forked from colin/nix-files

1.7 KiB



  • attach secrets to the thing they're used by (sane.programs)
  • rework secrets to leverage sane.fs
  • remove sops activation script as it's covered by my systemd sane.fs impl


  • allow any host to take the role of uninsane.org
    • will make it easier to test new services?


  • upstream lemmy nginx integration
  • add updateScripts to all my packages in nixpkgs
  • fix lightdm-mobile-greeter for newer libhandy
  • fix or abandon Whalebird



  • validate duplicity backups!
  • encrypt more ~ dirs (~/archives, ~/records, ..?)
    • best to do this after i know for sure i have good backups
  • have sane.programs be wrapped such that they run in a cgroup?
    • at least, only give them access to the portion of the fs they need.
    • Android takes approach of giving each app its own user: could hack that in here.
  • canaries for important services
    • e.g. daily email checks; daily backup checks

user experience

  • firefox/librewolf: don't show browserpass/sponsorblock/metamask "first run" on every boot
  • moby: improve gPodder launch time
  • moby: replace jellyfin-desktop with jellyfin-vue?
    • allows (maybe) to cache media for offline use
    • "newer" jellyfin client
    • not packaged for nix
  • find a nice desktop ActivityPub client
  • package Nix/NixOS docs for Zeal


  • why does nixos-rebuild switch take 5 minutes when net is flakey?
    • trying to auto-mount servo?
    • something to do with systemd services restarting/stalling
    • maybe wireguard & its refresh operation, specifically?

new features:

  • add a FTP-accessible file share to servo
    • just /var/www?
  • migrate MAME cabinet to nix
    • boot it from PXE from servo?