2024-02-08 01:01:20 +00:00

1.6 KiB

this is a 3d-printable case designed for the PinePhone, but implemented with an eye towards generalizing beyond just that model and supporting future phones/preferences alongside this first model.

as an example, the default case (pictured below) includes a pouch for carrying an external battery: a quick solution to achieve all-day battery life with any of the stock OSes. the back of this case prints flat, with a mesh that stretches to fit the battery upon installation.


front view side view back view

back view with battery side view with battery phone in hand

for an interactive viewer, see build/web-viewer/index.html. you'll need a browser which supports webGL (e.g. chromium).


  • run nix develop to enter a dev environment.
  • or manually install these dependencies:
    • Python3
    • cadquery
    • cq-editor (for interactive viewing/development)


  • ./ --export-stl model.stl


  • ./ --editor or cq-editor ./ to load an interactive GUI

    • press the green play button to render the model
    • call with --render-phone to see how the phone would fit inside the case
  • CadQuery docs may be found here: