mobile-linux-push-notifications: add and mirror all my referenced scripts/config

This commit is contained in:
Colin 2023-12-09 13:26:20 +00:00
parent 83afdc0e47
commit 167e811c1d
3 changed files with 363 additions and 5 deletions

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@ -48,7 +48,8 @@ enter... notification servers!
[wowlan-script]: TODO
## Notification Servers
@ -220,7 +221,7 @@ anyway, put your phone to sleep, have someone send you a message that Synapse wo
Prosody has [mod_cloud_notify][mod_cloud_notify] and [XEP-0357][XEP-0357], but at the time of writing, client support is wanting. easier is to hack it in server-side.
Prosody has a Lua-based module system, so we can just author our own `mod_ntfy_push`, drop it in the modules directory, and then import it:
Prosody has a Lua-based module system, so we can just author our own `mod_ntfy_push` (available [here](mod_ntfy_push) or [here](mod_ntfy_push_mirror)), drop it in the modules directory, and then import it:
services.prosody.extraPluginsPath = [ ./folder/containing/mod_ntfy_push ];
@ -228,14 +229,14 @@ services.prosody.extraModules = [ "ntfy_push" ];
services.prosody.extraConfig = ''
ntfy_endpoint = "https://MY.NTFY.HOST/TEST_WOWLAN_TOPIC"
TODO: link `mod_ntfy_push.lua` here
i've only authored this module to alert me on jingle calls. one could presumably alert on DMs, MUC messages, or anything more particular by finding the right Prosody hooks (mod_cloud_notify may be an ok guide for that).
[mod_ntfy_push_mirror]: mod_sane_notify.lua
### Pinephone Wowlan Race Condition
@ -250,7 +251,7 @@ there are other reasons you may want to not sleep for extended durations: NATs.
in any case, longer sleep durations give diminishing returns. if you sleep for 600s, and then wake for 15s before going back to sleep, you've already captured 95% of the gains you could get from this sleep method. sleeping for an hour isn't going to get you that much more battery life.
[race-fix]: TODO

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@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
-- simple proof-of-concept Prosody module
-- module development guide: <>
-- module API docs: <>
-- much of this code is lifted from Prosody's own `mod_cloud_notify`
local jid = require"util.jid";
local ntfy = module:get_option_string("ntfy_binary", "ntfy");
local ntfy_topic = module:get_option_string("ntfy_topic", "xmpp");
module:log("info", "initialized");
local function is_urgent(stanza)
if == "message" then
if stanza:get_child("propose", "urn:xmpp:jingle-message:0") then
return true, "jingle call";
local function publish_ntfy(message)
-- message should be the message to publish
local ntfy_url = string.format("", ntfy_topic)
local cmd = string.format("%s pub %q %q", ntfy, ntfy_url, message)
module.log("debug", "invoking ntfy: %s", cmd)
local success, reason, code = os.execute(cmd)
if not success then
module:log("warn", "ntfy failed: %s => %s %d", cmd, reason, code)
local function archive_message_added(event)
-- event is: { origin = origin, stanza = stanza, for_user = store_user, id = id }
local stanza = event.stanza;
local to =;
to = to and jid.split(to) or event.origin.username;
-- only notify if the stanza destination is the mam user we store it for
if event.for_user == to then
local is_urgent_stanza, urgent_reason = is_urgent(event.stanza);
if is_urgent_stanza then
module:log("info", "urgent push for %s (%s)", to, urgent_reason);
module:hook("archive-message-added", archive_message_added);

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@ -0,0 +1,305 @@
#!/usr/bin/env nix-shell
#!nix-shell -i python3 -p "python3.withPackages (ps: [ ])" -p hostname-debian -p iw -p wirelesstools
# vim: set filetype=python :
# common operations:
# enable-clean
# arp --dest-ip A.B.C.D
# tcp --source-port N
import argparse
import logging
import os
import subprocess
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def octet_to_hex(o: int) -> str:
''' format an octet as a two-character hex string (lowercase) '''
return '%02X' % o
def get_ipaddrs() -> list['IpAddr']:
''' return the IP address of all known interfaces '''
# N.B.: --all-ip-addresses is provided only by hostname-debian package, not default hostname.
# however `hostname --all-ip-addresses` could dispatch to either, since hostname is likely on the user's PATH.
# so we have to try all the `hostname`s we can find.
# TODO: maybe try nix-level @hostname@-type substitution?
paths = os.getenv('PATH').split(':')
addrs = []
for p in paths:
addrs = subprocess.check_output([f'{p}/domainname', '--all-ip-addresses']).decode('utf-8').strip().split(' ')
except: continue
logger.debug(f'get_ipaddrs got: {addrs}')
return [ IpAddr(a) for a in addrs ]
class Encodable:
def get_octets(e: 'Encodable|None', len_: int) -> int|None:
if e is None: return [None]*len_
octets = e.octets()
assert len(octets) == len_, octets
return octets
def get_octet(e: 'Encodable|None', idx: int) -> int|None:
if e is None: return None
return e.octets()[idx]
def octects(self) -> list[int|None]:
raise NotImplementedError()
def __str__(self) -> str:
return ':'.join(octet_to_hex(b) if b is not None else '-' for b in self.octets())
class Port(Encodable):
def __init__(self, port: int|str):
self.port = int(port) if isinstance(port, str) else port
def octets(self) -> list[int]:
return [self.port // 256, self.port % 256]
class IpAddr(Encodable):
def __init__(self, addr: str):
pieces = addr.split('.')
self._octets = [int(p) if p else 0 for p in pieces]
def parse_any(addr: str) -> list['IpAddr']:
if addr == 'SELF':
return get_ipaddrs()
return [IpAddr(addr)]
def octets(self) -> list[int]:
return self._octets
class MacAddr(Encodable):
def __init__(self, addr: str):
pieces = addr.lower().split(':')
self._octets = [int(p, 16) if p else 0 for p in pieces]
def octets(self) -> list[int]:
return self._octets
class EtherType:
# ethertype: <>
IPv4 = [ 0x08, 0x00 ] # 0x0800
ARP = [ 0x08, 0x06 ] # 0x0806
class IpProtocol:
TCP = 0x06
UDP = 0x11
class EthernetFrame(Encodable):
def __init__(self, ether_type: EtherType, payload: Encodable, dest_mac: MacAddr|None = None):
self.ether_type = ether_type
self.payload = payload
self.dest_mac = dest_mac
def octets(self) -> list[int|None]:
dest_mac_ = Encodable.get_octets(self.dest_mac, 6)
return [
# ethernet frame: <>
## dest MAC address (this should be the device's MAC, but i think that's implied?)
dest_mac_[0], dest_mac_[1], dest_mac_[2], dest_mac_[3], dest_mac_[4], dest_mac_[5],
## src MAC address
None, None, None, None, None, None,
## ethertype: <>
self.ether_type[0], self.ether_type[1]
] + self.payload.octets()
class ArpFrame(Encodable):
def __init__(self, dest_ip: IpAddr|None, dest_mac: MacAddr|None):
self.dest_ip = dest_ip
self.dest_mac = dest_mac
def octets(self) -> list[int|None]:
dest_ip_ = Encodable.get_octets(self.dest_ip, 4)
dest_mac_ = Encodable.get_octets(self.dest_mac, 6)
return [
# ARP frame: <>
## hardware type
None, None,
## protocol type. same coding as EtherType
0x08, 0x00, # 0x0800 = IPv4
## hardware address length (i.e. MAC)
## protocol address length (i.e. IP address)
## operation
0x00, 0x01, # 0x0001 = request
## sender hardware address
None, None, None, None, None, None,
## sender protocol address
None, None, None, None,
## target hardware address
## caller is fine to leave this as "Don't Care" (None) because the packets we want to match
## are those mapping protocol addr -> hw addr.
## sometimes clients do include this field if they've seen the address before.
## otherwise clients use the broadcast mac, i.e. [ff::ff]
dest_mac_[0], dest_mac_[1], dest_mac_[2], dest_mac_[3], dest_mac_[4], dest_mac_[5],
## target protocol address
dest_ip_[0], dest_ip_[1], dest_ip_[2], dest_ip_[3],
class IpFrame(Encodable):
def __init__(self, proto: IpProtocol, payload: Encodable, dest_ip: IpAddr|None = None):
self.proto = proto
self.payload = payload
self.dest_ip = dest_ip
def octets(self) -> list[int|None]:
dest_ip_ = Encodable.get_octets(self.dest_ip, 4)
return [
# IP frame: <>
## Version, Internet Header Length
0x45, # should be 0x45, but fails to wake if i include this
## Differentiated Services Code Point (DSCP), Explicit Congestion Notification (ECN)
## total length
None, None,
## identification
None, None,
## flags, fragment offset
None, None,
## Time-to-live
## protocol: <>
## header checksum
None, None,
## source IP addr
None, None, None, None,
## dest IP addr
dest_ip_[0], dest_ip_[1], dest_ip_[2], dest_ip_[3],
] + self.payload.octets()
class TcpFrame(Encodable):
def __init__(
source_port: Port|None=None,
dest_port: Port|None=None,
self.source_port = source_port
self.dest_port = dest_port
def octets(self) -> list[int|None]:
source_port_ = Encodable.get_octets(self.source_port, 2)
dest_port_ = Encodable.get_octets(self.dest_port, 2)
return [
# TCP frame: <>
source_port_[0], source_port_[1],
dest_port_[0], dest_port_[1],
## rest is Don't Care
# UDP header is a subset of the TCP header
# <>
UdpFrame = TcpFrame
def ips_from_str(ip: str|None = None) -> list[IpAddr|None]:
''' return all known IPs, or [ None ] if IP addr isn't known '''
ips = IpAddr.parse_any(ip) if ip is not None else []
return ips or [None]
def build_arp(dest_ip: str|None = None, dest_mac: str|None = None) -> list[EthernetFrame]:
dest_ips = ips_from_str(dest_ip)
dest_mac = MacAddr(dest_mac) if dest_mac is not None else None
return [EthernetFrame(EtherType.ARP, ArpFrame(dest_ip=ip, dest_mac=dest_mac)) for ip in dest_ips]
def build_tcp(source_port: int|None = None, dest_port: int|None = None, dest_ip: str|None = None, dest_mac: str|None = None) -> list[EthernetFrame]:
source_port = Port(source_port) if source_port is not None else None
dest_port = Port(dest_port) if dest_port is not None else None
dest_ips = ips_from_str(dest_ip)
dest_mac = MacAddr(dest_mac) if dest_mac is not None else None
return [
EthernetFrame(EtherType.IPv4, dest_mac=dest_mac,
payload=IpFrame(IpProtocol.TCP, dest_ip=ip,
payload=TcpFrame(source_port=source_port, dest_port=dest_port)
) for ip in dest_ips
def build_udp(source_port: int|None = None, dest_port: int|None = None, dest_ip: str|None = None, dest_mac: str|None = None) -> list[EthernetFrame]:
source_port = Port(source_port) if source_port is not None else None
dest_port = Port(dest_port) if dest_port is not None else None
dest_ips = ips_from_str(dest_ip)
dest_mac = MacAddr(dest_mac) if dest_mac is not None else None
return [
EthernetFrame(EtherType.IPv4, dest_mac=dest_mac,
payload=IpFrame(IpProtocol.UDP, dest_ip=ip,
payload=UdpFrame(source_port=source_port, dest_port=dest_port)
) for ip in dest_ips
def exec_with(executor, args: list[str]):
logger.debug("invoking: {}".format(' '.join(args)))
def exec_real(args: list[str]):
exec_with(subprocess.check_output, args)
def exec_dry(args: list[str]):
exec_with(lambda _: None, args)
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="configure the RTL8723cs WiFi chip to wake the CPU on specific incoming packets")
parser.add_argument('--dry-run', action='store_true')
subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(help="type of match")
enable_clean_parser = subparsers.add_parser('enable-clean', help="enable WOWLAN and wipe existing patterns")
arp_parser = subparsers.add_parser('arp', help="wake on ARP request")
arp_parser.add_argument('--dest-ip', help="a.b.c.d or the special 'SELF' for automatic")
arp_parser.add_argument('--dest-mac', help="ab:cd:...")
tcp_parser = subparsers.add_parser('tcp', help="wake on TCP packet")
tcp_parser.add_argument('--source-port', type=int)
tcp_parser.add_argument('--dest-port', type=int)
tcp_parser.add_argument('--dest-ip', help="a.b.c.d or the special 'SELF' for automatic")
tcp_parser.add_argument('--dest-mac', help="ab:cd:...")
udp_parser = subparsers.add_parser('udp', help="wake on UDP packet")
udp_parser.add_argument('--source-port', type=int)
udp_parser.add_argument('--dest-port', type=int)
udp_parser.add_argument('--dest-ip', help="a.b.c.d or the special 'SELF' for automatic")
udp_parser.add_argument('--dest-mac', help="ab:cd:...")
args = parser.parse_args()
if args.dry_run:
exec_ = exec_dry
exec_ = exec_real
if args.type_ == 'enable_clean':
exec_(['iw', 'phy0', 'wowlan', 'enable', 'any'])
exec_(['iwpriv', 'wlan0', 'wow_set_pattern', 'clean'])
frames = []
if args.type_ == 'arp':
frames = build_arp(dest_ip=args.dest_ip, dest_mac=args.dest_mac)
if args.type_ == 'tcp':
frames = build_tcp(source_port=args.source_port, dest_port=args.dest_port, dest_ip=args.dest_ip, dest_mac=args.dest_mac)
if args.type_ == 'udp':
frames = build_udp(source_port=args.source_port, dest_port=args.dest_port, dest_ip=args.dest_ip, dest_mac=args.dest_mac)
for frame in frames:
pattern = str(frame)
exec_(['iwpriv', 'wlan0', 'wow_set_pattern', f'pattern={pattern}'])
if __name__ == '__main__':