Go to file
Benjamin Schaaf 4ce2f222f1 WIP
2022-01-12 21:24:40 +11:00
.builds ci: don't lint and test when publishing to PyPi 2021-11-11 00:16:03 -07:00
.vim explicitly specify path to python for coc, enable autoImportCompletions 2021-04-17 09:47:24 -06:00
.vscode Fixed default settings file, added the extension recommendation 2020-03-18 17:23:48 -06:00
cicd /bin/sh -> /usr/bin/env sh 2021-08-23 14:35:19 -06:00
docs doc: moved type documentation to description to unclutter signatures 2021-06-03 06:52:15 -06:00
logo Update logo.png with more padding 2020-05-08 11:27:14 -06:00
sublime_music WIP 2022-01-12 21:24:40 +11:00
tests WIP 2022-01-02 20:40:07 +11:00
.editorconfig Run black on entire project 2020-05-08 11:30:23 -06:00
.envrc explicitly specify path to python for coc, enable autoImportCompletions 2021-04-17 09:47:24 -06:00
.gitignore flatpak: deprecate official support 2021-05-30 22:47:29 -06:00
.gitlab-ci.yml flatpak: deprecate official support 2021-05-30 22:47:29 -06:00
.gitmodules Removed shared modules 2019-11-16 08:24:28 -07:00
CHANGELOG.rst changelog: update for v0.11.16 2021-11-11 00:20:14 -07:00
CODEOWNERS Update CHANGELOG 2021-04-17 10:37:17 -06:00
CONTRIBUTING.md Merge branch 'thelostpolaris:master' into 'master' 2021-06-13 08:55:14 -06:00
LICENSE Started writing the UI in Python 2019-04-18 22:19:49 -06:00
poetry.lock deps: change bleach dependency to >=3.3.0 2021-08-23 14:12:49 -06:00
pyproject.toml changelog: update for v0.11.16 2021-11-11 00:20:14 -07:00
README.rst readme: update matrix chat URL 2021-11-30 22:54:16 -07:00
setup.cfg flatpak: deprecate official support 2021-05-30 22:47:29 -06:00
shell.nix shell: remove libhandy 2021-06-03 06:49:33 -06:00
sublime-music.desktop Icon and .desktop file working for Flatpak 2020-05-07 01:10:01 -06:00
sublime-music.metainfo.xml Bump copyright year 2021-01-03 13:30:26 -07:00

.. image:: https://gitlab.com/sublime-music/sublime-music/-/raw/master/logo/logo.png
   :alt: Sublime Music Logo

Sublime Music is a native, GTK3
`Subsonic`_/`Airsonic`_/`Revel`_/`Gonic`_/`Navidrome`_/`Ampache`_/\*sonic client for the
Linux Desktop.

  .. image:: https://gitlab.com/sublime-music/sublime-music/badges/master/pipeline.svg
     :target: https://gitlab.com/sublime-music/sublime-music/pipelines
     :alt: GitLab build status
  .. image:: https://builds.sr.ht/~sumner/sublime-music/commits/build.yml.svg
     :target: https://builds.sr.ht/~sumner/sublime-music/commits/build.yml
     :alt: sourcehut build status
  .. image:: https://gitlab.com/sublime-music/sublime-music/badges/master/coverage.svg
     :target: https://sublime-music.gitlab.io/sublime-music/htmlcov
     :alt: code coverage report

  .. image:: https://img.shields.io/matrix/sublime-music:matrix.org?logo=matrix
     :target: https://matrix.to/#/#sublime-music:nevarro.space?via=matrix.org
     :alt: Matrix chat
  .. image:: https://img.shields.io/pypi/l/sublime-music?color=0c0
     :target: https://gitlab.com/sublime-music/sublime-music/-/blob/master/LICENSE
     :alt: GPLv3 or later
  .. image:: http://img.shields.io/liberapay/receives/sumner.svg?logo=liberapay
     :target: https://liberapay.com/sumner/donate
     :alt: liberapay donate

  .. image:: https://repology.org/badge/vertical-allrepos/sublime-music.svg?columns=3
     :target: https://repology.org/project/sublime-music/versions
     :alt: Packaging status

.. _Subsonic: http://www.subsonic.org/pages/index.jsp
.. _Airsonic: https://airsonic.github.io/
.. _Revel: https://gitlab.com/robozman/revel
.. _Gonic: https://github.com/sentriz/gonic
.. _Navidrome: https://www.navidrome.org/
.. _Ampache: http://ampache.org/


.. figure:: https://gitlab.com/sublime-music/sublime-music/-/raw/master/docs/_static/screenshots/play-queue.png
   :align: center
   :target: https://gitlab.com/sublime-music/sublime-music/-/raw/master/docs/_static/screenshots/play-queue.png

   The Albums tab of Sublime Music with the Play Queue opened. `More
   Screenshots <https://sublime-music.gitlab.io/sublime-music/screenshots.html>`_


* Switch between multiple Subsonic-API-compliant [1]_ servers.
* Play music through Chromecast devices on the same LAN.
* Offline Mode where Sublime Music will not make any network requests.
* DBus MPRIS interface integration for controlling Sublime Music via clients
  such as ``playerctl``, ``i3status-rust``, KDE Connect, and many commonly used
  desktop environments.
* Browse songs by the sever-reported filesystem structure, or view them
  organized by ID3 tags in the Albums, Artists, and Playlists views.
* Intuitive play queue.
* Create/delete/edit playlists.
* Download songs for offline listening.

.. [1] Requires a server which implements the Subsonic API version 1.8.0+.


**Via the AUR**:

Install the |AUR Package|_. Example using ``yay``::

    yay -S sublime-music

If you want support for storing passwords in the system keychain, also install

If you want support for playing on Chromecast devices, install
``python-pychromecast``. If you want to serve cached files from your computer
over the LAN to Chromecast devices also install ``python-bottle``.

.. |AUR Package| replace:: ``sublime-music`` package
.. _AUR Package: https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/sublime-music/

**Via NixOS**:

Sublime Music is part of the ``nixos-20.09`` channel and newer (including

To install Sublime Music on NixOS, either use the declarative or the imperative

- In ``configuration.nix`` (declarative)::

    environment.systemPackages = [ pkgs.sublime-music ];

- In command line (imperative)::

    nix-env -iA sublime-music

To customize the extra components installed, you need to use the ``override``
function provided by Nix::

    (sublime-music.override {
      serverSupport = true;
      chromecastSupport = true;

The following components are supported:

* ``chromecastSupport``: if you want support for playing on Chromecast devices
  on the LAN. Defaults to ``false``.
* ``serverSupport``: if you want to be able to serve cached files from your
  computer over the LAN to Chromecast devices. Defaults to ``false``.
* ``keyringSupport``: if you want to store your passwords in the system keyring
  instead of in plain-text. Defaults to ``true``.
* ``notifySupport``: if you want to enable notifications when a new song begins
  to play. Defaults to ``true``.
* ``networkSupport``: if you want to change the address used to access the
  server depending on what network you are connected to. Defaults to ``true``.

See `Nix package management`_ for more information.

.. _Nix package management: https://nixos.org/nixos/manual/index.html#sec-package-management

**Via the Debian package**

Sublime Music is not currently in the Debian 'Stable' distribution, but has been
packaged for Debian 'Unstable' and 'Testing'.

If you have these sources in your ``/etc/apt/sources.list``, you can install
the package with::

    sudo apt install sublime-music

**Via PyPi**::

    pip install sublime-music

There are a few optional dependencies that you can install. Here's an example of
how to do that::

    pip install sublime-music[keyring,chromecast,server]

* ``keyring``: if you want to store your passwords in the system keyring instead
  of in plain-text
* ``chromecast``: if you want support for playing on Chromecast devices on the
* ``server``: if you want to be able to serve cached files from your computer
  over the LAN to Chromecast devices

.. note::

   Sublime Music requires Python 3.8. Please make sure that you have that
   installed. You may also need to use ``pip3`` instead of ``pip`` if you are on
   an OS that hasn't deprecated Python 2 yet.



.. |website| replace:: **Click HERE for the Sublime Music website.**
.. _website: https://sublimemusic.app


.. |userdoc| replace:: **Click HERE for extended user documentation.**
.. _userdoc: https://sublime-music.gitlab.io/sublime-music/

See the |contributing|_ document for how to contribute to this project.

.. |contributing| replace:: ``CONTRIBUTING.md``
.. _contributing: https://gitlab.com/sublime-music/sublime-music/-/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md

You can also join the conversation in our Matrix room:
`#sublime-music:matrix.org <https://matrix.to/#/!veTDkgvBExJGKIBYlU:matrix.org?via=matrix.org>`_.