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after checking out, drop secrets into secrets/

to build:

nixos-rebuild --flake "/etc/nixos/#uninsane" {build,switch}

query with:

nix flake show


secrets/default.nix declares the secrets exposed at evaluation time. these are defined outside git by writing the actual values to secrets/local.nix.

don't check in the local.nix file. use git update-index --assume-unchanged secrets/local.nix to prevent it from ever being added. but after that you can set them to their real value and run git update-index --assume-unchanged secrets/*

building images

to build a distributable image (GPT-formatted image with rootfs and /boot partition):

nix build .#imgs.lappy

this can then be dd'd onto a disk and directly booted from a EFI system. there's some post-processing to do before running a rebuild on the deployed system (e.g. change fstab UUIDs) refer to flake.nix for more details

admin tips


verify ALL nix store contents with:

sudo nix-store --verify --check-contents  # add the --repair flag to auto-repair as well

search for a package with:

nix search nixpkgs <query string>

find which package owns some file with:

nix-locate /bin/vim  # or any other package-relative path