
27 lines
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name = "spirv_backend_builder"
version = "0.1.0"
authors = ["Colin <colin@uninsane.org>"]
edition = "2021"
spirv-builder = { git = "https://github.com/EmbarkStudios/rust-gpu", features = ["use-compiled-tools"] }
# these deps are to satisfy internal rustc stuff, since spirv-builder links into rustc internals (HACK).
# this needs to match the rustc lock file -- not just its Cargo.toml -- so we pin down to the patch level
# /nix/store/qpy4hy7i5qpb8xv4byxibls9av0lax4s-rust-default-1.65.0-nightly-2022-08-29/lib/rustlib/src/rust/Cargo.lock
# these are very likely to break during rustc updates, but they should be noisy.
# just keep filling things in here based on rustc's Cargo.lock until it's satisfied.
# then run `cargo update` inside `nix develop` to sync our own lock file, and `nix build` to test.
cc = "=1.0.73"
cfg-if = "=0.1.10"
compiler_builtins = "=0.1.79"
dlmalloc = "=0.2.3"
fortanix-sgx-abi = "=0.5.0"
getopts = "=0.2.21"
hashbrown = "=0.12.3"
hermit-abi = "=0.2.0"
libc = "=0.2.131"
unicode-width = "=0.1.8"