKFZ4u5PvCdC4Ifj5inppWb6C8wh0tar66qryx76o=";
### Environments
# Function that assembles a complete Eclipse environment from an
# Eclipse package and list of Eclipse plugins.
eclipseWithPlugins = { eclipse, plugins ? [], jvmArgs ? [] }:
# Gather up the desired plugins.
pluginEnv = buildEnv {
name = "eclipse-plugins";
paths =
with lib;
filter (x: x ? isEclipsePlugin) (closePropagation plugins);
# Prepare the JVM arguments to add to the ini file. We here also
# add the property indicating the plugin directory.
dropinPropName = "";
dropinProp = "-D${dropinPropName}=${pluginEnv}/eclipse/dropins";
jvmArgsText = lib.concatStringsSep "\n" (jvmArgs ++ [dropinProp]);
# Base the derivation name on the name of the underlying
# Eclipse.
name = (lib.meta.appendToName "with-plugins" eclipse).name;
runCommand name { nativeBuildInputs = [ makeWrapper ]; } ''
mkdir -p $out/bin $out/etc
# Prepare an eclipse.ini with the plugin directory.
cat ${eclipse}/eclipse/eclipse.ini - > $out/etc/eclipse.ini <<EOF
makeWrapper ${eclipse}/bin/eclipse $out/bin/eclipse \
--add-flags "--launcher.ini $out/etc/eclipse.ini"
ln -s ${eclipse}/share $out/
### Plugins
plugins = callPackage ./plugins.nix { } // { __attrsFailEvaluation = true; };