Yann Hamdaoui 63746cac08
cudaPackages: generalize and refactor setup hook
This PR refactor CUDA setup hooks, and in particular
autoAddOpenGLRunpath and autoAddCudaCompatRunpathHook, that were using a
lot of code in common (in fact, I introduced the latter by copy pasting
most of the bash script of the former). This is not satisfying for
maintenance, as a recent patch showed, because we need to duplicate
changes to both hooks.

This commit abstract the common part in a single shell script that
applies a generic patch action to every elf file in the output. For
autoAddOpenGLRunpath the action is just addOpenGLRunpath (now
addDriverRunpath), and is few line function for

Doing so, we also takes the occasion to use the newer addDriverRunpath
instead of the previous addOpenGLRunpath, and rename the CUDA hook to
reflect that as well.

Co-Authored-By: Connor Baker <>
2024-03-15 15:54:21 +01:00

347 lines
13 KiB

# General callPackage-supplied arguments
# Builder-specific arguments
# Short package name (e.g., "cuda_cccl")
# pname : String
# Common name (e.g., "cutensor" or "cudnn") -- used in the URL.
# Also known as the Redistributable Name.
# redistName : String,
# If libPath is non-null, it must be a subdirectory of `lib`.
# The contents of `libPath` will be moved to the root of `lib`.
libPath ? null,
# See ./modules/generic/manifests/redistrib/release.nix
# See ./modules/generic/manifests/feature/release.nix
inherit (lib)
# Get the redist architectures for which package provides distributables.
# These are used by meta.platforms.
supportedRedistArchs = builtins.attrNames featureRelease;
# redistArch :: String
# The redistArch is the name of the architecture for which the redistributable is built.
# It is `"unsupported"` if the redistributable is not supported on the target platform.
redistArch = flags.getRedistArch hostPlatform.system;
sourceMatchesHost = flags.getNixSystem redistArch == stdenv.hostPlatform.system;
backendStdenv.mkDerivation (
finalAttrs: {
# NOTE: Even though there's no actual buildPhase going on here, the derivations of the
# redistributables are sensitive to the compiler flags provided to stdenv. The patchelf package
# is sensitive to the compiler flags provided to stdenv, and we depend on it. As such, we are
# also sensitive to the compiler flags provided to stdenv.
inherit pname;
inherit (redistribRelease) version;
# Don't force serialization to string for structured attributes, like outputToPatterns
# and brokenConditions.
# Avoids "set cannot be coerced to string" errors.
__structuredAttrs = true;
# Keep better track of dependencies.
strictDeps = true;
# NOTE: Outputs are evaluated jointly with meta, so in the case that this is an unsupported platform,
# we still need to provide a list of outputs.
outputs =
# Checks whether the redistributable provides an output.
hasOutput =
# Order is important here so we use a list.
possibleOutputs = [
# Filter out outputs that don't exist in the redistributable.
# NOTE: In the case the redistributable isn't supported on the target platform,
# we will have `outputs = [ "out" ] ++ possibleOutputs`. This is of note because platforms which
# aren't supported would otherwise have evaluation errors when trying to access outputs other than `out`.
# The alternative would be to have `outputs = [ "out" ]` when`redistArch = "unsupported"`, but that would
# require adding guards throughout the entirety of the CUDA package set to ensure `cudaSupport` is true --
# recall that OfBorg will evaluate packages marked as broken and that `cudaPackages` will be evaluated with
# `cudaSupport = false`!
additionalOutputs =
if redistArch == "unsupported"
then possibleOutputs
else builtins.filter hasOutput possibleOutputs;
# The out output is special -- it's the default output and we always include it.
outputs = [ "out" ] ++ additionalOutputs;
# Traversed in the order of the outputs speficied in outputs;
# entries are skipped if they don't exist in outputs.
outputToPatterns = {
bin = [ "bin" ];
dev = [
lib = [
static = ["**/*.a"];
sample = ["samples"];
python = ["**/*.whl"];
# Useful for introspecting why something went wrong. Maps descriptions of why the derivation would be marked as
# broken on have badPlatforms include the current platform.
# brokenConditions :: AttrSet Bool
# Sets `meta.broken = true` if any of the conditions are true.
# Example: Broken on a specific version of CUDA or when a dependency has a specific version.
brokenConditions = { };
# badPlatformsConditions :: AttrSet Bool
# Sets `meta.badPlatforms = meta.platforms` if any of the conditions are true.
# Example: Broken on a specific architecture when some condition is met (like targeting Jetson).
badPlatformsConditions = {
"No source" = !sourceMatchesHost;
# src :: Optional Derivation
src = trivial.pipe redistArch [
# If redistArch doesn't exist in redistribRelease, return null.
(redistArch: redistribRelease.${redistArch} or null)
# If the release is non-null, fetch the source; otherwise, return null.
(trivial.mapNullable (
{ relative_path, sha256, ... }:
fetchurl {
url = "${redistName}/redist/${relative_path}";
inherit sha256;
# Handle the pkg-config files:
# 1. No FHS
# 2. Location expected by the pkg-config wrapper
# 3. Generate unversioned names too
postPatch = ''
for path in pkg-config pkgconfig ; do
[[ -d "$path" ]] || continue
mkdir -p share/pkgconfig
mv "$path"/* share/pkgconfig/
rmdir "$path"
for pc in share/pkgconfig/*.pc ; do
sed -i \
-e "s|^cudaroot\s*=.*\$|cudaroot=''${!outputDev}|" \
-e "s|^libdir\s*=.*/lib\$|libdir=''${!outputLib}/lib|" \
-e "s|^includedir\s*=.*/include\$|includedir=''${!outputDev}/include|" \
# E.g. cuda-11.8.pc -> cuda.pc
for pc in share/pkgconfig/*-"$majorMinorVersion.pc" ; do
ln -s "$(basename "$pc")" "''${pc%-$majorMinorVersion.pc}".pc
env.majorMinorVersion = cudaMajorMinorVersion;
# We do need some other phases, like configurePhase, so the multiple-output setup hook works.
dontBuild = true;
nativeBuildInputs = [
# This hook will make sure libcuda can be found
# in typically /lib/opengl-driver by adding that
# directory to the rpath of all ELF binaries.
# Check e.g. with `patchelf --print-rpath path/to/my/binary
# autoAddCudaCompatRunpath depends on cuda_compat and would cause
# infinite recursion if applied to `cuda_compat` itself (beside the fact
# that it doesn't make sense in the first place)
++ lib.optionals (pname != "cuda_compat" && flags.isJetsonBuild) [
# autoAddCudaCompatRunpath must appear AFTER autoAddDriverRunpath.
# See its documentation in ./setup-hooks/extension.nix.
buildInputs =
# autoPatchelfHook will search for a libstdc++ and we're giving it
# one that is compatible with the rest of nixpkgs, even when
# nvcc forces us to use an older gcc
# NB: We don't actually know if this is the right thing to do
# Picked up by autoPatchelf
# Needed e.g. for libnvrtc to locate (dlopen) libnvrtc-builtins
appendRunpaths = ["$ORIGIN"];
# NOTE: We don't need to check for dev or doc, because those outputs are handled by
# the multiple-outputs setup hook.
# NOTE: moveToOutput operates on all outputs:
installPhase =
mkMoveToOutputCommand =
template = pattern: ''moveToOutput "${pattern}" "${"$" + output}"'';
patterns = finalAttrs.outputToPatterns.${output} or [];
strings.concatMapStringsSep "\n" template patterns;
# Pre-install hook
runHook preInstall
# Handle the existence of libPath, which requires us to re-arrange the lib directory
+ strings.optionalString (libPath != null) ''
if [[ ! -d "$full_lib_path" ]] ; then
echo "${finalAttrs.pname}: '$full_lib_path' does not exist, only found:" >&2
find lib/ -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 >&2
echo "This release might not support your CUDA version" >&2
exit 1
echo "Making libPath '$full_lib_path' the root of lib" >&2
mv "$full_lib_path" lib_new
rm -r lib
mv lib_new lib
# Create the primary output, out, and move the other outputs into it.
+ ''
mkdir -p "$out"
mv * "$out"
# Move the outputs into their respective outputs.
+ strings.concatMapStringsSep "\n" mkMoveToOutputCommand (builtins.tail finalAttrs.outputs)
# Add a newline to the end of the installPhase, so that the post-install hook doesn't
# get concatenated with the last moveToOutput command.
+ "\n"
# Post-install hook
+ ''
runHook postInstall
doInstallCheck = true;
allowFHSReferences = true; # TODO: Default to `false`
postInstallCheck = ''
echo "Executing postInstallCheck"
if [[ -z "''${allowFHSReferences-}" ]] ; then
mapfile -t outputPaths < <(for o in $(getAllOutputNames); do echo "''${!o}"; done)
if grep --max-count=5 --recursive --exclude=LICENSE /usr/ "''${outputPaths[@]}" ; then
echo "Detected references to /usr" >&2
exit 1
# libcuda needs to be resolved during runtime
autoPatchelfIgnoreMissingDeps = [
# The out output leverages the same functionality which backs the `symlinkJoin` function in
# Nixpkgs:
# That should allow us to emulate "fat" default outputs without having to actually create them.
# It is important that this run after the autoPatchelfHook, otherwise the symlinks in out will reference libraries in lib, creating a circular dependency.
postPhases = ["postPatchelf"];
# For each output, create a symlink to it in the out output.
# NOTE: We must recreate the out output here, because the setup hook will have deleted it if it was empty.
postPatchelf = ''
mkdir -p "$out"
for output in $(getAllOutputNames); do
if [[ "$output" != "out" ]]; then
${meta.getExe lndir} "''${!output}" "$out"
# Make the CUDA-patched stdenv available
passthru.stdenv = backendStdenv;
# Setting propagatedBuildInputs to false will prevent outputs known to the multiple-outputs
# from depending on `out` by default.
# Indeed, we want to do the opposite -- fat "out" outputs that contain all the other outputs.
propagatedBuildOutputs = false;
# By default, if the dev output exists it just uses that.
# However, because we disabled propagatedBuildOutputs, dev doesn't contain libraries or
# anything of the sort. To remedy this, we set outputSpecified to true, and use
# outputsToInstall, which tells Nix which outputs to use when the package name is used
# unqualified (that is, without an explicit output).
outputSpecified = true;
meta = {
description = "${}. By downloading and using the packages you accept the terms and conditions of the ${finalAttrs.meta.license.shortName}";
sourceProvenance = [sourceTypes.binaryNativeCode];
broken = lists.any (attrsets.attrValues finalAttrs.brokenConditions);
platforms = trivial.pipe supportedRedistArchs [
# Map each redist arch to the equivalent nix system or null if there is no equivalent.
( flags.getNixSystem)
# Filter out unsupported systems
(builtins.filter (nixSystem: !(strings.hasPrefix "unsupported-" nixSystem)))
badPlatforms =
isBadPlatform = lists.any (attrsets.attrValues finalAttrs.badPlatformsConditions);
lists.optionals isBadPlatform finalAttrs.meta.platforms;
license = licenses.unfree;
maintainers = teams.cuda.members;
# Force the use of the default, fat output by default (even though `dev` exists, which
# causes Nix to prefer that output over the others if outputSpecified isn't set).
outputsToInstall = ["out"];