forked from colin/nix-files

190 lines
7.2 KiB

# this builds a disk image which can be flashed onto a HDD, SD card, etc, and boot a working image.
# debug the image by building one of:
# - `nix build '.#imgs.$host' --builders "" -v`
# - `nix build '.#imgs.$host.passthru.{bootFsImg,nixFsImg,withoutBootloader}'`
# then loop-mounting it:
# - `sudo losetup -Pf ./result/nixos.img`
# - `mkdir /tmp/nixos.boot`
# - `sudo mount /dev/loop0p1 /tmp/nixos.boot`, and look inside
# TODO: replace mobile-nixos parts with Disko <https://github.com/nix-community/disko>
# or just inline them here.
{ config, lib, pkgs, utils, ... }:
with lib;
cfg = config.sane.image;
options = {
sane.image.enable = mkOption {
default = true;
type = types.bool;
description = "whether to enable image targets. even so they won't be built unless you specifically reference the `system.build.img` target.";
# packages whose contents should be copied directly into the /boot partition.
# e.g. EFI loaders, u-boot bootloader, etc.
sane.image.extraBootFiles = mkOption {
default = [];
type = types.listOf types.package;
# extra (empty) directories to create in the rootfs.
# for example, /var/log might be required by the boot process, so ensure it exists.
sane.image.extraDirectories = mkOption {
default = [];
type = types.listOf types.str;
# the GPT header is fixed to Logical Block Address 1,
# but we can actually put the partition entries anywhere.
# this option reserves so many bytes after LBA 1 but *before* the partition entries.
# this is not universally supported, but is an easy hack to claim space near the start
# of the disk for other purposes (e.g. firmware blobs)
sane.image.extraGPTPadding = mkOption {
default = 0;
# NB: rpi doesn't like non-zero values for this.
# at the same time, spinning disks REALLY need partitions to be aligned to 4KiB boundaries.
# maybe there's some imageBuilder.fileSystem type which represents empty space?
# default = 2014 * 512; # standard is to start part0 at sector 2048 (versus 34 if no padding)
type = types.int;
# optional space (in bytes) to leave unallocated after the GPT structure and before the first partition.
sane.image.firstPartGap = mkOption {
# align the first part to 16 MiB.
# do this by inserting a gap of 16 MiB - gptHeaderSize
# and then multiply by 1MiB and subtract 1 because mobile-nixos
# has a bug which will divide this by 1 MiB (and round up)
default = (16 * 1024 * 1024 - 34 * 512) * 1024 * 1024 - 1;
type = types.nullOr types.int;
sane.image.bootPartSize = mkOption {
default = 512 * 1024 * 1024;
type = types.int;
sane.image.sectorSize = mkOption {
default = 512;
type = types.int;
description = ''
disk sector size. MUST match what the disk firmware believes it to be.
for nvme drives it may be better to use a large sector size like 4096.
see: <https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Advanced_Format#Changing_sector_size>.
N.B.: setting this to something other than 512B is not well tested.
sane.image.installBootloader = mkOption {
default = null;
type = types.nullOr types.str;
description = ''
command which takes the full disk image and installs hw-specific bootloader (u-boot, tow-boot, etc).
for EFI-native systems (most x86_64), can be left empty.
config = let
# return true if super starts with sub
startsWith = super: sub: (
(builtins.substring 0 (builtins.stringLength sub) super) == sub
# return the (string) path to get from `stem` to `path`
# or errors if not a sub-path
relPath = stem: path: (
builtins.head (builtins.match "^${stem}(.+)" path)
fileSystems = config.fileSystems;
bootFs = fileSystems."/boot";
nixFs = fileSystems."/nix/store" or fileSystems."/nix" or fileSystems."/";
# resolves to e.g. "nix/store", "/store" or ""
storeRelPath = relPath nixFs.mountPoint "/nix/store";
uuidFromFs = fs: builtins.head (builtins.match "/dev/disk/by-uuid/(.+)" fs.device);
vfatUuidFromFs = fs: builtins.replaceStrings ["-"] [""] (uuidFromFs fs);
fsBuilderMapBoot = {
"vfat" = pkgs.imageBuilder.fileSystem.makeESP;
fsBuilderMapNix = {
"ext4" = pkgs.imageBuilder.fileSystem.makeExt4;
"btrfs" = pkgs.imageBuilder.fileSystem.makeBtrfs;
bootFsImg = fsBuilderMapBoot."${bootFs.fsType}" {
# fs properties
name = "ESP";
partitionID = vfatUuidFromFs bootFs;
# partition properties
partitionLabel = "EFI System";
partitionUUID = "44444444-4444-4444-4444-4444${vfatUuidFromFs bootFs}";
size = cfg.bootPartSize;
inherit (cfg) sectorSize;
blockSize = cfg.sectorSize; # has to be a multiple of sectorSize
populateCommands = let
extras = builtins.toString (builtins.map (d: "cp -R ${d}/* ./") cfg.extraBootFiles);
in ''
echo "running installBootLoader"
${config.boot.loader.generic-extlinux-compatible.populateCmd} -c ${config.system.build.toplevel} -d .
echo "ran installBootLoader"
echo "copied extraBootFiles"
nixFsImg = fsBuilderMapNix."${nixFs.fsType}" {
# fs properties
name = "NIXOS_SYSTEM";
partitionID = uuidFromFs nixFs;
# partition properties
partitionLabel = "Linux filesystem";
partitionUUID = uuidFromFs nixFs;
# inherit (cfg) sectorSize; # imageBuilder only supports sectorSize for vfat. btrfs defaults to a 4096B sector size, somehow it abstracts over the drive's sector size?
populateCommands = let
closureInfo = pkgs.buildPackages.closureInfo { rootPaths = config.system.build.toplevel; };
extraRelPaths = builtins.toString (builtins.map (p: "./" + builtins.toString(relPath nixFs.mountPoint p)) cfg.extraDirectories);
in ''
mkdir -p ./${storeRelPath} ${extraRelPaths}
echo "Copying system closure..."
while IFS= read -r path; do
echo " Copying $path"
cp -prf "$path" ./${storeRelPath}
done < "${closureInfo}/store-paths"
echo "Done copying system closure..."
cp -v ${closureInfo}/registration ./nix-path-registration
img = (pkgs.imageBuilder.diskImage.makeGPT {
name = "nixos";
diskID = vfatUuidFromFs bootFs;
# leave some space for firmware
# TODO: we'd prefer to turn this into a protected firmware partition, rather than reserving space in the GPT header itself
# Tow-Boot manages to do that; not sure how.
headerHole = cfg.extraGPTPadding;
partitions = [
(pkgs.imageBuilder.gap cfg.firstPartGap)
}) // {
passthru = {
inherit bootFsImg nixFsImg;
lib.mkIf cfg.enable
system.build.img = (if cfg.installBootloader == null then
else pkgs.runCommand "nixos-with-bootloader" {} ''
cp -vR ${img} $out
chmod -R +w $out
'') // {
passthru = {
inherit bootFsImg nixFsImg;
withoutBootloader = img;