Maximilian Bosch d85b579a84
nixVersions.nix_2_{10..17}: remove
Those are not maintained anymore by upstream Nix[1]. In fact, Nix
intends to only maintain

> * The latest release
> * The version used in the stable NixOS release, which is announced in the NixOS release notes.

Given that security issues and regressions happen, for instance latest
2.17 unconditionally rejects leading dots in store-paths, a regression
fixed in other Nix versions[2].

I didn't touch

* 2.3 since there's still a rather large user-base and it has a special
  role as the last pre-flakes release.

* 2.19 - 2.22: I'm not really sure what the next stable nix for nixpkgs
  will be and at least 2.19 seems to work relatively well for me.
  Anyways, touching those seems way more controversial than touching
  2.10-2.17, so I'll skip that for now.

2024-04-27 08:26:51 +02:00

212 lines
7.5 KiB

{ lib
, config
, aws-sdk-cpp
, boehmgc
, callPackage
, fetchFromGitHub
, fetchpatch
, fetchpatch2
, runCommand
, Security
, storeDir ? "/nix/store"
, stateDir ? "/nix/var"
, confDir ? "/etc"
boehmgc-nix_2_3 = boehmgc.override { enableLargeConfig = true; };
boehmgc-nix = boehmgc-nix_2_3.overrideAttrs (drv: {
patches = (drv.patches or [ ]) ++ [
# Part of the GC solution in
# Required since 2.20, and has always been a valid change
# Awaiting 8.2 patch release of
# or master release of
(fetchpatch {
name = "boehmgc-traceable_allocator-public.diff";
url = "";
hash = "sha256-FLsHY/JS46neiSyyQkVpbHZEFvWSCzWrFQu1CC71sh4=";
# old nix fails to build with newer aws-sdk-cpp and the patch doesn't apply
aws-sdk-cpp-old-nix = (aws-sdk-cpp.override {
apis = [ "s3" "transfer" ];
customMemoryManagement = false;
}).overrideAttrs (args: rec {
# intentionally overriding postPatch
version = "1.9.294";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "aws";
repo = "aws-sdk-cpp";
rev = version;
hash = "sha256-Z1eRKW+8nVD53GkNyYlZjCcT74MqFqqRMeMc33eIQ9g=";
postPatch = ''
# Avoid blanket -Werror to evade build failures on less
# tested compilers.
substituteInPlace cmake/compiler_settings.cmake \
--replace '"-Werror"' ' '
# Missing includes for GCC11
sed '5i#include <thread>' -i \
aws-cpp-sdk-cloudfront-integration-tests/CloudfrontOperationTest.cpp \
aws-cpp-sdk-cognitoidentity-integration-tests/IdentityPoolOperationTest.cpp \
aws-cpp-sdk-dynamodb-integration-tests/TableOperationTest.cpp \
aws-cpp-sdk-elasticfilesystem-integration-tests/ElasticFileSystemTest.cpp \
aws-cpp-sdk-lambda-integration-tests/FunctionTest.cpp \
aws-cpp-sdk-mediastore-data-integration-tests/MediaStoreDataTest.cpp \
aws-cpp-sdk-queues/source/sqs/SQSQueue.cpp \
aws-cpp-sdk-redshift-integration-tests/RedshiftClientTest.cpp \
aws-cpp-sdk-s3-crt-integration-tests/BucketAndObjectOperationTest.cpp \
aws-cpp-sdk-s3-integration-tests/BucketAndObjectOperationTest.cpp \
aws-cpp-sdk-s3control-integration-tests/S3ControlTest.cpp \
aws-cpp-sdk-sqs-integration-tests/QueueOperationTest.cpp \
# Flaky on Hydra
rm aws-cpp-sdk-core-tests/aws/auth/AWSCredentialsProviderTest.cpp
# Includes aws-c-auth private headers, so only works with submodule build
rm aws-cpp-sdk-core-tests/aws/auth/AWSAuthSignerTest.cpp
# TestRandomURLMultiThreaded fails
rm aws-cpp-sdk-core-tests/http/HttpClientTest.cpp
'' + lib.optionalString aws-sdk-cpp.stdenv.isi686 ''
# EPSILON is exceeded
rm aws-cpp-sdk-core-tests/aws/client/AdaptiveRetryStrategyTest.cpp
patches = (args.patches or [ ]) ++ [ ./patches/aws-sdk-cpp-TransferManager-ContentEncoding.patch ];
# only a stripped down version is build which takes a lot less resources to build
requiredSystemFeatures = [ ];
aws-sdk-cpp-nix = (aws-sdk-cpp.override {
apis = [ "s3" "transfer" ];
customMemoryManagement = false;
}).overrideAttrs {
# only a stripped down version is build which takes a lot less resources to build
requiredSystemFeatures = [ ];
common = args:
(import ./common.nix ({ inherit lib fetchFromGitHub; } // args))
inherit Security storeDir stateDir confDir;
boehmgc = boehmgc-nix;
aws-sdk-cpp = if lib.versionAtLeast args.version "2.12pre" then aws-sdk-cpp-nix else aws-sdk-cpp-old-nix;
patch-monitorfdhup = fetchpatch2 {
name = "nix-7585-monitor-fd-hup.patch";
url = "";
hash = "sha256-f+F0fUO+bqyPXjt+IXJtISVr589hdc3y+Cdrxznb+Nk=";
# Intentionally does not support overrideAttrs etc
# Use only for tests that are about the package relation to `pkgs` and/or NixOS.
addTestsShallowly = tests: pkg: pkg // {
tests = pkg.tests // tests;
# In case someone reads the wrong attribute
passthru.tests = pkg.tests // tests;
addFallbackPathsCheck = pkg: addTestsShallowly
{ nix-fallback-paths =
runCommand "test-nix-fallback-paths-version-equals-nix-stable" {
paths = lib.concatStringsSep "\n" (builtins.attrValues (import ../../../../nixos/modules/installer/tools/nix-fallback-paths.nix));
} ''
if [[ "" != $(grep -v 'nix-${pkg.version}$' <<< "$paths") ]]; then
echo "nix-fallback-paths not up to date with nixVersions.stable (nix-${pkg.version})"
echo "The following paths are not up to date:"
grep -v 'nix-${pkg.version}$' <<< "$paths"
echo "Fix it by running in nixpkgs:"
echo "curl${pkg.version}/fallback-paths.nix >nixos/modules/installer/tools/nix-fallback-paths.nix"
exit 1
echo "nix-fallback-paths versions up to date"
touch $out
in lib.makeExtensible (self: ({
nix_2_3 = ((common {
version = "2.3.17";
hash = "sha256-EK0pgHDekJFqr0oMj+8ANIjq96WPjICe2s0m4xkUdH4=";
patches = [
maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [ flokli raitobezarius ];
}).override { boehmgc = boehmgc-nix_2_3; }).overrideAttrs {
# spurious test/ failures
enableParallelChecking = false;
nix_2_18 = common {
version = "2.18.2";
hash = "sha256-8gNJlBlv2bnffRg0CejiBXc6U/S6YeCLAdHrYvTPyoY=";
nix_2_19 = common {
version = "2.19.4";
hash = "sha256-qXjyVmDm1SFWk1az3GWIsJ0fVG0nWet2FdldFOnUydI=";
nix_2_20 = common {
version = "2.20.5";
hash = "sha256-bfFe38BkoQws7om4gBtBWoNTLkt9piMXdLLoHYl+vBQ=";
nix_2_21 = common {
version = "2.21.2";
hash = "sha256-ObaVDDPtnOeIE0t7m4OVk5G+OS6d9qYh+ktK67Fe/zE=";
nix_2_22 = common {
version = "2.22.0";
hash = "sha256-Ugcc+lSq8nJP+mddMlGFnoG4Ix1lRFHWOal3299bqR8=";
# The minimum Nix version supported by Nixpkgs
# Note that some functionality *might* have been backported into this Nix version,
# making this package an inaccurate representation of what features are available
# in the actual lowest minver.nix *patch* version.
minimum =
minver = import ../../../../lib/minver.nix;
major = lib.versions.major minver;
minor = lib.versions.minor minver;
attribute = "nix_${major}_${minor}";
nix = self.${attribute};
if ! self ? ${attribute} then
throw "The minimum supported Nix version is ${minver} (declared in lib/minver.nix), but pkgs.nixVersions.${attribute} does not exist."
stable = addFallbackPathsCheck self.nix_2_18;
unstable = self.nix_2_22;
} // lib.optionalAttrs config.allowAliases (
lib.listToAttrs (map (
attr = "nix_2_${toString minor}";
lib.nameValuePair attr (throw "${attr} has been removed")
) (lib.range 4 17))