DESTDIR= PREFIX:=/usr SHAREDIR=$(PREFIX)/share MANDIR=$(SHAREDIR)/man SCDOC=scdoc .PHONY: install shellcheck VERSION:=1.13.0 GITVERSION:=$(shell git describe --tags) OPENRC:=1 CC ?= $(CROSS_COMPILE)gcc PROGRAMS = \ programs/sxmo_aligned_sleep \ programs/sxmo_vibrate DOCS = \ docs/sxmo.7 docs/%: docs/%.scd $(SCDOC) <$< >$@ all: $(PROGRAMS) $(DOCS) test: shellcheck shellcheck: find . -type f -name '*.sh' -print0 | xargs -0 shellcheck -x --shell=sh programs/%: programs/%.c $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $< clean: rm -f programs/sxmo_aligned_sleep programs/sxmo_vibrate install: install-sway install-dwm install-scripts install-docs install-docs: $(DOCS) cd docs && find . -type f -name '*.7' -exec install -D -m 0644 "{}" "$(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)/man7/{}" \; && cd .. install-sway: install -D -m 0644 -t $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/share/wayland-sessions/ configs/applications/swmo.desktop install-dwm: install -D -m 0644 -t $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/share/xsessions/ configs/applications/sxmo.desktop install-scripts: $(PROGRAMS) cd configs && find . -type f -not -name sxmo-setpermissions -exec install -D -m 0644 "{}" "$(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/share/sxmo/{}" \; && cd .. rm -rf "$(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/share/sxmo/default_hooks/" cd configs && find default_hooks -type f -exec install -D -m 0755 "{}" "$(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/share/sxmo/{}" \; && cd .. cd configs && find default_hooks -type l -exec cp -R "{}" "$(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/share/sxmo/{}" \; && cd .. [ -n "$(GITVERSION)" ] && echo "$(GITVERSION)" > "$(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/share/sxmo/version" || echo "$(VERSION)" > "$(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/share/sxmo/version" cd resources && find . -type f -exec install -D -m 0644 "{}" "$(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/share/sxmo/{}" \; && cd .. # Configs if [ "$(OPENRC)" = "1" ]; then \ install -D -m 0755 -t $(DESTDIR)/etc/init.d configs/openrc/sxmo-setpermissions; \ fi install -D -m 0644 -t $(DESTDIR)/usr/lib/udev/rules.d/ configs/udev/*.rules install -D -m 0644 -t $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/share/applications/ configs/xdg/mimeapps.list install -D -m 0640 -t $(DESTDIR)/etc/doas.d/ configs/doas/sxmo.conf install -D -m 0644 -T configs/xorg/monitor.conf $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/90-monitor.conf mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)/etc/NetworkManager/dispatcher.d install -D -m 0644 -T configs/appcfg/mpv_input.conf $(DESTDIR)/etc/mpv/input.conf install -D -m 0755 -T configs/profile.d/ $(DESTDIR)/etc/profile.d/ # Migrations install -D -t $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/share/sxmo/migrations migrations/* # Bin install -D -t $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/bin scripts/*/*.sh install -D programs/sxmo_aligned_sleep $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/bin/ install -D programs/sxmo_vibrate $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/bin/ find $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/share/sxmo/default_hooks/ -type f -exec ./ "{}" \; find $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/share/sxmo/appcfg/ -type f -exec ./ "{}" \; # Appscripts mkdir -p "$(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/share/sxmo/appscripts" cd scripts/appscripts && find . -name 'sxmo_*.sh' | xargs -I{} ln -fs "$(PREFIX)/bin/{}" "$(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/share/sxmo/appscripts/{}" && cd ../.. mkdir -p "$(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/share/superd/services" install -m 0644 -t $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/share/superd/services configs/superd/services/* @echo "-------------------------------------------------------------------">&2 @echo "NOTICE 1: Do not forget to add sxmo-setpermissions to your init system, e.g. for openrc: rc-update add sxmo-setpermissions default && rc-service sxmo-setpermissions start" >&2 @echo "-------------------------------------------------------------------">&2 @echo "NOTICE 2: After an upgrade, it is recommended you reboot and when prompted run to check and upgrade your configuration files and custom hooks against the defaults (it will not make any changes unless explicitly told to)" >&2 @echo "-------------------------------------------------------------------">&2